/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*************************************************************************** * LPRng - An Extended Print Spooler System * * Copyright 1988-2003, Patrick Powell, San Diego, CA * papowell@lprng.com * See LICENSE for conditions of use. * ***************************************************************************/ static char *const _id = "$Id: lpd_remove.c,v 2008/10/15 03:28:27 james26_jang Exp $"; #include "lp.h" #include "lpd_remove.h" #include "getqueue.h" #include "getprinter.h" #include "gethostinfo.h" #include "getopt.h" #include "permission.h" #include "child.h" #include "proctitle.h" #include "fileopen.h" #include "sendreq.h" /**** ENDINCLUDE ****/ /*************************************************************************** * Commentary: * Patrick Powell Tue May 2 09:32:50 PDT 1995 * * Remove a Job. * This is very similar to the status program. * * 1. We check for permissions first * - first we check to see if the remote host has permissions * - next we check to see if the user has permissions * Note: * if we have control permissions, then we can remove any job. * Normally, the options passed are 'user jobnumber' and we * use the user name and/or job number to select them. When we have * control permissions, we are not restricted to our own jobs. * so: if we have control permissions, AND pass an option, we * do not check for our name. * if we have control permissions AND we do not pass an option, * we check for our name. * * we have \006printer user key key key * 0 1 2 ... index ***************************************************************************/ int Job_remove( int *sock, char *input ) { printf("Job_remove\n");//JY #if !defined(JYWENG20031106remove) if( input && *input ) ++input;//JY1114 if(get_queue_name(input)) { printf("QueueName is not LPRServer\n"); send_ack_packet(sock, ACK_FAIL);//JY1120 return(0); } else printf("QueueName is LPRServer\n"); if(lptstatus.pid != 0){ check_prn_status(ONLINE, ""); kill(lptstatus.pid, SIGKILL); } else return(0); #endif #ifdef REMOVE char error[LINEBUFFER]; int i; char *name, *s, *user = 0; struct line_list tokens, done_list; Init_line_list(&tokens); Init_line_list(&done_list); Name = "Job_remove"; /* get the options */ ++input; DEBUGF(DLPRM1)("Job_remove: input '%s'", input ); Split(&tokens,input,Whitespace,0,0,0,0,0,0); #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 DEBUGFC(DLPRM2)Dump_line_list("Job_remove: input", &tokens ); #endif /* check printername for characters, underscore, digits */ if( tokens.count < 2 ){ SNPRINTF( error, sizeof(error)) _("missing user or printer name")); goto error; } name = tokens.list[0]; DEBUGF(DLPRM1)("Job_remove: checking '%s'", name ); if( (s = Is_clean_name( name )) ){ SNPRINTF( error, sizeof(error)) _("printer '%s' has illegal character at '%s' in name"), name, s ); goto error; } DEBUGF(DLPRM1)("Job_remove: result '%s'", name ); Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,name); user = safestrdup(tokens.list[1],__FILE__,__LINE__); Perm_check.remoteuser = user; /* remove the first two tokens */ Remove_line_list(&tokens,1); Remove_line_list(&tokens,0); Check_max(&tokens,1); tokens.list[tokens.count] = 0; if( safestrcmp( Printer_DYN, ALL ) ){ DEBUGF(DLPRM2)( "Job_remove: checking printcap entry '%s'", Printer_DYN ); Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN, Printer_DYN ); Get_queue_remove( user, sock, &tokens, &done_list ); } else { /*1103 Get_all_printcap_entries(); for( i = 0; i < All_line_list.count; ++i ){ Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN, All_line_list.list[i]); Get_queue_remove( user, sock, &tokens, &done_list ); } */ } goto done; error: LOGMSG( LOG_INFO) _("Job_remove: error '%s'"), error ); DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Job_remove: error msg '%s'", error ); safestrncat(error,"\n"); if( Write_fd_str( *sock, error ) < 0 ) cleanup(0); done: DEBUGF(DLPRM2)( "Job_remove: done" ); if( user ) free(user); user = 0; Free_line_list(&done_list); Free_line_list(&tokens); #endif return( 0 ); } #ifdef REMOVE /*************************************************************************** * void Get_queue_remove * - find and remove the spool queue entries ***************************************************************************/ void Get_queue_remove( char *user, int *sock, struct line_list *tokens, struct line_list *done_list ) { char msg[SMALLBUFFER], header[SMALLBUFFER]; int control_perm, permission, count, removed, status, i, c = 0, pid, fd; char *s, *identifier; struct stat statb; struct line_list info, active_pid; struct job job; Init_line_list(&info); Init_line_list(&active_pid); Init_job(&job); /* set printer name and printcap variables */ #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 DEBUGFC(DLPRM2)Dump_line_list("Get_queue_remove - tokens", tokens ); DEBUGF(DLPRM2)( "Get_queue_remove: user '%s', printer '%s'", user, Printer_DYN ); #endif Errorcode = 0; setproctitle( "lpd LPRM '%s'", Printer_DYN ); /* first check to see if you have control permissions */ msg[0] = 0; status = Setup_printer( Printer_DYN, msg, sizeof(msg), 0 ); if( status ){ if( msg[0] == 0 ){ DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_remove: cannot set up printer '%s'", Printer_DYN); } goto error; } c = Debug; i = DbgFlag; s = Find_str_value(&Spool_control,DEBUG,Value_sep); if( !s ) s = New_debug_DYN; Parse_debug( s, 0 ); if( !(DbgFlag & DLPRMMASK) ){ Debug = c; DbgFlag = i; } else { i = Debug; Debug = c; if( Log_file_DYN ){ fd = Trim_status_file( -1, Log_file_DYN, Max_log_file_size_DYN, Min_log_file_size_DYN ); if( fd > 0 && fd != 2 ){ dup2(fd,2); close(fd); } } Debug = i; } /* set up status */ if( Find_exists_value(done_list,Printer_DYN,Value_sep ) ){ return; } Add_line_list(done_list,Printer_DYN,Value_sep,1,1); /* check for permissions */ Perm_check.service = 'C'; Perm_check.printer = Printer_DYN; Perm_check.host = 0; Perm_check.user = 0; control_perm = Perms_check( &Perm_line_list, &Perm_check, 0, 0 ); DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Job_status: permission '%s'", perm_str(control_perm)); if( control_perm != P_ACCEPT ) control_perm = 0; SNPRINTF( msg, sizeof(msg)) _("Printer %s@%s:\n"), Printer_DYN, ShortHost_FQDN ); Write_fd_str( *sock, msg ); Free_line_list( &Sort_order ); Scan_queue( &Spool_control, &Sort_order,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ); DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_remove: total files %d", Sort_order.count ); /* scan the files to see if there is one which matches */ removed = 0; #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 DEBUGFC(DLPRM3)Dump_line_list("Get_queue_remove - tokens", tokens ); #endif for( count = 0; count < Sort_order.count; ++count ){ Free_job(&job); Get_hold_file(&job, Sort_order.list[count] ); #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 DEBUGFC(DLPRM3)Dump_job("Get_queue_remove - info",&job); #endif if( tokens->count && Patselect( tokens, &job.info, 0) ){ continue; } /* get everything for the job now */ Setup_cf_info( &job, 0 ); identifier = Find_str_value(&job.info,IDENTIFIER,Value_sep); if( !identifier ) identifier = Find_str_value(&job.info,TRANSFERNAME,Value_sep); DEBUGF(DLPRM3)("Get_queue_remove: matched '%s'", identifier ); SNPRINTF( msg, sizeof(msg)) _(" checking perms '%s'\n"), identifier ); Write_fd_str( *sock, msg ); /* we check to see if we can remove this one if we are the user */ if( control_perm == 0 ){ /* now we get the user name and IP address */ Perm_check.user = Find_str_value(&job.info,LOGNAME,Value_sep); Perm_check.host = 0; if( (s = Find_str_value(&job.info,FROMHOST,Value_sep)) && Find_fqdn( &PermHost_IP, s ) ){ Perm_check.host = &PermHost_IP; } Perm_check.service = 'M'; permission = Perms_check( &Perm_line_list, &Perm_check, &job, 1 ); if( permission == P_REJECT ){ SNPRINTF( msg, sizeof(msg)) _(" no permissions '%s'\n"), identifier ); Write_fd_str( *sock, msg ); continue; } } /* log this to the world */ DEBUGF(DLPRM4)("Get_queue_remove: removing '%s'", identifier ); SNPRINTF( msg, sizeof(msg)) _(" dequeued '%s'\n"), identifier ); Write_fd_str( *sock, msg ); #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 setmessage( &job, "LPRM", "start" ); #endif if( Remove_job( &job ) ){ #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 setmessage( &job, "LPRM", "fail" ); #endif SNPRINTF( msg, sizeof(msg)) _("error: could not remove '%s'"), identifier ); Write_fd_str( *sock, msg ); goto error; } #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 setmessage( &job, "LPRM", "success" ); #endif if( (pid = Find_flag_value(&job.info,SERVER,Value_sep)) ){ DEBUGF(DLPRM4)("Get_queue_remove: active_pid %d", pid ); if( kill( pid, 0 ) == 0 ){ Check_max(&active_pid,1); active_pid.list[active_pid.count++] = Cast_int_to_voidstar(pid); } } ++removed; if( tokens->count == 0 ) break; } Free_line_list(&info); Free_job(&job); Free_line_list( &Sort_order ); if( removed ){ for( i = 0; i < active_pid.count; ++i ){ pid = Cast_ptr_to_int(active_pid.list[i]); active_pid.list[i] = 0; DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_remove: killing pid '%d' SIGHUP/SIGINT/SIGQUIT/SIGCONT", pid ); killpg( pid, SIGHUP ); kill( pid, SIGHUP ); killpg( pid, SIGINT ); kill( pid, SIGINT ); killpg( pid, SIGQUIT ); kill( pid, SIGQUIT ); killpg( pid, SIGCONT ); kill( pid, SIGCONT ); } /* kill spooler process */ pid = 0; #if 0//1103 if( (fd = Checkread( Queue_lock_file_DYN, &statb )) >= 0 ){ pid = Read_pid( fd, (char *)0, 0 ); close( fd ); } #else #endif DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_status: checking server pid %d", pid ); /* kill active spooler */ if( pid > 0 ){ kill( pid, SIGUSR2 ); } } if( Server_names_DYN ){ Free_line_list(&info); Split(&info, Server_names_DYN, File_sep, 0,0,0,0,0,0); for( i = 0; i < info.count; ++i ){ DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_status: getting subserver status '%s'", info.list[i] ); Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,info.list[i]); Get_local_or_remote_remove( user, sock, tokens, done_list ); DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_status: finished subserver status '%s'", info.list[i] ); } } else if( Destinations_DYN ){ Free_line_list(&info); Split(&info, Destinations_DYN, File_sep, 0,0,0,0,0,0); for( i = 0; i < info.count; ++i ){ DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_status: getting destination status '%s'", info.list[i] ); Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,info.list[i]); Get_local_or_remote_remove( user, sock, tokens, done_list ); DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_status: finished destination status '%s'", info.list[i] ); } } else if( RemoteHost_DYN ){ if( Find_fqdn( &LookupHost_IP, RemoteHost_DYN ) && ( !Same_host(&LookupHost_IP,&Host_IP ) || !Same_host(&LookupHost_IP,&Localhost_IP )) ){ DEBUGF(DLPQ1)("Get_local_or_remote_status: doing local"); if( safestrcmp(RemotePrinter_DYN, Printer_DYN) ){ Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,RemotePrinter_DYN); Get_queue_remove( user, sock, tokens, done_list ); } else { SNPRINTF(msg,sizeof(msg))"Error: loop in printcap- %s@%s -> %s@%s\n", Printer_DYN, FQDNHost_FQDN, RemotePrinter_DYN, RemoteHost_DYN ); Write_fd_str(*sock, msg ); } } else { /* put user name at start of list */ Check_max(tokens,2); for( i = tokens->count; i > 0; --i ){ tokens->list[i] = tokens->list[i-1]; } tokens->list[0] = user; ++tokens->count; tokens->list[tokens->count] = 0; #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 fd = Send_request( 'M', REQ_REMOVE, tokens->list, Connect_timeout_DYN, Send_query_rw_timeout_DYN, *sock ); #endif if( fd >= 0 ){ shutdown( fd, 1 ); while( (c = read(fd,msg,sizeof(msg))) > 0 ){ Write_fd_len(*sock,msg,c); } close(fd); fd = -1; } for( i = 0; i < tokens->count; ++i ){ tokens->list[i] = tokens->list[i+1]; } --tokens->count; } } DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_remove: finished '%s'", Printer_DYN ); goto done; error: DEBUGF(DLPRM2)("Get_queue_remove: error msg '%s'", msg ); SNPRINTF(header, sizeof(header)) "Printer: %s", Printer_DYN ); safestrncpy( header, _(" ERROR: ") ); safestrncat( header, msg ); safestrncat( header, "\n" ); Write_fd_str( *sock, header ); done: active_pid.count = 0; Free_line_list(&info); Free_line_list(&active_pid); Free_job(&job); return; } void Get_local_or_remote_remove( char *user, int *sock, struct line_list *tokens, struct line_list *done_list ) { char msg[LARGEBUFFER]; int fd, n, i; /* we have to see if the host is on this machine */ if( !safestrchr(Printer_DYN,'@') ){ Get_queue_remove( user, sock, tokens, done_list ); return; } /*1103 Fix_Rm_Rp_info(0,0); */ /* now we look at the remote host */ if( Find_fqdn( &LookupHost_IP, RemoteHost_DYN ) && ( !Same_host(&LookupHost_IP,&Host_IP ) || !Same_host(&LookupHost_IP,&Localhost_IP )) ){ Get_queue_remove( user, sock, tokens, done_list ); return; } /* put user name at start of list */ Check_max(tokens,2); for( i = tokens->count; i > 0; --i ){ tokens->list[i] = tokens->list[i-1]; } tokens->list[0] = user; ++tokens->count; tokens->list[tokens->count] = 0; #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 fd = Send_request( 'M', REQ_REMOVE, tokens->list, Connect_timeout_DYN, Send_query_rw_timeout_DYN, *sock ); #endif if( fd >= 0 ){ shutdown( fd, 1 ); while( (n = read(fd,msg,sizeof(msg))) > 0 ){ Write_fd_len(*sock,msg,n); } close(fd); fd = -1; } for( i = 0; i < tokens->count; ++i ){ tokens->list[i] = tokens->list[i+1]; } --tokens->count; } int Remove_file( char *openname ) { int fail = 0; struct stat statb; if( openname && stat( openname, &statb ) == 0 ){ DEBUGF(DLPRM3)("Remove_file: removing '%s'", openname ); if( unlink( openname ) || stat( openname, &statb ) == 0 ){ LOGERR(LOG_INFO) "Remove_file: unlink did not remove '%s'", openname); fail |= 1; } } return( fail ); } int Remove_job( struct job *job ) { int i; int fail = 0; char *identifier, *openname; struct line_list *datafile; #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 DEBUGFC(DLPRM1)Dump_job("Remove_job",job); #endif #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 setmessage(job,STATE,"REMOVE"); #endif identifier = Find_str_value(&job->info,IDENTIFIER,Value_sep); #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 setmessage( job, TRACE, "remove START" ); #endif if( !identifier ){ identifier = Find_str_value(&job->info,TRANSFERNAME,Value_sep); } DEBUGF(DLPRM1)("Remove_job: identifier '%s'",identifier); fail = 0; for( i = 0; i < job->datafiles.count; ++i ){ datafile = (void *)job->datafiles.list[i]; openname = Find_str_value(datafile,OPENNAME,Value_sep); fail |= Remove_file( openname ); openname = Find_str_value(datafile,TRANSFERNAME,Value_sep); fail |= Remove_file( openname ); } openname = Find_str_value(&job->info,OPENNAME,Value_sep); fail |= Remove_file( openname ); openname = Find_str_value(&job->info,TRANSFERNAME,Value_sep); fail |= Remove_file( openname ); openname = Find_str_value(&job->info,HF_NAME,Value_sep); fail |= Remove_file( openname ); if( fail == 0 ){ #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 setmessage( job, TRACE, "remove SUCCESS" ); #endif } else { #ifdef ORIGINAL_DEBUG//JY@1020 setmessage( job, TRACE, "remove FAILED" ); #endif } if( Lpq_status_file_DYN ){ unlink(Lpq_status_file_DYN); } return( fail ); } #endif