/******************************************************************** * * * THIS FILE IS PART OF THE OggVorbis SOFTWARE CODEC SOURCE CODE. * * USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS LIBRARY SOURCE IS * * GOVERNED BY A BSD-STYLE SOURCE LICENSE INCLUDED WITH THIS SOURCE * * IN 'COPYING'. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS BEFORE DISTRIBUTING. * * * * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2001 * * by the Xiph.Org Foundation http://www.xiph.org/ * * * ******************************************************************** function: build a VQ codebook and the encoding decision 'tree' last mod: $Id: vqsplit.c 16037 2009-05-26 21:10:58Z xiphmont $ ********************************************************************/ /* This code is *not* part of libvorbis. It is used to generate trained codebooks offline and then spit the results into a pregenerated codebook that is compiled into libvorbis. It is an expensive (but good) algorithm. Run it on big iron. */ /* There are so many optimizations to explore in *both* stages that considering the undertaking is almost withering. For now, we brute force it all */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "vqgen.h" #include "vqsplit.h" #include "bookutil.h" /* Codebook generation happens in two steps: 1) Train the codebook with data collected from the encoder: We use one of a few error metrics (which represent the distance between a given data point and a candidate point in the training set) to divide the training set up into cells representing roughly equal probability of occurring. 2) Generate the codebook and auxiliary data from the trained data set */ /* Building a codebook from trained set ********************************** The codebook in raw form is technically finished once it's trained. However, we want to finalize the representative codebook values for each entry and generate auxiliary information to optimize encoding. We generate the auxiliary coding tree using collected data, probably the same data as in the original training */ /* At each recursion, the data set is split in half. Cells with data points on side A go into set A, same with set B. The sets may overlap. If the cell overlaps the deviding line only very slightly (provided parameter), we may choose to ignore the overlap in order to pare the tree down */ long *isortvals; int iascsort(const void *a,const void *b){ long av=isortvals[*((long *)a)]; long bv=isortvals[*((long *)b)]; return(av-bv); } static float _Ndist(int el,float *a, float *b){ int i; float acc=0.f; for(i=0;ic->nearest_tree; /* The encoder, regardless of book, will be using a straight euclidian distance-to-point metric to determine closest point. Thus we split the cells using the same (we've already trained the codebook set spacing and distribution using special metrics and even a midpoint division won't disturb the basic properties) */ int dim=b->dim; float *entrylist=b->valuelist; long ret; long *entryA=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(long)); long *entryB=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(long)); long entriesA=0; long entriesB=0; long entriesC=0; long pointsA=0; long i,j,k; long besti=-1; long bestj=-1; char spinbuf[80]; sprintf(spinbuf,"splitting [%ld left]... ",totalpoints-*pointsofar); /* one reverse index needed */ for(i=0;ientries;i++)reventry[i]=-1; for(i=0;ivaluelist,pointlist,dim, membership,reventry, entryindex,entries, pointindex,points,0, entryA,entryB, entryindex[i],entryindex[j], &entriesA,&entriesB,&entriesC); this=(entriesA-entriesC)*(entriesB-entriesC); /* when choosing best, we also want some form of stability to make sure more branches are pared later; secondary weighting isn;t needed as the entry lists are in ascending order, and we always try p/q in the same sequence */ if( (besti==-1) || (this>best) ){ best=this; besti=entryindex[i]; bestj=entryindex[j]; } } } }else{ float *p=alloca(dim*sizeof(float)); float *q=alloca(dim*sizeof(float)); float best=0.f; /* try COG/normal and furthest pairs */ /* meanpoint */ /* eventually, we want to select the closest entry and figure n/c from p/q (because storing n/c is too large */ for(k=0;kvaluelist[entryindex[j]*dim+k]; p[k]/=entries; } /* we go through the entries one by one, looking for the entry on the other side closest to the point of reflection through the center */ for(i=0;ivaluelist,pointlist,dim, membership,reventry, entryindex,entries, pointindex,points,0, entryA,entryB, entryindex[i],ref_j, &entriesA,&entriesB,&entriesC); this=(entriesA-entriesC)*(entriesB-entriesC); /* when choosing best, we also want some form of stability to make sure more branches are pared later; secondary weighting isn;t needed as the entry lists are in ascending order, and we always try p/q in the same sequence */ if( (besti==-1) || (this>best) ){ best=this; besti=entryindex[i]; bestj=ref_j; } } if(besti>bestj){ long temp=besti; besti=bestj; bestj=temp; } } /* find cells enclosing points */ /* count A/B points */ pointsA=vqsp_count(b->valuelist,pointlist,dim, membership,reventry, entryindex,entries, pointindex,points,1, entryA,entryB, besti,bestj, &entriesA,&entriesB,&entriesC); /* fprintf(stderr,"split: total=%ld depth=%ld set A=%ld:%ld:%ld=B\n", entries,depth,entriesA-entriesC,entriesC,entriesB-entriesC);*/ { long thisaux=t->aux++; if(t->aux>=t->alloc){ t->alloc*=2; t->ptr0=_ogg_realloc(t->ptr0,sizeof(long)*t->alloc); t->ptr1=_ogg_realloc(t->ptr1,sizeof(long)*t->alloc); t->p=_ogg_realloc(t->p,sizeof(long)*t->alloc); t->q=_ogg_realloc(t->q,sizeof(long)*t->alloc); } t->p[thisaux]=besti; t->q[thisaux]=bestj; if(entriesA==1){ ret=1; t->ptr0[thisaux]=entryA[0]; *pointsofar+=pointsA; }else{ t->ptr0[thisaux]= -t->aux; ret=lp_split(pointlist,totalpoints,b,entryA,entriesA,pointindex,pointsA, membership,reventry,depth+1,pointsofar); } if(entriesB==1){ ret++; t->ptr1[thisaux]=entryB[0]; *pointsofar+=points-pointsA; }else{ t->ptr1[thisaux]= -t->aux; ret+=lp_split(pointlist,totalpoints,b,entryB,entriesB,pointindex+pointsA, points-pointsA,membership,reventry, depth+1,pointsofar); } } free(entryA); free(entryB); return(ret); } static int _node_eq(encode_aux_nearestmatch *v, long a, long b){ long Aptr0=v->ptr0[a]; long Aptr1=v->ptr1[a]; long Bptr0=v->ptr0[b]; long Bptr1=v->ptr1[b]; /* the possibility of choosing the same p and q, but switched, can;t happen because we always look for the best p/q in the same search order and the search is stable */ if(Aptr0==Bptr0 && Aptr1==Bptr1) return(1); return(0); } void vqsp_book(vqgen *v, codebook *b, long *quantlist){ long i,j; static_codebook *c=(static_codebook *)b->c; encode_aux_nearestmatch *t; memset(b,0,sizeof(codebook)); memset(c,0,sizeof(static_codebook)); b->c=c; t=c->nearest_tree=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(encode_aux_nearestmatch)); c->maptype=2; /* make sure there are no duplicate entries and that every entry has points */ for(i=0;ientries;){ /* duplicate? if so, eliminate */ for(j=0;jelements,_now(v,i),_now(v,j))==0.f){ fprintf(stderr,"found a duplicate entry! removing...\n"); v->entries--; memcpy(_now(v,i),_now(v,v->entries),sizeof(float)*v->elements); memcpy(quantlist+i*v->elements,quantlist+v->entries*v->elements, sizeof(long)*v->elements); break; } } if(j==i)i++; } { v->assigned=_ogg_calloc(v->entries,sizeof(long)); for(i=0;ipoints;i++){ float *ppt=_point(v,i); float firstmetric=_Ndist(v->elements,_now(v,0),ppt); long firstentry=0; if(!(i&0xff))spinnit("checking... ",v->points-i); for(j=0;jentries;j++){ float thismetric=_Ndist(v->elements,_now(v,j),ppt); if(thismetricassigned[firstentry]++; } for(j=0;jentries;){ if(v->assigned[j]==0){ fprintf(stderr,"found an unused entry! removing...\n"); v->entries--; memcpy(_now(v,j),_now(v,v->entries),sizeof(float)*v->elements); v->assigned[j]=v->assigned[v->elements]; memcpy(quantlist+j*v->elements,quantlist+v->entries*v->elements, sizeof(long)*v->elements); continue; } j++; } } fprintf(stderr,"Building a book with %ld unique entries...\n",v->entries); { long *entryindex=_ogg_malloc(v->entries*sizeof(long *)); long *pointindex=_ogg_malloc(v->points*sizeof(long)); long *membership=_ogg_malloc(v->points*sizeof(long)); long *reventry=_ogg_malloc(v->entries*sizeof(long)); long pointssofar=0; for(i=0;ientries;i++)entryindex[i]=i; for(i=0;ipoints;i++)pointindex[i]=i; t->alloc=4096; t->ptr0=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*t->alloc); t->ptr1=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*t->alloc); t->p=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*t->alloc); t->q=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*t->alloc); t->aux=0; c->dim=v->elements; c->entries=v->entries; c->lengthlist=_ogg_calloc(c->entries,sizeof(long)); b->valuelist=v->entrylist; /* temporary; replaced later */ b->dim=c->dim; b->entries=c->entries; for(i=0;ipoints;i++)membership[i]=-1; for(i=0;ipoints;i++){ float *ppt=_point(v,i); long firstentry=0; float firstmetric=_Ndist(v->elements,_now(v,0),ppt); if(!(i&0xff))spinnit("assigning... ",v->points-i); for(j=1;jentries;j++){ if(v->assigned[j]!=-1){ float thismetric=_Ndist(v->elements,_now(v,j),ppt); if(thismetric<=firstmetric){ firstmetric=thismetric; firstentry=j; } } } membership[i]=firstentry; } fprintf(stderr,"Leaves added: %d \n", lp_split(v->pointlist,v->points, b,entryindex,v->entries, pointindex,v->points, membership,reventry, 0,&pointssofar)); free(pointindex); free(membership); free(reventry); fprintf(stderr,"Paring/rerouting redundant branches... "); /* The tree is likely big and redundant. Pare and reroute branches */ { int changedflag=1; while(changedflag){ changedflag=0; /* span the tree node by node; list unique decision nodes and short circuit redundant branches */ for(i=0;iaux;){ int k; /* check list of unique decisions */ for(j=0;jaux;k++){ if(t->ptr0[k]==-i)t->ptr0[k]=-j; if(t->ptr1[k]==-i)t->ptr1[k]=-j; } /* Now, we need to fill in the hole from this redundant entry in the listing. Insert the last entry in the list. Fix the forward pointers to that last entry */ t->aux--; t->ptr0[i]=t->ptr0[t->aux]; t->ptr1[i]=t->ptr1[t->aux]; t->p[i]=t->p[t->aux]; t->q[i]=t->q[t->aux]; for(k=0;kaux;k++){ if(t->ptr0[k]==-t->aux)t->ptr0[k]=-i; if(t->ptr1[k]==-t->aux)t->ptr1[k]=-i; } /* hole plugged */ }else i++; } fprintf(stderr,"\rParing/rerouting redundant branches... " "%ld remaining ",t->aux); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } } /* run all training points through the decision tree to get a final probability count */ { long *probability=_ogg_malloc(c->entries*sizeof(long)); for(i=0;ientries;i++)probability[i]=1; /* trivial guard */ b->dim=c->dim; /* sigh. A necessary hack */ for(i=0;iaux;i++)t->p[i]*=c->dim; for(i=0;iaux;i++)t->q[i]*=c->dim; for(i=0;ipoints;i++){ /* we use the linear matcher regardless becuase the trainer doesn't convert log to linear */ int ret=_best(b,v->pointlist+i*v->elements,1); probability[ret]++; if(!(i&0xff))spinnit("counting hits... ",v->points-i); } for(i=0;iaux;i++)t->p[i]/=c->dim; for(i=0;iaux;i++)t->q[i]/=c->dim; build_tree_from_lengths(c->entries,probability,c->lengthlist); free(probability); } /* Sort the entries by codeword length, short to long (eases assignment and packing to do it now) */ { long *wordlen=c->lengthlist; long *index=_ogg_malloc(c->entries*sizeof(long)); long *revindex=_ogg_malloc(c->entries*sizeof(long)); int k; for(i=0;ientries;i++)index[i]=i; isortvals=c->lengthlist; qsort(index,c->entries,sizeof(long),iascsort); /* rearrange storage; ptr0/1 first as it needs a reverse index */ /* n and c stay unchanged */ for(i=0;ientries;i++)revindex[index[i]]=i; for(i=0;iaux;i++){ if(!(i&0x3f))spinnit("sorting... ",t->aux-i); if(t->ptr0[i]>=0)t->ptr0[i]=revindex[t->ptr0[i]]; if(t->ptr1[i]>=0)t->ptr1[i]=revindex[t->ptr1[i]]; t->p[i]=revindex[t->p[i]]; t->q[i]=revindex[t->q[i]]; } free(revindex); /* map lengthlist and vallist with index */ c->lengthlist=_ogg_calloc(c->entries,sizeof(long)); b->valuelist=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(float)*c->entries*c->dim); c->quantlist=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*c->entries*c->dim); for(i=0;ientries;i++){ long e=index[i]; for(k=0;kdim;k++){ b->valuelist[i*c->dim+k]=v->entrylist[e*c->dim+k]; c->quantlist[i*c->dim+k]=quantlist[e*c->dim+k]; } c->lengthlist[i]=wordlen[e]; } free(wordlen); } fprintf(stderr,"Done. \n\n"); }