/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. * All Rights Reserved. * * This program is the proprietary software of Realtek Semiconductor * Corporation and/or its licensors, and only be used, duplicated, * modified or distributed under the authorized license from Realtek. * * ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER * THIS LICENSE OR COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED. * * $Revision: 42487 $ * $Date: 2013-09-02 17:13:08 +0800 (週一, 02 九月 2013) $ * * Purpose : RTK switch high-level API for RTL8367/RTL8367C * Feature : Here is a list of all functions and variables in rate module. * */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef __KERNEL__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_shareMeter_set * Description: * Set meter configuration * Input: * index - shared meter index * type - shared meter type * rate - rate of share meter * ifg_include - include IFG or not, ENABLE:include DISABLE:exclude * Output: * None * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID - Invalid meter * RT_ERR_RATE - Invalid rate * RT_ERR_INPUT - Invalid input parameters * Note: * The API can set shared meter rate and ifg include for each meter. * The rate unit is 1 kbps and the range is from 8k to 1048568k if type is METER_TYPE_KBPS and * the granularity of rate is 8 kbps. * The rate unit is packets per second and the range is 1 ~ 0x1FFF if type is METER_TYPE_PPS. * The ifg_include parameter is used * for rate calculation with/without inter-frame-gap and preamble. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_shareMeter_set(rtk_meter_id_t index, rtk_meter_type_t type, rtk_rate_t rate, rtk_enable_t ifg_include) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); if (index > RTK_MAX_METER_ID) return RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID; if (type >= METER_TYPE_END) return RT_ERR_INPUT; if (ifg_include >= RTK_ENABLE_END) return RT_ERR_INPUT; switch (type) { case METER_TYPE_KBPS: if (rate > RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MAX_HSG || rate < RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MIN) return RT_ERR_RATE ; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicShareMeter(index, rate >> 3, ifg_include)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; break; case METER_TYPE_PPS: if (rate > RTL8367C_QOS_PPS_INPUT_MAX || rate < RTL8367C_QOS_PPS_INPUT_MIN) return RT_ERR_RATE ; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicShareMeter(index, rate, ifg_include)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; break; default: return RT_ERR_INPUT; } /* Set Type */ if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicShareMeterType(index, (rtk_uint32)type)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_shareMeter_get * Description: * Get meter configuration * Input: * index - shared meter index * Output: * pType - Meter Type * pRate - pointer of rate of share meter * pIfg_include - include IFG or not, ENABLE:include DISABLE:exclude * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID - Invalid meter * Note: * */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_shareMeter_get(rtk_meter_id_t index, rtk_meter_type_t *pType, rtk_rate_t *pRate, rtk_enable_t *pIfg_include) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; rtk_uint32 regData; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); if (index > RTK_MAX_METER_ID) return RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID; if(NULL == pType) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if(NULL == pRate) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if(NULL == pIfg_include) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_getAsicShareMeter(index, ®Data, pIfg_include)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_getAsicShareMeterType(index, (rtk_uint32 *)pType)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; if(*pType == METER_TYPE_KBPS) *pRate = regData<<3; else *pRate = regData; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_shareMeterBucket_set * Description: * Set meter Bucket Size * Input: * index - shared meter index * bucket_size - Bucket Size * Output: * None. * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_INPUT - Error Input * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID - Invalid meter * Note: * The API can set shared meter bucket size. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_shareMeterBucket_set(rtk_meter_id_t index, rtk_uint32 bucket_size) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); if (index > RTK_MAX_METER_ID) return RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID; if(bucket_size > RTL8367C_METERBUCKETSIZEMAX) return RT_ERR_INPUT; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicShareMeterBucketSize(index, bucket_size)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_shareMeterBucket_get * Description: * Get meter Bucket Size * Input: * index - shared meter index * Output: * pBucket_size - Bucket Size * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID - Invalid meter * Note: * The API can get shared meter bucket size. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_shareMeterBucket_get(rtk_meter_id_t index, rtk_uint32 *pBucket_size) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); if (index > RTK_MAX_METER_ID) return RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID; if(NULL == pBucket_size) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_getAsicShareMeterBucketSize(index, pBucket_size)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_igrBandwidthCtrlRate_set * Description: * Set port ingress bandwidth control * Input: * port - Port id * rate - Rate of share meter * ifg_include - include IFG or not, ENABLE:include DISABLE:exclude * fc_enable - enable flow control or not, ENABLE:use flow control DISABLE:drop * Output: * None * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - Invalid port number. * RT_ERR_ENABLE - Invalid IFG parameter. * RT_ERR_INBW_RATE - Invalid ingress rate parameter. * Note: * The rate unit is 1 kbps and the range is from 8k to 1048568k. The granularity of rate is 8 kbps. * The ifg_include parameter is used for rate calculation with/without inter-frame-gap and preamble. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_igrBandwidthCtrlRate_set(rtk_port_t port, rtk_rate_t rate, rtk_enable_t ifg_include, rtk_enable_t fc_enable) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); if(ifg_include >= RTK_ENABLE_END) return RT_ERR_INPUT; if(fc_enable >= RTK_ENABLE_END) return RT_ERR_INPUT; if(rtk_switch_isHsgPort(port) == RT_ERR_OK) { if ((rate > RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MAX_HSG) || (rate < RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MIN)) return RT_ERR_QOS_EBW_RATE ; } else { if ((rate > RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MAX) || (rate < RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MIN)) return RT_ERR_QOS_EBW_RATE ; } if (ifg_include >= RTK_ENABLE_END) return RT_ERR_ENABLE; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicPortIngressBandwidth(rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port), rate>>3, ifg_include,fc_enable)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_igrBandwidthCtrlRate_get * Description: * Get port ingress bandwidth control * Input: * port - Port id * Output: * pRate - Rate of share meter * pIfg_include - Rate's calculation including IFG, ENABLE:include DISABLE:exclude * pFc_enable - enable flow control or not, ENABLE:use flow control DISABLE:drop * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - Invalid port number. * RT_ERR_INPUT - Invalid input parameters. * Note: * The rate unit is 1 kbps and the range is from 8k to 1048568k. The granularity of rate is 8 kbps. * The ifg_include parameter is used for rate calculation with/without inter-frame-gap and preamble. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_igrBandwidthCtrlRate_get(rtk_port_t port, rtk_rate_t *pRate, rtk_enable_t *pIfg_include, rtk_enable_t *pFc_enable) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; rtk_uint32 regData; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); if(NULL == pIfg_include) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if(NULL == pFc_enable) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_getAsicPortIngressBandwidth(rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port), ®Data, pIfg_include, pFc_enable)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; *pRate = regData<<3; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_egrBandwidthCtrlRate_set * Description: * Set port egress bandwidth control * Input: * port - Port id * rate - Rate of egress bandwidth * ifg_include - include IFG or not, ENABLE:include DISABLE:exclude * Output: * None * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - Invalid port number. * RT_ERR_INPUT - Invalid input parameters. * RT_ERR_QOS_EBW_RATE - Invalid egress bandwidth/rate * Note: * The rate unit is 1 kbps and the range is from 8k to 1048568k. The granularity of rate is 8 kbps. * The ifg_include parameter is used for rate calculation with/without inter-frame-gap and preamble. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_egrBandwidthCtrlRate_set( rtk_port_t port, rtk_rate_t rate, rtk_enable_t ifg_include) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); if(rtk_switch_isHsgPort(port) == RT_ERR_OK) { if ((rate > RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MAX_HSG) || (rate < RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MIN)) return RT_ERR_QOS_EBW_RATE ; } else { if ((rate > RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MAX) || (rate < RTL8367C_QOS_RATE_INPUT_MIN)) return RT_ERR_QOS_EBW_RATE ; } if (ifg_include >= RTK_ENABLE_END) return RT_ERR_ENABLE; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicPortEgressRate(rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port), rate>>3)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicPortEgressRateIfg(ifg_include)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_egrBandwidthCtrlRate_get * Description: * Get port egress bandwidth control * Input: * port - Port id * Output: * pRate - Rate of egress bandwidth * pIfg_include - Rate's calculation including IFG, ENABLE:include DISABLE:exclude * Return: * RT_ERR_OK - OK * RT_ERR_FAILED - Failed * RT_ERR_SMI - SMI access error * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - Invalid port number. * RT_ERR_INPUT - Invalid input parameters. * Note: * The rate unit is 1 kbps and the range is from 8k to 1048568k. The granularity of rate is 8 kbps. * The ifg_include parameter is used for rate calculation with/without inter-frame-gap and preamble. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_egrBandwidthCtrlRate_get(rtk_port_t port, rtk_rate_t *pRate, rtk_enable_t *pIfg_include) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; rtk_uint32 regData; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); if(NULL == pRate) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if(NULL == pIfg_include) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_getAsicPortEgressRate(rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port), ®Data)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; *pRate = regData << 3; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_getAsicPortEgressRateIfg((rtk_uint32*)pIfg_include)) != RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlEnable_get * Description: * Get enable status of egress bandwidth control on specified queue. * Input: * unit - unit id * port - port id * queue - queue id * Output: * pEnable - Pointer to enable status of egress queue bandwidth control * Return: * RT_ERR_OK * RT_ERR_FAILED * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - invalid port id * RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID - invalid queue id * RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER - input parameter may be null pointer * Note: * None */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlEnable_get(rtk_port_t port, rtk_qid_t queue, rtk_enable_t *pEnable) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); /*for whole port function, the queue value should be 0xFF*/ if (queue != RTK_WHOLE_SYSTEM) return RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID; if(NULL == pEnable) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_getAsicAprEnable(rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port),pEnable))!=RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlEnable_set * Description: * Set enable status of egress bandwidth control on specified queue. * Input: * port - port id * queue - queue id * enable - enable status of egress queue bandwidth control * Output: * None * Return: * RT_ERR_OK * RT_ERR_FAILED * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - invalid port id * RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID - invalid queue id * RT_ERR_INPUT - invalid input parameter * Note: * None */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlEnable_set(rtk_port_t port, rtk_qid_t queue, rtk_enable_t enable) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); /*for whole port function, the queue value should be 0xFF*/ if (queue != RTK_WHOLE_SYSTEM) return RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID; if (enable>=RTK_ENABLE_END) return RT_ERR_INPUT; if ((retVal = rtl8367c_setAsicAprEnable(rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port), enable))!=RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlRate_get * Description: * Get rate of egress bandwidth control on specified queue. * Input: * port - port id * queue - queue id * pIndex - shared meter index * Output: * pRate - pointer to rate of egress queue bandwidth control * Return: * RT_ERR_OK * RT_ERR_FAILED * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - invalid port id * RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID - invalid queue id * RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID - Invalid meter id * Note: * The actual rate control is set in shared meters. * The unit of granularity is 8Kbps. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlRate_get(rtk_port_t port, rtk_qid_t queue, rtk_meter_id_t *pIndex) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; rtk_uint32 offset_idx; rtk_uint32 phy_port; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); if (queue >= RTK_MAX_NUM_OF_QUEUE) return RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID; if(NULL == pIndex) return RT_ERR_NULL_POINTER; phy_port = rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port); if ((retVal=rtl8367c_getAsicAprMeter(phy_port, queue,&offset_idx))!=RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; *pIndex = offset_idx + ((phy_port%4)*8); return RT_ERR_OK; } /* Function Name: * rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlRate_set * Description: * Set rate of egress bandwidth control on specified queue. * Input: * port - port id * queue - queue id * index - shared meter index * Output: * None * Return: * RT_ERR_OK * RT_ERR_FAILED * RT_ERR_PORT_ID - invalid port id * RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID - invalid queue id * RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID - Invalid meter id * Note: * The actual rate control is set in shared meters. * The unit of granularity is 8Kbps. */ rtk_api_ret_t rtk_rate_egrQueueBwCtrlRate_set(rtk_port_t port, rtk_qid_t queue, rtk_meter_id_t index) { rtk_api_ret_t retVal; rtk_uint32 offset_idx; rtk_uint32 phy_port; /* Check initialization state */ RTK_CHK_INIT_STATE(); /* Check Port Valid */ RTK_CHK_PORT_VALID(port); if (queue >= RTK_MAX_NUM_OF_QUEUE) return RT_ERR_QUEUE_ID; if (index > RTK_MAX_METER_ID) return RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID; phy_port = rtk_switch_port_L2P_get(port); if (index < ((phy_port%4)*8) || phy_port > (7 + (port%4)*8)) return RT_ERR_FILTER_METER_ID; offset_idx = index - ((phy_port%4)*8); if ((retVal=rtl8367c_setAsicAprMeter(phy_port,queue,offset_idx))!=RT_ERR_OK) return retVal; return RT_ERR_OK; }