// The global array of objects that have been instanciated if (!Bs_Objects) {var Bs_Objects = [];}; /** * A Slider Component. * * Features: * - IE6 and NS(Mozilla7) compliant. * - Lets you add a slider to your page. It simulates a HTML-form text field; so your form-handling will not change. * - You may use your customized images. * - Able to attach onClick- and onChange-events to execute your JS-code when checked/changed. * * Includes (+Dependencies): * * * * * * * * How to use: * 1. Have a look at the example (see example link below) * 2. Create a function in the HTML-header called init(). Place the javascript code * that instanciates and inits this component into init(). * 3. Place an 'onLoad' in your body-tag: e.g. * 4. In the HTML body: Place a div- or span-tag with an unique ID where you want the component to be. * * How it works: * - [After instanciating and initializing the object]. Call the drawInto([tag id]) method. * This will search the HTML code for a tag with the given id and insert HTML- and JS- code * dynamically (using DOM) to display the component and handle it. * * What is returned to the server: *

*  +------------------------+------------------------------------------------+

*  | [tag id] +"_value"     | int, The slider value                          |

*  +------------------------+------------------------------------------------+

* In versions 4.4 and before  

*  +--------------------------------------------+----------------------------+

*  | [varible name of the object] +"_value"     | int, The slider value      |

*  +--------------------------------------------+----------------------------+

* This class generates a normal HTML text field and saves it's state in there. * It's not visible because it is set to display:none (invisible) but (when used in a form), * it will be submitted like any other HTML-form-field. To override this name see {@link fieldname}. * * Event-Handling: (see {@link attachOnClick()}, {@link attachOnChange()}) * - You can a callback function for certain events onto this component * (events are things like onClick, onChange ... aso) * * Snippet 1) Attaching a callback function: * * var mySlider = new Bs_Slider(); * mySlider.attachOnChange(yourCallbackFunctionName); * * The function you pass should be able to receive 3 parameters. * - The componentObj is an instance of this class and allows you to access it the * component that triggered the event. * - newValue is the new value that was set, new position is the new position in pixels. * * function yourCallbackFunctionName(componentObj, newValue, newPosition){ * // do some stuff. * } * * * Customized images: * - Set the path to your image-dir {@link imgDir} * - Then use following methods setup the colorbar and to place the images you intend to use: * {@link colorbar} * {@link setBackgroundImage()} * {@link setSliderIcon()} * {@link setArrowIconLeft()}, {@link setArrowIconRight()} * * @example example1.html * @example example2.html * * @author andrej arn , sam blume * @package javascript_components * @subpackage slider * @copyright blueshoes.org */ function Bs_Slider(theFieldnamePrefix) { /** * Unique Object/Tag ID is initialized in the constuctor. * Based on this._id. Can be used in genarated JS-code as ID. Is set together * from the classname + this._id (see _constructor() code ). * * @access private * @var string */ this._objectId; /** * When submitting the form, you'll receive the value under this name. * In other words you'll receive the data back to the server as if you had placed
* into your HTML-form. * * Note: * - If not set the field name will be genarated as instanceName +"_value" * * @access public * @since bs4.4 (before there was a bug and the field 'undefined' was used for all silders.) * @var string */ this.fieldName; /** * If the whole slider is disabled or not. * @access private * @var bool * @see setDisabled() */ this._disabled = false; /** * The slider direction (horizontal/vertical) *

	*   0 = horizontally (default)

	*   1 = vertically (currently not implemented)

* @access public * @var int direction * @todo implement vertically */ this.direction = 0; /** * The width of the sliding part in pixel. * Note: This is not the full width. It excludes the input field and the push buttons. * @access public * @var int (default is 100 pixel) */ this.width = 100; /** * The height of the sliding part in pixel. * This is not the full height. it excludes the input field and the push buttons. * @access public * @var int (default is 20 pixel) */ this.height = 20; /** * The lowest possible value. It may be lower than 0 afaik :-) * @access public * @var int (default is 0) */ this.minVal = 0; /** * The highest possible value. * @access public * @var int (default is 100) */ this.maxVal = 100; /** * The default value (when the slider gets initialized). * Note: * - Can initially have alower or higher value than minVal/maxVal. * This is a feature. You can detect if the used has set any value this way. * Only values in the range of minVal - maxVal can be set and are displayed. * @access public * @var int */ this.valueDefault = 0; this.valueLeadDefault = 0; /** * How much units to slide on an arrow click. * If set to 0 then the arrows won't be displayed. * Something like 0.5 is possible aswell. * @access public * @var int (default is 1) * @see this.wheelAmount */ this.arrowAmount = 1; /** * if activated then a mouseover is already enough for the arrow to fire. it then * does not need a click. it continues to fire until onmouseout. * @access public * @var bool arrowMouseOver * @since bs-4.6 * @see var this.arrowKeepFiringTimeout */ this.arrowMouseOver = false; /** * every this milliseconds the onChangeByArrow() events keep firing. * set to 0 if you don't want that. * @access public * @var int arrowKeepFiringTimeout */ this.arrowKeepFiringTimeout = 10; /** * @access private * @var bool _stopFireArrowFlag * @see this.stopFireArrow() */ this._stopFireArrowFlag = false; /** * how much to scroll when the mouse wheel is used. * note: the mouse wheel is supported by ie only (as of 2004/03). * @access public * @var int wheelAmount * @see this.arrowAmount * @since bs-4.6 */ this.wheelAmount = 5; /** * If and how the colorbar feature should be used. * * - If it's a string then it will be interpreted as a css class. * * - If it's an array (hash) (or object with vars) the keys will be used to * generate style settings. * You can achieve the same results using both ways, except for 'widthDifference'. * * - You can use both (array with css class as elemenet of the array) to * set additional css properties. I can't think of any, but maybe you do. *

  * if you give it an array, it can have these settings:

  *   KEY               DEFAULT

  *   cssClass          -nothing-

  *   color             'orange' if cssClass is not set, otherwise -nothing-

  *   height            -nothing-

  *   widthDifference   0

  *   offsetLeft        -nothing-

  *   offsetTop         -nothing-


  * coments:

  *   color:

  *     if you don't see the colorbar, you prolly have a cssClass defined 

  *     but neither there a color defined not in the array ('color' element).

  *   widthDifference:

  *     the width of the colorbar is always from the left side to where the 

  *     handle (slider) is. so the left side of the slider bar is colored.

  *     it may be (depending on your design) that you need to have the color 

  *     bar a little bit larger or smaller. you can set an amound of pixels 

  *     here, it may even be negative.

  *   offsetLeft:

  *     if you use a cssclass, you can specify something like left:5px;

  *     if you use arrows, you have to take the width of the left arrow 

  *     into account. if you use offsetLeft, you don't. this is done for you.

* * anyway play with the values until you get what you want. * * So if you want to use a css class and want to specify a widthDifference, * do something like * * arr = new Array() * arr['cssClass'] = 'yourClass'; * arr['widthDifference'] = -5; * * and you're done. * * On the other hand it's handy if you don't have to create a css class and make * sure it always ships with your file. well, enough of comments for this one. * * @access public * @var mixed (array or string) */ this.colorbar; this.leadingColorbar; /** * The z-index the slider will use. you may want to change this if you have * elements on your page that overlap this slider (floating stuff or so). * @access public * @var int (default is 1000) */ this.baseZindex = 1000; /** * If you want to move the whole slider object with everything on the x-axis * then set a value here. * - example: -5 means move the whole thing 5 pixel to the left. * - example: 10 means move the whole thing 10 pixel to the right. * @access public * @var int * @see moveY * @since bs4.3 */ this.moveX = 0; /** * If you want to move the whole slider object with everything on the y-axis * then set a value here. * - example: -5 means move the whole thing 5 pixel up the page. * - example: 10 means move the whole thing 10 pixel down the page. * @access public * @var int * @see moveX * @since bs4.3 */ this.moveY = 0; /** * The base path for the image folder. * @deprecated use imgDir * @access private */ this.imgBasePath; /** * The base path for the image folder. * * Examples: (NOTE: The path has to end with a slash.) * - 'http://www.domain.com/foo/' <= with domain * - '/my/image/path/' <= absolute path without domain * - '../some/path/' <= relative path * * * Default is: '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/' * Check this folder and the other folders around there for other styles. * * @access public * @var string */ this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/'; /** * The name of the background image in the imgDir. * Set this using setBackgroundImage(), so look there. * @access private * @var string * @see setBackgroundImage() */ this._bgImgSrc; /** * How a background-image should be repeated. it's a css property. * - example: 'no-repeat' * set this using setBackgroundImage(), so look there. * @access private * @var string * @see setBackgroundImage() */ this._bgImgRepeat; /** * Additional css style string for the background image. * set this using setBackgroundImage(), so look there. * @access private * @var string * @see setBackgroundImage() */ this._bgImgCssStyle; /** * @access private * @var string * @see setBackgroundImageLeft() */ this._bgImgLeftSrc; /** * @access private * @var int * @see setBackgroundImageLeft() */ this._bgImgLeftWidth; /** * @access private * @var int * @see setBackgroundImageLeft() */ this._bgImgLeftHeight; /** * @access private * @var string * @see setBackgroundImageRight() */ this._bgImgRightSrc; /** * @access private * @var int * @see setBackgroundImageRight() */ this._bgImgRightWidth; /** * @access private * @var int * @see setBackgroundImageRight() */ this._bgImgRightHeight; /** * The slider handle image name. (knob) * Set this using setSliderIcon(). * @access private * @var int * @see setSliderIcon(), _sliderImgWidth, _sliderImgHeight */ this._sliderImgSrc; /** * The width of the slider handle image. * Set this using setSliderIcon(). * @access private * @var int * @see setSliderIcon(), _sliderImgSrc, _sliderImgHeight */ this._sliderImgWidth; /** * The height of the slider handle image. * Set this using setSliderIcon(). * @access private * @var int _sliderImgHeight * @see setSliderIcon(), _sliderImgSrc, _sliderImgWidth */ this._sliderImgHeight; /** * Used to set a CSS class name for the slider container. * @access public * @var string */ this.styleContainerClass; /** * Used to set a CSS class name for the value input field. * @access public * @var string */ this.styleValueFieldClass = 'smalltxt spanSliderField'; /** * Used to set a CSS class name for the value text span. * @access public * @var string */ this.styleValueTextClass = 'smalltxt spanSliderText'; /** * The background color. hex code or named color. * examples: 'blue', 'green', '#000000' * @access public * @var string */ this.bgColor; /** * The name of the left arrow icon. * @access private * @var string * @see setArrowIconLeft() */ this._arrowIconLeftSrc; /** * The width of the left arrow icon. * @access private * @var string * @see setArrowIconLeft() */ this._arrowIconLeftWidth = 0; /** * The height of the left arrow icon. * @access private * @var string * @see setArrowIconLeft() */ this._arrowIconLeftHeight = 0; /** * A CSS style string to use in the image tag. * @access private * @var string arrowIconLeftCssStyle * @see setArrowIconLeft() * @todo all */ this._arrowIconLeftCssStyle = 0; /** * The name of the right arrow icon. * @access private * @var string * @see setArrowIconRight() */ this._arrowIconRightSrc; /** * The width of the right arrow icon. * @access private * @var int * @see setArrowIconRight() */ this._arrowIconRightWidth = 0; /** * The height of the right arrow icon. * @access private * @var int * @see setArrowIconRight() */ this._arrowIconRightHeight = 0; /** * A CSS style string to use in the image tag. * @access private * @var string * @see setArrowIconRight() * @todo all */ this._arrowIconRightCssStyle = 0; /** * The step (interval) of the values. *

  * Examples: 0, 1, 2, 3 ...     has an interval of 1

  *           0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 ... has an interval of 0.5

* with the current rounding it can go down to 2 digits after the dot, * like 3.51. * * @access public * @var number (int or real, whatever) */ this.valueInterval = 1; /** * Should we display the input field (with value) to the right? * *

  * 0 = no

  * 1 = show as text (not implemented yet, will be shown as #2)

  * 2 = show as input field (changable). this is the default.

  * 3 = show as text, onclick becomes an input field. (not all browsers support that, but 

  *     it's fancy :)

* * The trick is to keep it invisible if set to false. we need it because it's * the holder of the internal value. could be recoded, if you want to... * * @access public * @var int useInputField * @see inputTextFieldEvent */ this.useInputField = 2; /** * If {@link useInputField} is set to 3 we toggle. but when? * default is onMouseOver (over) but it can be set to 'click' * (onClick). * @access public * @var string ('over' or 'click') * @see useInputField */ this.inputTextFieldEvent = 'over'; /** * ? * @access private */ this.ctrl; /** * The real value we have. * in the beginning it will be set to this.valueDefault. * WARNING: * - don't mix this._valueInternal and this.valueInterval. * it's not only that one is private and the other is not, * it's that one is the internal value, the other is the STEP. * maybe step would have been a better name. got that? * @access private * @var double * @see getValue() */ this._valueInternal; this._valueLeadInternal; /** * How the slider should be seen in the browser * @access private * @var int * @see setDisplay() */ this._display = 2; /**#@+ * Ids and objects * @access private */ this._arrowLeftContainerId; this._arrowLeftContainerObj; this._arrowLeftIconId; this._arrowLeftIconObj; this._arrowRightContainerId; this._arrowRightContainerObj; this._arrowRightIconId; this._arrowRightIconObj; this._valueContainerId; this._valueContainerObj; this._handleId; this._handleObj; this._valueFieldId; this._valueFieldObj; this._valueTextId; this._valueTextObj; this._slideBarId; this._slideBarObj; this._colorbarId; this._leadingColorbarId; this._colorbarObj; this._leadingColorbarObj; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * positions and measurements in pixels * @access private */ this._posUpperLeftX; this._posUpperLeftY; this._posSlideStart; this._posSlideEnd; /**#@-*/ /** * That's this.width - this._sliderImgWidth. Slide area without the handle. * If you don't get this, draw a slider yourself. maybe you'll * figure it out then. :-) * @access private * @var int */ this._slideWidth; //attached (assigned) event functions (that exist in the global scope): /** * Array holding all the information about attached events. * The structure can be like these: *

  * 1. attach a function directly

  *    syntax:  _attachedEvents['eventName'] = yourFunctionName;

  * 2. attach some javascript code

  *    syntax:  _attachedEvents['eventName'] = "yourCode();";

  *    example: _attachedEvents['eventName'] = "alert('hi'); callSomething('foo');";

  *    just keep in mind that you cannot use vars in that code, because when it 

  *    gets executed that will be another scope (unless the vars are global...)

  * 3. attach multiple things for the same event

  *    syntax:  _attachedEvents['eventName']    = new Array;

  *             _attachedEvents['eventName'][0] = yourFunctionName;

  *             _attachedEvents['eventName'][1] = "yourCode();";

  *    possible values for 'eventName' are:

  *     'onChange'

* * @access private * @var array (hash, see above) * @see attachEvent(); */ this._attachedEvents; /** * Fires whenever the value changes. that can happen by sliding, * hitting arrow buttons or typing in values into the input field. * @access private * @var function * @see attachOnChange() */ this.eventOnChange; /**#@+ * Attached function for the slide start, move and end event. * @access private * @var function */ this.slideStartCB; this.slideMoveCB; this.slideEndCB; /**#@-*/ /** * the pseudo constructor. * @access private * @return void */ this._constructor = function(theFieldnamePrefix) { // Put this instance into the global object instance list this._id = Bs_Objects.length; Bs_Objects[this._id] = this; this._objectId = "Bs_Slider_"+this._id; // For copatibillity we still init "objectName" this.objectName = this._objectId; // In V4.4 the fieldname used to be given be the constuctor-parameter. So if // a paramter is passed in the constructor, we still use it as fieldname prefix if (typeof(theFieldnamePrefix) == 'string') { this.fieldName = theFieldnamePrefix + '_value'; this.objectName = theFieldnamePrefix; } } /** * Makes sure everything is ready to use. sets some default values if needed. * @access private * @return void */ this._checkup = function() { if (typeof(this.minVal) == 'undefined') this.minVal = 0; if (typeof(this.maxVal) == 'undefined') this.maxVal = 10; if (typeof(this.valueDefault) == 'undefined') this.valueDefault = this.minVal; if (typeof(this.valueLeadDefault) == 'undefined') this.valueLeadDefault = 0; this._valueInternal = this.valueDefault; this._valueLeadInternal = this.valueLeadDefault; // This is for backward compatabillity only --sam 2003-06 if (typeof(this.imgBasePath) == 'string') this.imgDir = this.imgBasePath; } /** * loads a skin by its name. * * you can do the same with manual calls to setSliderIcon() etc, but this is quick and easy. * * available skins: * * * @access public * @param string skinName * @return bool * @since bs-4.6 */ this.loadSkin = function(skinName) { switch (skinName) { case 'winxp': case 'winxp-scrollbar-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 16; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/winxp/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_scrollbar_knob.gif', 17, 16); this.setArrowIconLeft('horizontal_scrollbar_arrowLeft.gif', 17, 16); this.setArrowIconRight('horizontal_scrollbar_arrowRight.gif', 17, 16); break; case 'winxp-scrollbar-vertical': this.direction = 1; this.useInputField = 0; this.width = 16; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/winxp/'; this.setSliderIcon('vertical_scrollbar_knob.gif', 16, 17); this.setArrowIconLeft('vertical_scrollbar_arrowUp.gif', 16, 17); this.setArrowIconRight('vertical_scrollbar_arrowDown.gif', 16, 17); break; case 'osx': case 'osx-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 21; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/osx/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 17, 16); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setBackgroundImageLeft('horizontal_backgroundLeft.gif', 6, 21); this.setBackgroundImageRight('horizontal_backgroundRight.gif', 6, 21); break; case 'osx-scrollbar-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 15; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/osx/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_scrollbar_knobSmall.gif', 23, 15); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_scrollbar_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('horizontal_scrollbar_arrowLeft.gif', 17, 15); this.setArrowIconRight('horizontal_scrollbar_arrowRight.gif', 17, 15); break; case 'osx-scrollbar-vertical': this.direction = 1; this.useInputField = 0; this.width = 15; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/osx/'; this.setSliderIcon('vertical_scrollbar_knobSmall.gif', 15, 23); this.setBackgroundImage('vertical_scrollbar_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('vertical_scrollbar_arrowUp.gif', 15, 17); this.setArrowIconRight('vertical_scrollbar_arrowDown.gif', 15, 17); break; case 'os9': case 'os9-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 16; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/os9/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_scrollbar_knob.gif', 17, 16); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_scrollbar_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('horizontal_scrollbar_arrowLeft.gif', 16, 16); this.setArrowIconRight('horizontal_scrollbar_arrowRight.gif', 16, 16); break; case 'os9-vertical': this.direction = 1; this.useInputField = 0; this.width = 16; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/os9/'; this.setSliderIcon('vertical_scrollbar_knob.gif', 16, 17); this.setBackgroundImage('vertical_scrollbar_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('vertical_scrollbar_arrowUp.gif', 16, 16); this.setArrowIconRight('vertical_scrollbar_arrowDown.gif', 16, 16); break; case 'opera7': case 'opera7-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 16; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/opera7/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 19, 16); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('horizontal_arrowLeft.gif', 16, 16); this.setArrowIconRight('horizontal_arrowRight.gif', 16, 16); break; case 'opera7-vertical': this.direction = 1; this.useInputField = 0; this.width = 16; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/opera7/'; this.setSliderIcon('vertical_knob.gif', 16, 19); this.setBackgroundImage('vertical_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('vertical_arrowUp.gif', 16, 16); this.setArrowIconRight('vertical_arrowDown.gif', 16, 16); break; case 'bob': case 'bob-horizontal': this.height = 18; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/bob/'; this.setBackgroundImage('background.gif', 'no-repeat'); this.setSliderIcon('slider.gif', 13, 18); //this.setArrowIconLeft('arrowLeft.gif', 16, 16); //this.setArrowIconRight('arrowRight.gif', 16, 16); this.colorbar = new Object(); this.colorbar['color'] = 'blue'; this.colorbar['height'] = 5; this.colorbar['widthDifference'] = 0; //-12 this.colorbar['offsetLeft'] = 5; this.colorbar['offsetTop'] = 9; break; case 'burp': case 'burp-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 11; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/burp/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 5, 11); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('horizontal_arrowLeft.gif', 10, 11); this.setArrowIconRight('horizontal_arrowRight.gif', 10, 11); break; case 'burp-vertical': this.direction = 1; this.useInputField = 0; this.width = 11; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/burp/'; this.setSliderIcon('vertical_knob.gif', 11, 5); this.setBackgroundImage('vertical_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('vertical_arrowUp.gif', 11, 10); this.setArrowIconRight('vertical_arrowDown.gif', 11, 10); break; case 'ximian-industrial': case 'ximian-industrial-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 15; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/ximian_industrial/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 31, 15); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('horizontal_arrowLeft.gif', 15, 15); this.setArrowIconRight('horizontal_arrowRight.gif', 15, 15); break; case 'ximian-industrial-vertical': this.direction = 1; this.useInputField = 0; this.width = 15; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/ximian_industrial/'; this.setSliderIcon('vertical_knob.gif', 15, 31); this.setBackgroundImage('vertical_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('vertical_arrowUp.gif', 15, 15); this.setArrowIconRight('vertical_arrowDown.gif', 15, 15); break; case 'smoothstreak': case 'smoothstreak-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 15; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/smoothstreak/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 31, 15); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setBackgroundImageLeft('horizontal_backgroundLeft.gif', 2, 15); this.setBackgroundImageRight('horizontal_backgroundRight.gif', 2, 15); this.colorbar = new Object(); this.colorbar['color'] = '#736D6B'; this.colorbar['height'] = 11; this.colorbar['widthDifference'] = 0; this.colorbar['offsetLeft'] = 0; this.colorbar['offsetTop'] = 2; break; case 'smoothstreak-vertical': this.direction = 1; this.useInputField = 0; this.width = 15; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/smoothstreak/'; this.setSliderIcon('vertical_knob.gif', 15, 31); this.setBackgroundImage('vertical_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setBackgroundImageLeft('vertical_backgroundTop.gif', 15, 2); this.setBackgroundImageRight('vertical_backgroundBottom.gif', 15, 2); break; case 'aluminumalloyvolcanic': case 'aluminumalloyvolcanic-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 15; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/aluminumalloyvolcanic/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 15, 19); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setBackgroundImageLeft('horizontal_backgroundLeft.gif', 2, 19); this.setBackgroundImageRight('horizontal_backgroundRight.gif', 2, 19); break; case 'yattacier3': case 'yattacier3-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 16; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/yattacier3/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 30, 16); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setBackgroundImageLeft('horizontal_backgroundLeft.gif', 1, 16); this.setBackgroundImageRight('horizontal_backgroundRight.gif', 1, 16); break; case 'h2ogtk2': case 'h2ogtk2-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 17; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/h2ogtk2/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 30, 17); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setBackgroundImageLeft('horizontal_backgroundLeft.gif', 7, 17); this.setBackgroundImageRight('horizontal_backgroundRight.gif', 7, 17); break; case 'h2ogtk2-scrollbar-horizontal': this.useInputField = 0; this.height = 17; this.imgDir = '/_bsJavascript/components/slider/img/h2ogtk2/'; this.setSliderIcon('horizontal_knob.gif', 30, 17); this.setBackgroundImage('horizontal_background.gif', 'repeat'); this.setArrowIconLeft('horizontal_arrowLeft.gif', 15, 17); this.setArrowIconRight('horizontal_arrowRight.gif', 15, 17); break; default: return false; } return true; } /** * Render function. * @access public * @param string tagId (ID of the element in that we render the slider.) * @return void */ this.render = function(tagId) { this._checkup(); this._containerId = 'co' + tagId; this._handleId = 'po' + tagId; this._arrowLeftContainerId = 'alc' + tagId; this._arrowLeftIconId = 'ali' + tagId; this._arrowRightContainerId = 'arc' + tagId; this._arrowRightIconId = 'ari' + tagId; this._valueContainerId = 'vc' + tagId; this._valueFieldId = 'vf' + tagId; if (typeof(this.fieldName) == 'undefined') this.fieldName = tagId + '_value'; this._valueTextId = 'vt' + tagId; this._slideBarId = 'bar' + tagId; this._colorbarId = 'cb' + tagId; this._leadingColorbarId = 'lcb' + tagId; var divWidth = this.width; // + this._sliderImgWidth; var divHeight = this.height; //var completeWidth = this.width + this._arrowIconLeftWidth + this._arrowIconRightWidth + this._sliderImgWidth +15; //15 just to add some space. var out = new Array(); var outI = 0; var localOffset = 0; //container begin out[outI++] = ''; //container end out[outI++] = ''; document.getElementById(tagId).innerHTML = out.join(''); //document.getElementById(tagId).innerHTML = ''; //return; this._containerObj = document.getElementById(this._containerId); this._handleObj = document.getElementById(this._handleId); this._valueContainerObj = document.getElementById(this._valueContainerId); this._arrowLeftContainerObj = document.getElementById(this._arrowLeftContainerId); this._arrowLeftIconObj = document.getElementById(this._arrowLeftIconId); this._arrowRightContainerObj = document.getElementById(this._arrowRightContainerId); this._arrowRightIconObj = document.getElementById(this._arrowRightIconId); this._valueFieldObj = document.getElementById(this._valueFieldId); this._valueTextObj = document.getElementById(this._valueTextId); this._slideBarObj = document.getElementById(this._slideBarId); this._colorbarObj = document.getElementById(this._colorbarId); this._leadingColorbarObj = document.getElementById(this._leadingColorbarId); //this._posSlideStart = (this.direction == 0) ? getDivLeft(this._slideBarObj) : getDivTop(this._slideBarObj); //30; // Subtracting 7 (this number by trial and error) from starting position so that slider can start sliding much before - had to do this when I did the proportional width changes this._posSlideStart = 16; //(this.direction == 0) ? getDivLeft(this._slideBarObj) - 7 : getDivTop(this._slideBarObj); //30; //this._slideWidth = (this.direction == 0) ? this.width - this._sliderImgWidth : this.height - this._sliderImgHeight; // By trial and error I found if I don't subtract the slider image width from this.width, the sliders were working well.(especially where I need to move them in sync) this._slideWidth = (this.direction == 0) ? this.width : this.height - this._sliderImgHeight; this._posSlideEnd = this._posSlideStart + this._slideWidth; this._currentRelSliderPosX = this._posSlideStart; this._currentRelLeadSliderPosX = this._posSlideStart; // This next if block was added if a leading space is to be shown. Note that the "leading space" is actually part of the regular space we show. // It is just used so as to show it in a different color. if (this.valueLeadDefault > this.minVal) { //how many percent is valueLeadDefault from maxVal-minVal? var hundertPercent = this.maxVal - this.minVal; var myPercent = (this.valueLeadDefault-this.minVal) * 100 / hundertPercent; //now how much is that from the given length? this._currentRelLeadSliderPosX += (myPercent * this._slideWidth / 100); this._updateLeadColorbar(this._currentRelLeadSliderPosX); } if (this.valueDefault > this.minVal) { //how many percent is valueDefault from maxVal-minVal? var hundertPercent = this.maxVal - this.minVal; var myPercent = (this.valueDefault-this.minVal) * 100 / hundertPercent; //now how much is that from the given length? this._currentRelSliderPosX += (myPercent * this._slideWidth / 100); //alert("Start : " + this._posSlideStart + " percentwidth : " + (myPercent * this._slideWidth / 100) + " current pos :" + this._currentRelSliderPosX) this._updateColorbar(this._currentRelSliderPosX); } if (this.direction == 0) { this._handleObj.style.left = this._currentRelSliderPosX; } else { this._handleObj.style.top = this._currentRelSliderPosX; } this._handleObj.style.display = 'block'; //handleObj = handlespan temp = ech_attachMouseDrag(this._handleObj,this.slideStart,null,this.slideMove,null,this.slideEnd,null,null,null); temp = temp.linkCtrl(getDivImage('','bsslidericonname')); this.ctrl = temp; this.ctrl.sliderObj = this; //add back reference var x = getDivLeft(this._handleObj); var y = getDivTop(this._handleObj); y = 0; //z3b //alert(x); //alert(y); return; if (this.direction == 0) { // horizontal this.ctrl.minX = this._posSlideStart; this.ctrl.maxX = this._posSlideEnd; this.ctrl.minY = y; this.ctrl.maxY = y; } else { // vertical this.ctrl.minX = x; this.ctrl.maxX = x; this.ctrl.minY = this._posSlideStart; this.ctrl.maxY = this._posSlideEnd; } /* if (this.direction == 0) { // horizontal this.ctrl.minX = x-Math.abs((this.valueDefault - this.minVal) * this.width / (this.maxVal - this.minVal)); this.ctrl.maxX = x+Math.abs((this.maxVal - this.valueDefault) * this.width / (this.maxVal - this.minVal)); this.ctrl.minY = y; this.ctrl.maxY = y; } else { // vertical this.ctrl.minX = x; this.ctrl.maxX = x; this.ctrl.minY = y-Math.abs((this.valueDefault - this.minVal) * this.width / (this.maxVal - this.minVal)); this.ctrl.maxY = y+Math.abs((this.maxVal - this.valueDefault) * this.width / (this.maxVal - this.minVal)); } */ } /** * Renders the checkbox component and places it into the page. * * @access public * @param string tagId Id of the tag. (Use
or to hold the ID) * @return void */ this.drawInto = function(tagId) { this.render(tagId); if (this._disabled) this.setDisabled(true); } /** * DEPRECATED. * Use drawInto() * @deprecated use drawInto() * @param string tagId (id of the span tag.) * @see drawInto() * @return void */ this.draw = function(tagId) { this.render(tagId); if (this._disabled) this.setDisabled(true); } /** * Attaches an event like onChange, onMouseOver, onClickCaption ... a.s.o. * Supported events are: * - 'onChange' * * @access public * @param string trigger (for example 'onChange') * @param function A globalFunctionName (No string) * @return void * @see _attachedEvents */ this.attachEvent = function(trigger, yourEvent) { if (typeof(this._attachedEvents) == 'undefined') { this._attachedEvents = new Array(); } if (typeof(this._attachedEvents[trigger]) == 'undefined') { this._attachedEvents[trigger] = new Array(yourEvent); } else { this._attachedEvents[trigger][this._attachedEvents[trigger].length] = yourEvent; } } /** * Tells if an event is attached for the trigger specified. * @access public * @param string trigger * @return bool */ this.hasEventAttached = function(trigger) { return (this._attachedEvents && this._attachedEvents[trigger]); } /** * Fires the events for the trigger specified. * (used internally, but feel free to trigger events yourself...) * @access public * @param string trigger (for example 'onClickCaption') * @return void */ this.fireEvent = function(trigger) { if (this._attachedEvents && this._attachedEvents[trigger]) { var e = this._attachedEvents[trigger]; if ((typeof(e) == 'string') || (typeof(e) == 'function')) { e = new Array(e); } for (var i=0; i the background image repeats on both axis * repeat-x => the bg image repeats on the x-axis only. * repeat-y => the bg image repeats on the y-axis only. * no-repeat => the bg image does not repeat; it only shows once. * * @access public * @param string src * @param string repeat (read above) * @param string cssStyle (additional css style string, eg "left:4px;" to indent 4px from the left. since bs-4.6) * @return void * @see setBackgroundImageLeft(), setBackgroundImageRight() */ this.setBackgroundImage = function(src, repeat, cssStyle) { this._bgImgSrc = src; this._bgImgRepeat = repeat; this._bgImgCssStyle = cssStyle; } /** * Sets a background image to use on the left side. see the examples. * @access public * @param string imgName * @param int width * @param int height * @return void * @see setBackgroundImage(), setBackgroundImageRight() */ this.setBackgroundImageLeft = function(imgName, width, height) { this._bgImgLeftSrc = imgName; this._bgImgLeftWidth = width; this._bgImgLeftHeight = height; } /** * Sets a background image to use on the right side. see the examples. * @access public * @param string imgName * @param int width * @param int height * @return void * @see setBackgroundImage(), setBackgroundImageLeft() */ this.setBackgroundImageRight = function(imgName, width, height) { this._bgImgRightSrc = imgName; this._bgImgRightWidth = width; this._bgImgRightHeight = height; } /** * How the slider should be seen in the browser. *

  *   (rtfm about css)

  *   0 = display:none

  *   1 = visibility:hidden

  *   2 = display:block

* * @access public * @param int display * @see _display */ this.setDisplay = function(display) { this._display = display; if (this._containerObj) { switch (display) { case 0: this._containerObj.style.display = 'none'; break; case 1: this._containerObj.style.visibility = 'hidden'; break; case 2: //we need to activate both this._containerObj.style.visibility = 'visible'; this._containerObj.style.display = 'block'; break; default: //user set an invalid value. } } } /** * Disables (or re-enables) the whole slider. * * if the param b is not specified, the current disabled mode will be toggled (inverted). * * @access public * @param bool b (true=disabled, false=enabled) * @since bs4.4 * @status experimental (or still at work) */ this.setDisabled = function(b) { if (typeof(b) == 'undefined') b = !this._disabled; if (b) { //be aware that the filters don't work on all elements, in all cases. there's not much i can do. //it once didn't work in a div, but then it worked in a table at the same place. //now it does not work on a span. well... not a killer feature. var filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayScale=1); progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(opacity=.5)'; var cursor = 'default'; } else { var filter = null; var cursor = 'hand'; //moz == pointer } //try { var t = new Array( this._containerId, this._arrowLeftContainerId, this._arrowRightContainerId, this._valueFieldId, this._valueTextId, this._slideBarId, this._colorbarId, this._handleId ); //this._valueContainerId, for (var i=0; i 0)) { setTimeout('Bs_Objects[' + this._id + '].onChangeByArrow(' + leftOrRight + ', ' + keepFiring + ', true);', this.arrowKeepFiringTimeout); } } } /** * is called when the mouse wheel is used over the slider. * @access public (used internally, you don't need that) * @return void */ this.onMouseWheel = function() { /* if (event.wheelDelta > 0) { this.onChangeByArrow(false); } else if (event.wheelDelta < 0) { this.onChangeByArrow(true); } */ if (this._disabled) return; var val = parseFloat(this._valueInternal); if (event.wheelDelta > 0) { val -= this.wheelAmount; } else { val += this.wheelAmount; } val = this._roundToGrid(val); if (val != this._valueInternal) { this._valueInternal = val; var newPos = this._getPositionByValue(val); this.updateHandle(newPos); this.updateValueField(val); this.updateValueText(val); this._updateColorbar(newPos); if ('undefined' != typeof(this.eventOnChange)) this.eventOnChange(this, val, newPos); this.fireEvent('onChange'); } } /** * stops a loop of firing onChangeByArrow(). * @access public * @return void * @since bs-4.6 */ this.stopFireArrow = function() { this._stopFireArrowFlag = true; } /** * Sets a new value. * @access public * @param string val (new value) * @return void */ this.setValue = function(val) { val = this._roundToGrid(val); var newPos = this._getPositionByValue(val); if (val != this._valueInternal) { this._valueInternal = val; this.updateHandle(newPos); this._updateColorbar(newPos); if ('undefined' != typeof(this.eventOnChange)) this.eventOnChange(this, val, newPos); this.fireEvent('onChange'); this.updateValueField(val); this.updateValueText(val); } } /** * Sets a new value for the leading space. * @access public * @param string val (new value) * @return void */ this.setLeadValue = function(val) { val = this._roundToGrid(val); var newPos = this._getPositionByValue(val); this._updateLeadColorbar(newPos); // Have to adjust the left and width of the colorbar as well. newPos = this._getPositionByValue(this._valueInternal); this._updateColorbar(newPos); } /** * DEPRECATED use setValue(), this method name was confusing. * * Use this to set a new value. * * --sam the name is confusing, it's a set-function * --andrej: yes, true. I have added setValue(). * * Note: The value you set is left "as is", thus it is *not* rounded to the next grid. * "Grid rounding" will occure on change (see onChangeByArrow, onChangeByInput, ...). * @access public * @param string val (new value) * @return void * @depreacted use setValue() */ this.onChangeByApi = function(val) { this.setValue(val); } /** * Updates the colorbar visually. * @access private * @param int newPos (at least i think it's an int.) * @return void */ this._updateColorbar = function(newPos) { // alert(this._slideBarObj); // alert(this._colorbarObj); // if (this._colorbarObj == null) alert('hi'); // alert(typeof(this._colorbarObj)); /* if (this._colorbarId && !this._colorbarObj) { //that happens with mozilla :/ this._colorbarObj = document.getElementById(this._colorbarId); alert(typeof(this._colorbarObj)); } */ if (this._colorbarObj) { var newWidth = newPos + this.colorbar['widthDifference']; //-10; if (this.leadingColorbar){ //newWidth = newWidth - 20; newWidth = newWidth - getDivWidth(this._leadingColorbarObj); // Recalculate offsetleft of the layer wrt to the leading colorbar div this._colorbarObj.style.left = getDivLeft(this._leadingColorbarObj) + getDivWidth(this._leadingColorbarObj) } if (newWidth < 0) newWidth = 0; this._colorbarObj.style.width = newWidth; if (typeof(this.colorbar['color2']) != 'undefined') { //fading feature used. var percent = this.getValueInPercent(); var newColor = mixColor(this.x, this.colorbar['color2'], percent); document.getElementById(this._colorbarId).style.backgroundColor = newColor; } } } /** * Updates the leading colorbar visually. * @access private * @param int newPos (at least i think it's an int.) * @return void */ this._updateLeadColorbar = function(newPos) { if (this._leadingColorbarObj) { var newWidth = newPos + this.leadingColorbar['widthDifference']; //-10; if (newWidth < 0) newWidth = 0; this._leadingColorbarObj.style.width = newWidth; } } /** * Calculates the value based on the given position. * @access private * @param int pos * @return double */ this._getValueByPosition = function(pos) { if (this.direction == 0) { pos -= this.ctrl.minX; var hundertPercent = this.ctrl.maxX - this.ctrl.minX; } else { pos -= this.ctrl.minY; var hundertPercent = this.ctrl.maxY - this.ctrl.minY; } var myPercent = pos / hundertPercent; var val = this.minVal + ((this.maxVal - this.minVal) * myPercent); return val; } /** * Calculates the position based on the given value. * @access private * @param double val * @return int */ this._getPositionByValue = function(val) { val = val - this.minVal; //since 4.3, needed. was buggy before if minVal was not 0. var hundertPercent = this.maxVal - this.minVal; var myPercent = val / hundertPercent; if (this.direction == 0) { var pos = this.ctrl.minX + ((this.ctrl.maxX - this.ctrl.minX) * myPercent); } else { var pos = this.ctrl.minY + ((this.ctrl.maxY - this.ctrl.minY) * myPercent); } return pos; } /** * Parse and round value to next grid defined by this.valueInterval, * and check lower/upper bounds. * @access private * @param string val * @return float */ this._roundToGrid = function(val) { val = parseFloat(val); if (isNaN(val)) return this.minVal; val = Math.round(val / this.valueInterval) * this.valueInterval; // Js has some odd rounding problems somewhere at 10^-8. To get rid of it we do: val = Math.round(val*10000)/10000; //check upper/lower bounds if (val < this.minVal) val = this.minVal; if (val > this.maxVal) val = this.maxVal; return val; } /** * Returns the new handle pos. * @access private * @return int */ this._getNewLocationFromCursor = function() { var ox = this._posEventSlideStartX; var oy = this._posEventSlideStartY; switch (this.direction) { case 0: // horizontal var t = this.ctrl.pageX - ox; var x = parseInt(this._posObjSlideStartX) + t; if (x > this.ctrl.maxX) x = this.ctrl.maxX; if (x < this.ctrl.minX) x = this.ctrl.minX; return x; /* if (this.ctrl.pageX > this.ctrl.maxX) { x=this.ctrl.maxX; } else if (this.ctrl.pageX < this.ctrl.minX) { x=this.ctrl.minX; } else { x = this.ctrl.pageX; if (x < this.ctrl.minX) x = this.ctrl.minX; if (x > this.ctrl.maxX) x = this.ctrl.maxX; } return x; break; */ case 1: // vertical var t = this.ctrl.pageY - oy; var y = parseInt(this._posObjSlideStartY) + t; if (y > this.ctrl.maxY) y = this.ctrl.maxY; if (y < this.ctrl.minY) y = this.ctrl.minY; return y; } } /** * Slides, in other words "updates the handle/knob". * @access private * @deprecated use updateHandle() * @param int newPos * @return void */ this.updatePointer = function(newPos) { this.updateHandle(newPos); } /** * Slides to new relative position, in other words "moves the handle/knob". * @access public * @param int newPos in pixel * @return void */ this.updateHandle = function(newPos) { if (this.direction == 0) { this._currentRelSliderPosX = newPos; this.ctrl.div.style.left = newPos; } else { this._currentRelSliderPosX = newPos; this.ctrl.div.style.top = newPos; } return; /* switch (this.direction) { case 0: // horizontal moveDivTo(this.ctrl.div, newPos, getDivTop(this.ctrl.div)); break; case 1: // vertical moveDivTo(this.ctrl.div, getDivTop(this.ctrl.div), newPos); break; } */ } /** * Updates the value of the input field. * @access public * @param mixed val (string or number) * @return void * @see updateValueText() */ this.updateValueField = function(val) { if (this._valueFieldObj) { this._valueFieldObj.value = val; } } /** * Updates the value of the text box. * @access public * @param mixed val (string or number) * @return void * @see updateValueField() */ this.updateValueText = function(val) { if (this._valueTextObj) { //alert(this._valueTextObj.innerText); //alert(this._valueTextObj.innerHTML); //alert(val); this._valueTextObj.innerHTML = val; //alert(this._valueTextObj.innerText); } } /** * @access private */ this.arrowOnClick = function() { } /** * fires after the value has changed. fires a lot when sliding, also * fires after an arrow click or input change. * @access private * @param int val (new value) */ this.onChange = function(val) { this.setValue(val); /** OBSOLET ** val = this._roundToGrid(val); this.updateInputBox(val); if ('undefined' != typeof(this.eventOnChange)) this.eventOnChange(this, val); this.fireEvent('onChange'); */ } /** * DEPRECATED * updates the input field box and/or the text with the value. * @param string val (number) * @access private * @return void * @deprecated */ this.updateInputBox = function(val) { this.setValue(val); /** OBSOLET ** val = this._roundToGrid(val); if ('undefined' != typeof(this.localInput)) { this.localInput.value = val; } if ('undefined' != typeof(this.localText)) { this.localText.innerHTML = val; //innerText } */ } /** * @access private * @param bool editMode */ this.textboxEdit = function(editMode) { if (this._disabled) return; if (editMode) { if ('undefined' != typeof(this._valueFieldObj)) { this._valueTextObj.style.display = 'none'; this._valueFieldObj.style.display = 'block'; bsFormFieldSetFocusAndSelect(this._valueFieldObj, false); } } else { if ('undefined' != typeof(this._valueTextObj)) { this._valueFieldObj.style.display = 'none'; this._valueTextObj.style.display = 'block'; } } } /** * Fires during the mause move off the slider-handle (as long as the mouse button is hold) * @access private * @param object ctrl The slider handle object * @param object client */ this.slideMove = function(ctrl, client) { ctrl.sliderObj.onChangeBySlide(ctrl); } /** * Fires on first click off the slider-handle * @access private * @param object ctrl The slider handle object * @param ? client */ this.slideStart = function(ctrl,client) { if (ctrl.sliderObj._disabled) return; ctrl.sliderObj._posEventSlideStartX = ctrl.startX; ctrl.sliderObj._posEventSlideStartY = ctrl.startY; ctrl.sliderObj._posObjSlideStartX = ctrl.sliderObj._handleObj.style.left; ctrl.sliderObj._posObjSlideStartY = ctrl.sliderObj._handleObj.style.top; var pos = ctrl.sliderObj.getSliderPos(); ctrl.sliderObj.setValue(pos); if ('undefined' != typeof(ctrl.sliderObj.slideStartCB)) { ctrl.sliderObj.slideStartCB(ctrl.sliderObj, ctrl.sliderObj.getValue(), pos); } } /** * Fires on first unclick off the slider-handle * @access private * @param object ctrl The slider handle object * @param ? client */ this.slideEnd = function(ctrl,client){ var pos = ctrl.sliderObj.getSliderPos(); if ('undefined' != typeof(ctrl.sliderObj.slideEndCB)) { ctrl.sliderObj.slideEndCB(ctrl.sliderObj, ctrl.sliderObj.getValue(), pos); } return; } /////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor code /////////////////////////////////////////// this._constructor(theFieldnamePrefix); //call the constructor. needs to be at the end. }