var INARRAY = 1; var CAPARRAY = 2; var STICKY = 3; var BACKGROUND = 4; var NOCLOSE = 5; var CAPTION = 6; var LEFT = 7; var RIGHT = 8; var CENTER = 9; var OFFSETX = 10; var OFFSETY = 11; var FGCOLOR = 12; var BGCOLOR = 13; var TEXTCOLOR = 14; var CAPCOLOR = 15; var CLOSECOLOR = 16; var WIDTH = 17; var BORDER = 18; var STATUS = 19; var AUTOSTATUS = 20; var AUTOSTATUSCAP = 21; var HEIGHT = 22; var CLOSETEXT = 23; var SNAPX = 24; var SNAPY = 25; var FIXX = 26; var FIXY = 27; var FGBACKGROUND = 28; var BGBACKGROUND = 29; var PADX = 30; // PADX2 out var PADY = 31; // PADY2 out var FULLHTML = 34; var ABOVE = 35; var BELOW = 36; var CAPICON = 37; var TEXTFONT = 38; var CAPTIONFONT = 39; var CLOSEFONT = 40; var TEXTSIZE = 41; var CAPTIONSIZE = 42; var CLOSESIZE = 43; var FRAME = 44; var TIMEOUT = 45; var FUNCTION = 46; var DELAY = 47; var HAUTO = 48; var VAUTO = 49; var CLOSECLICK = 50; var CSSOFF = 51; var CSSSTYLE = 52; var CSSCLASS = 53; var FGCLASS = 54; var BGCLASS = 55; var TEXTFONTCLASS = 56; var CAPTIONFONTCLASS = 57; var CLOSEFONTCLASS = 58; var PADUNIT = 59; var HEIGHTUNIT = 60; var WIDTHUNIT = 61; var TEXTSIZEUNIT = 62; var TEXTDECORATION = 63; var TEXTSTYLE = 64; var TEXTWEIGHT = 65; var CAPTIONSIZEUNIT = 66; var CAPTIONDECORATION = 67; var CAPTIONSTYLE = 68; var CAPTIONWEIGHT = 69; var CLOSESIZEUNIT = 70; var CLOSEDECORATION = 71; var CLOSESTYLE = 72; var CLOSEWEIGHT = 73; if (typeof ol_fgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_fgcolor = "#CCCCFF";} if (typeof ol_bgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_bgcolor = "#333399";} if (typeof ol_textcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_textcolor = "#000000";} if (typeof ol_capcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_capcolor = "#FFFFFF";} if (typeof ol_closecolor == 'undefined') { var ol_closecolor = "#9999FF";} if (typeof ol_textfont == 'undefined') { var ol_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";} if (typeof ol_captionfont == 'undefined') { var ol_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";} if (typeof ol_closefont == 'undefined') { var ol_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";} if (typeof ol_textsize == 'undefined') { var ol_textsize = "1";} if (typeof ol_captionsize == 'undefined') { var ol_captionsize = "1";} if (typeof ol_closesize == 'undefined') { var ol_closesize = "1";} if (typeof ol_width == 'undefined') { var ol_width = "200";} if (typeof ol_border == 'undefined') { var ol_border = "1";} if (typeof ol_offsetx == 'undefined') { var ol_offsetx = 10;} if (typeof ol_offsety == 'undefined') { var ol_offsety = 10;} if (typeof ol_text == 'undefined') { var ol_text = "Default Text"; } if (typeof ol_cap == 'undefined') { var ol_cap = ""; } if (typeof ol_sticky == 'undefined') { var ol_sticky = 0; } if (typeof ol_background == 'undefined') { var ol_background = ""; } if (typeof ol_close == 'undefined') { var ol_close = "Close"; } if (typeof ol_hpos == 'undefined') { var ol_hpos = RIGHT; } if (typeof ol_status == 'undefined') { var ol_status = ""; } if (typeof ol_autostatus == 'undefined') { var ol_autostatus = 0; } if (typeof ol_height == 'undefined') { var ol_height = -1; } if (typeof ol_snapx == 'undefined') { var ol_snapx = 0; } if (typeof ol_snapy == 'undefined') { var ol_snapy = 0; } if (typeof ol_fixx == 'undefined') { var ol_fixx = -1; } if (typeof ol_fixy == 'undefined') { var ol_fixy = -1; } if (typeof ol_fgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_fgbackground = ""; } if (typeof ol_bgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_bgbackground = ""; } if (typeof ol_padxl == 'undefined') { var ol_padxl = 1; } if (typeof ol_padxr == 'undefined') { var ol_padxr = 1; } if (typeof ol_padyt == 'undefined') { var ol_padyt = 1; } if (typeof ol_padyb == 'undefined') { var ol_padyb = 1; } if (typeof ol_fullhtml == 'undefined') { var ol_fullhtml = 0; } if (typeof ol_vpos == 'undefined') { var ol_vpos = BELOW; } if (typeof ol_aboveheight == 'undefined') { var ol_aboveheight = 0; } if (typeof ol_capicon == 'undefined') { var ol_capicon = ""; } if (typeof ol_frame == 'undefined') { var ol_frame = self; } if (typeof ol_timeout == 'undefined') { var ol_timeout = 0; } if (typeof ol_function == 'undefined') { var ol_function = null; } if (typeof ol_delay == 'undefined') { var ol_delay = 0; } if (typeof ol_hauto == 'undefined') { var ol_hauto = 0; } if (typeof ol_vauto == 'undefined') { var ol_vauto = 1; } if (typeof ol_closeclick == 'undefined') { var ol_closeclick = 0; } if (typeof ol_css == 'undefined') { var ol_css = CSSOFF; } if (typeof ol_fgclass == 'undefined') { var ol_fgclass = ""; } if (typeof ol_bgclass == 'undefined') { var ol_bgclass = ""; } if (typeof ol_textfontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_textfontclass = ""; } if (typeof ol_captionfontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_captionfontclass = ""; } if (typeof ol_closefontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_closefontclass = ""; } if (typeof ol_padunit == 'undefined') { var ol_padunit = "px";} if (typeof ol_heightunit == 'undefined') { var ol_heightunit = "px";} if (typeof ol_widthunit == 'undefined') { var ol_widthunit = "px";} if (typeof ol_textsizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_textsizeunit = "px";} if (typeof ol_textdecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_textdecoration = "none";} if (typeof ol_textstyle == 'undefined') { var ol_textstyle = "normal";} if (typeof ol_textweight == 'undefined') { var ol_textweight = "normal";} if (typeof ol_captionsizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_captionsizeunit = "px";} if (typeof ol_captiondecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_captiondecoration = "none";} if (typeof ol_captionstyle == 'undefined') { var ol_captionstyle = "normal";} if (typeof ol_captionweight == 'undefined') { var ol_captionweight = "bold";} if (typeof ol_closesizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_closesizeunit = "px";} if (typeof ol_closedecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_closedecoration = "none";} if (typeof ol_closestyle == 'undefined') { var ol_closestyle = "normal";} if (typeof ol_closeweight == 'undefined') { var ol_closeweight = "normal";} if (typeof ol_texts == 'undefined') { var ol_texts = new Array("Text 0", "Text 1"); } if (typeof ol_caps == 'undefined') { var ol_caps = new Array("Caption 0", "Caption 1"); } var o3_text = ""; var o3_cap = ""; var o3_sticky = 0; var o3_background = ""; var o3_close = "Close"; var o3_hpos = RIGHT; var o3_offsetx = 2; var o3_offsety = 2; var o3_fgcolor = ""; var o3_bgcolor = ""; var o3_textcolor = ""; var o3_capcolor = ""; var o3_closecolor = ""; var o3_width = 100; var o3_border = 1; var o3_status = ""; var o3_autostatus = 0; var o3_height = -1; var o3_snapx = 0; var o3_snapy = 0; var o3_fixx = -1; var o3_fixy = -1; var o3_fgbackground = ""; var o3_bgbackground = ""; var o3_padxl = 0; var o3_padxr = 0; var o3_padyt = 0; var o3_padyb = 0; var o3_fullhtml = 0; var o3_vpos = BELOW; var o3_aboveheight = 0; var o3_capicon = ""; var o3_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; var o3_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; var o3_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; var o3_textsize = "1"; var o3_captionsize = "1"; var o3_closesize = "1"; var o3_frame = self; var o3_timeout = 0; var o3_timerid = 0; var o3_allowmove = 0; var o3_function = null; var o3_delay = 0; var o3_delayid = 0; var o3_hauto = 0; var o3_vauto = 0; var o3_closeclick = 0; var o3_css = CSSOFF; var o3_fgclass = ""; var o3_bgclass = ""; var o3_textfontclass = ""; var o3_captionfontclass = ""; var o3_closefontclass = ""; var o3_padunit = "px"; var o3_heightunit = "px"; var o3_widthunit = "px"; var o3_textsizeunit = "px"; var o3_textdecoration = ""; var o3_textstyle = ""; var o3_textweight = ""; var o3_captionsizeunit = "px"; var o3_captiondecoration = ""; var o3_captionstyle = ""; var o3_captionweight = ""; var o3_closesizeunit = "px"; var o3_closedecoration = ""; var o3_closestyle = ""; var o3_closeweight = ""; var o3_x = 0; var o3_y = 0; var o3_allow = 0; var o3_showingsticky = 0; var o3_removecounter = 0; var over = null; var fnRef; var ns4 = (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4); var ns6 = (document.getElementById)? true:false; var ie4 = (document.all)? true:false; if (ie4) var docRoot = 'document.body'; var ie5 = false; if (ns4) { var oW = window.innerWidth; var oH = window.innerHeight; window.onresize = function () {if (oW!=window.innerWidth||oH!=window.innerHeight) location.reload();} } if (ie4) { if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5') > 0) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6') > 0)) { if(document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') docRoot = 'document.documentElement'; ie5 = true; } if (ns6) { ns6 = false; } } if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6)) { document.onmousemove = mouseMove if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) } else { overlib = no_overlib; nd = no_overlib; ver3fix = true; } function no_overlib() { return ver3fix; } function overlib() { // Load defaults to runtime. o3_text = ol_text; o3_cap = ol_cap; o3_sticky = ol_sticky; o3_background = ol_background; o3_close = ol_close; o3_hpos = ol_hpos; o3_offsetx = ol_offsetx; o3_offsety = ol_offsety; o3_fgcolor = ol_fgcolor; o3_bgcolor = ol_bgcolor; o3_textcolor = ol_textcolor; o3_capcolor = ol_capcolor; o3_closecolor = ol_closecolor; o3_width = ol_width; o3_border = ol_border; o3_status = ol_status; o3_autostatus = ol_autostatus; o3_height = ol_height; o3_snapx = ol_snapx; o3_snapy = ol_snapy; o3_fixx = ol_fixx; o3_fixy = ol_fixy; o3_fgbackground = ol_fgbackground; o3_bgbackground = ol_bgbackground; o3_padxl = ol_padxl; o3_padxr = ol_padxr; o3_padyt = ol_padyt; o3_padyb = ol_padyb; o3_fullhtml = ol_fullhtml; o3_vpos = ol_vpos; o3_aboveheight = ol_aboveheight; o3_capicon = ol_capicon; o3_textfont = ol_textfont; o3_captionfont = ol_captionfont; o3_closefont = ol_closefont; o3_textsize = ol_textsize; o3_captionsize = ol_captionsize; o3_closesize = ol_closesize; o3_timeout = ol_timeout; o3_function = ol_function; o3_delay = ol_delay; o3_hauto = ol_hauto; o3_vauto = ol_vauto; o3_closeclick = ol_closeclick; o3_css = ol_css; o3_fgclass = ol_fgclass; o3_bgclass = ol_bgclass; o3_textfontclass = ol_textfontclass; o3_captionfontclass = ol_captionfontclass; o3_closefontclass = ol_closefontclass; o3_padunit = ol_padunit; o3_heightunit = ol_heightunit; o3_widthunit = ol_widthunit; o3_textsizeunit = ol_textsizeunit; o3_textdecoration = ol_textdecoration; o3_textstyle = ol_textstyle; o3_textweight = ol_textweight; o3_captionsizeunit = ol_captionsizeunit; o3_captiondecoration = ol_captiondecoration; o3_captionstyle = ol_captionstyle; o3_captionweight = ol_captionweight; o3_closesizeunit = ol_closesizeunit; o3_closedecoration = ol_closedecoration; o3_closestyle = ol_closestyle; o3_closeweight = ol_closeweight; fnRef = ''; if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6) ) { if (over) cClick(); o3_frame = ol_frame; if (ns4) over = o3_frame.document.overDiv if (ie4) over = if (ns6) over = o3_frame.document.getElementById("overDiv"); } var parsemode = -1, udf, v = null; var ar = arguments; udf = (!ar.length ? 1 : 0); for (i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { if (parsemode < 0) { // Arg is maintext, unless its a PARAMETER if (typeof ar[i] == 'number') { udf = (ar[i] == FUNCTION ? 0 : 1); i--; } else { o3_text = ar[i]; } parsemode = 0; } else { // Note: NS4 doesn't like switch cases with vars. if (ar[i] == INARRAY) { udf = 0; o3_text = ol_texts[ar[++i]]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPARRAY) { o3_cap = ol_caps[ar[++i]]; continue; } if (ar[i] == STICKY) { o3_sticky = 1; continue; } if (ar[i] == BACKGROUND) { o3_background = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == NOCLOSE) { o3_close = ""; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTION) { o3_cap = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CENTER || ar[i] == LEFT || ar[i] == RIGHT) { o3_hpos = ar[i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == OFFSETX) { o3_offsetx = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == OFFSETY) { o3_offsety = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FGCOLOR) { o3_fgcolor = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == BGCOLOR) { o3_bgcolor = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTCOLOR) { o3_textcolor = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPCOLOR) { o3_capcolor = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSECOLOR) { o3_closecolor = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == WIDTH) { o3_width = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == BORDER) { o3_border = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == STATUS) { o3_status = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == AUTOSTATUS) { o3_autostatus = (o3_autostatus == 1) ? 0 : 1; continue; } if (ar[i] == AUTOSTATUSCAP) { o3_autostatus = (o3_autostatus == 2) ? 0 : 2; continue; } if (ar[i] == HEIGHT) { o3_height = ar[++i]; o3_aboveheight = ar[i]; continue; } // Same param again. if (ar[i] == CLOSETEXT) { o3_close = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == SNAPX) { o3_snapx = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == SNAPY) { o3_snapy = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FIXX) { o3_fixx = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FIXY) { o3_fixy = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FGBACKGROUND) { o3_fgbackground = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == BGBACKGROUND) { o3_bgbackground = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == PADX) { o3_padxl = ar[++i]; o3_padxr = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == PADY) { o3_padyt = ar[++i]; o3_padyb = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FULLHTML) { o3_fullhtml = 1; continue; } if (ar[i] == BELOW || ar[i] == ABOVE) { o3_vpos = ar[i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPICON) { o3_capicon = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTFONT) { o3_textfont = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTIONFONT) { o3_captionfont = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSEFONT) { o3_closefont = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTSIZE) { o3_textsize = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTIONSIZE) { o3_captionsize = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSESIZE) { o3_closesize = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FRAME) { opt_FRAME(ar[++i]); continue; } if (ar[i] == TIMEOUT) { o3_timeout = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FUNCTION) { udf = 0; if (typeof ar[i+1] != 'number') v = ar[++i]; opt_FUNCTION(v); continue; } if (ar[i] == DELAY) { o3_delay = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == HAUTO) { o3_hauto = (o3_hauto == 0) ? 1 : 0; continue; } if (ar[i] == VAUTO) { o3_vauto = (o3_vauto == 0) ? 1 : 0; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSECLICK) { o3_closeclick = (o3_closeclick == 0) ? 1 : 0; continue; } if (ar[i] == CSSOFF) { o3_css = ar[i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CSSSTYLE) { o3_css = ar[i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CSSCLASS) { o3_css = ar[i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == FGCLASS) { o3_fgclass = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == BGCLASS) { o3_bgclass = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTFONTCLASS) { o3_textfontclass = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTIONFONTCLASS) { o3_captionfontclass = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSEFONTCLASS) { o3_closefontclass = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == PADUNIT) { o3_padunit = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == HEIGHTUNIT) { o3_heightunit = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == WIDTHUNIT) { o3_widthunit = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTSIZEUNIT) { o3_textsizeunit = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTDECORATION) { o3_textdecoration = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTSTYLE) { o3_textstyle = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == TEXTWEIGHT) { o3_textweight = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTIONSIZEUNIT) { o3_captionsizeunit = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTIONDECORATION) { o3_captiondecoration = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTIONSTYLE) { o3_captionstyle = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CAPTIONWEIGHT) { o3_captionweight = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSESIZEUNIT) { o3_closesizeunit = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSEDECORATION) { o3_closedecoration = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSESTYLE) { o3_closestyle = ar[++i]; continue; } if (ar[i] == CLOSEWEIGHT) { o3_closeweight = ar[++i]; continue; } } } if (udf && o3_function) o3_text = o3_function(); if (o3_delay == 0) { return overlib351(); } else { o3_delayid = setTimeout("overlib351()", o3_delay); return false; } } function nd() { if ( o3_removecounter >= 1 ) { o3_showingsticky = 0 }; if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6) ) { if ( o3_showingsticky == 0 ) { o3_allowmove = 0; if (over != null) hideObject(over); } else { o3_removecounter++; } } return true; } function overlib351() { var layerhtml; if (o3_background != "" || o3_fullhtml) { layerhtml = ol_content_background(o3_text, o3_background, o3_fullhtml); } else { if (o3_fgbackground != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) { o3_fgbackground = "BACKGROUND=\""+o3_fgbackground+"\""; } if (o3_bgbackground != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) { o3_bgbackground = "BACKGROUND=\""+o3_bgbackground+"\""; } if (o3_fgcolor != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) { o3_fgcolor = "BGCOLOR=\""+o3_fgcolor+"\""; } if (o3_bgcolor != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) { o3_bgcolor = "BGCOLOR=\""+o3_bgcolor+"\""; } if (o3_height > 0 && o3_css == CSSOFF) { o3_height = "HEIGHT=" + o3_height; } else { o3_height = ""; } if (o3_cap == "") { // Plain layerhtml = ol_content_simple(o3_text); } else { if (o3_sticky) { layerhtml = ol_content_caption(o3_text, o3_cap, o3_close); } else { layerhtml = ol_content_caption(o3_text, o3_cap, ""); } } } if (o3_sticky) { if (o3_timerid > 0) { clearTimeout(o3_timerid); o3_timerid = 0; } o3_showingsticky = 1; o3_removecounter = 0; } layerWrite(layerhtml); if (o3_autostatus > 0) { o3_status = o3_text; if (o3_autostatus > 1) { o3_status = o3_cap; } } o3_allowmove = 0; if (o3_timeout > 0) { if (o3_timerid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_timerid); o3_timerid = setTimeout("cClick()", o3_timeout); } disp(o3_status); if (o3_sticky) o3_allowmove = 0; return (o3_status != ''); } function ol_content_simple(text) { if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) txt = "
"; if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) txt = "
"; if (o3_css == CSSOFF) txt = "
"; set_background(""); return txt; } function ol_content_caption(text, title, close) { closing = ""; closeevent = "onMouseOver"; if (o3_closeclick == 1) closeevent = "onClick"; if (o3_capicon != "") o3_capicon = " "; if (close != "") { if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) closing = ""+close+""; if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) closing = ""+close+""; if (o3_css == CSSOFF) closing = ""+close+""; } if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) txt = "
"; if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) txt = "
"; if (o3_css == CSSOFF) txt = "
"; set_background(""); return txt; } function ol_content_background(text, picture, hasfullhtml) { var txt; if (hasfullhtml) { txt = text; } else { var pU, hU, wU; pU = (o3_padunit == '%' ? '%' : ''); hU = (o3_heightunit == '%' ? '%' : ''); wU = (o3_widthunit == '%' ? '%' : ''); if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) txt = "
"; if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) txt = "
"; if (o3_css == CSSOFF) txt = "
"; } set_background(picture); return txt; } function set_background(pic) { if (pic == "") { if (ns4) over.background.src = null; if (ie4) over.backgroundImage = "none"; if (ns6) = "none"; } else { if (ns4) { over.background.src = pic; } else if (ie4) { over.backgroundImage = "url("+pic+")"; } else if (ns6) { = "url("+pic+")"; } } } function disp(statustext) { if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6) ) { if (o3_allowmove == 0) { placeLayer(); showObject(over); o3_allowmove = 1; } } if (statustext != "") { self.status = statustext; } } function placeLayer() { var placeX, placeY; if (o3_fixx > -1) { placeX = o3_fixx; } else { winoffset = (ie4) ? eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollLeft') : o3_frame.pageXOffset; if (ie4) iwidth = eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientWidth'); if (ns4 || ns6) iwidth = o3_frame.innerWidth; if (o3_hauto == 1) { if ( (o3_x - winoffset) > ((eval(iwidth)) / 2)) { o3_hpos = LEFT; } else { o3_hpos = RIGHT; } } if (o3_hpos == CENTER) { // Center placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx-(o3_width/2); if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset; } if (o3_hpos == RIGHT) { // Right placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx; if ( (eval(placeX) + eval(o3_width)) > (winoffset + iwidth) ) { placeX = iwidth + winoffset - o3_width; if (placeX < 0) placeX = 0; } } if (o3_hpos == LEFT) { // Left placeX = o3_x-o3_offsetx-o3_width; if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset; } if (o3_snapx > 1) { var snapping = placeX % o3_snapx; if (o3_hpos == LEFT) { placeX = placeX - (o3_snapx + snapping); } else { placeX = placeX + (o3_snapx - snapping); } if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset; } } if (o3_fixy > -1) { placeY = o3_fixy; } else { scrolloffset = (ie4) ? eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollTop') : o3_frame.pageYOffset; if (o3_vauto == 1) { if (ie4) iheight = eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientHeight'); if (ns4 || ns6) iheight = o3_frame.innerHeight; iheight = (eval(iheight)) / 2; if ( (o3_y - scrolloffset) > iheight) { o3_vpos = ABOVE; } else { o3_vpos = BELOW; } } if (o3_vpos == ABOVE) { if (o3_aboveheight == 0) { var divref = (ie4) ? o3_frame.document.all['overDiv'] : over; o3_aboveheight = (ns4) ? divref.clip.height : divref.offsetHeight; } placeY = o3_y - (o3_aboveheight + o3_offsety); if (placeY < scrolloffset) placeY = scrolloffset; } else { placeY = o3_y + o3_offsety; } if (o3_snapy > 1) { var snapping = placeY % o3_snapy; if (o3_aboveheight > 0 && o3_vpos == ABOVE) { placeY = placeY - (o3_snapy + snapping); } else { placeY = placeY + (o3_snapy - snapping); } if (placeY < scrolloffset) placeY = scrolloffset; } } repositionTo(over, placeX, placeY); } function mouseMove(e) { if ( (ns4) || (ns6) ) {o3_x=e.pageX; o3_y=e.pageY;} if (ie4) {o3_x=event.x; o3_y=event.y;} if (ie5) {o3_x=eval('event.x+o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollLeft'); o3_y=eval('event.y+o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollTop');} if (o3_allowmove == 1) { placeLayer(); } } function cClick() { hideObject(over); o3_showingsticky = 0; return false; } function compatibleframe(frameid) { if (ns4) { if (typeof frameid.document.overDiv =='undefined') return false; } else if (ie4) { if (typeof frameid.document.all["overDiv"] =='undefined') return false; } else if (ns6) { if (frameid.document.getElementById('overDiv') == null) return false; } return true; } function layerWrite(txt) { txt += "\n"; if (ns4) { var lyr = o3_frame.document.overDiv.document lyr.write(txt) lyr.close() } else if (ie4) { o3_frame.document.all["overDiv"].innerHTML = txt } else if (ns6) { range = o3_frame.document.createRange(); range.setStartBefore(over); domfrag = range.createContextualFragment(txt); while (over.hasChildNodes()) { over.removeChild(over.lastChild); } over.appendChild(domfrag); } } function showObject(obj) { if (ns4) obj.visibility = "show"; else if (ie4) obj.visibility = "visible"; else if (ns6) = "visible"; } function hideObject(obj) { if (ns4) obj.visibility = "hide"; else if (ie4) obj.visibility = "hidden"; else if (ns6) = "hidden"; if (o3_timerid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_timerid); if (o3_delayid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_delayid); o3_timerid = 0; o3_delayid = 0; self.status = ""; } function repositionTo(obj,xL,yL) { if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) { obj.left = (ie4 ? xL + 'px' : xL); = (ie4 ? yL + 'px' : yL); } else if (ns6) { = xL + "px"; = yL+ "px"; } } function getFrameRef(thisFrame, ofrm) { var retVal = ''; for (var i=0; i 0) { retVal = getFrameRef(thisFrame[i],ofrm); if (retVal == '') continue; } else if (thisFrame[i] != ofrm) continue; retVal = '['+i+']' + retVal; break; } return retVal; } function opt_FRAME(frm) { o3_frame = compatibleframe(frm) ? frm : ol_frame; if (o3_frame != ol_frame) { var tFrm = getFrameRef(top.frames, o3_frame); var sFrm = getFrameRef(top.frames, ol_frame); if (sFrm.length == tFrm.length) { l = tFrm.lastIndexOf('['); if (l) { while(sFrm.substring(0,l) != tFrm.substring(0,l)) l = tFrm.lastIndexOf('[',l-1); tFrm = tFrm.substr(l); sFrm = sFrm.substr(l); } } var cnt = 0, p = '', str = tFrm; while((k = str.lastIndexOf('[')) != -1) { cnt++; str = str.substring(0,k); } for (var i=0; i