/* * Part of Very Secure FTPd * Licence: GPL v2 * Author: Chris Evans * * logging.c */ #include "logging.h" #include "tunables.h" #include "utility.h" #include "str.h" #include "sysutil.h" #include "sysstr.h" #include "session.h" /* File local functions */ static int vsf_log_type_is_transfer(enum EVSFLogEntryType type); static void vsf_log_common(struct vsf_session* p_sess, int succeeded, enum EVSFLogEntryType what, const struct mystr* p_str); static void vsf_log_do_log_vsftpd_format(struct vsf_session* p_sess, struct mystr* p_str, int succeeded, enum EVSFLogEntryType what, const struct mystr* p_log_str); static void vsf_log_do_log_wuftpd_format(struct vsf_session* p_sess, struct mystr* p_str, int succeeded); static void vsf_log_do_log_to_file(int fd, struct mystr* p_str); void vsf_log_init(struct vsf_session* p_sess) { int retval; if (tunable_syslog_enable || tunable_tcp_wrappers) { vsf_sysutil_openlog(); } if (!tunable_xferlog_enable && !tunable_dual_log_enable) { return; } if (tunable_dual_log_enable || tunable_xferlog_std_format) { retval = vsf_sysutil_create_or_open_file(tunable_xferlog_file, 0600); if (vsf_sysutil_retval_is_error(retval)) { die2("failed to open xferlog log file:", tunable_xferlog_file); } p_sess->xferlog_fd = retval; } if (tunable_dual_log_enable || !tunable_xferlog_std_format) { if (!tunable_syslog_enable) { retval = vsf_sysutil_create_or_open_file(tunable_vsftpd_log_file, 0600); if (vsf_sysutil_retval_is_error(retval)) { die2("failed to open vsftpd log file:", tunable_vsftpd_log_file); } p_sess->vsftpd_log_fd = retval; } } } static int vsf_log_type_is_transfer(enum EVSFLogEntryType type) { return (type == kVSFLogEntryDownload || type == kVSFLogEntryUpload); } void vsf_log_start_entry(struct vsf_session* p_sess, enum EVSFLogEntryType what) { if (p_sess->log_type != 0) { bug("non null log_type in vsf_log_start_entry"); } p_sess->log_type = (unsigned long) what; p_sess->log_start_sec = 0; p_sess->log_start_usec = 0; p_sess->transfer_size = 0; str_empty(&p_sess->log_str); if (vsf_log_type_is_transfer(what)) { vsf_sysutil_update_cached_time(); p_sess->log_start_sec = vsf_sysutil_get_cached_time_sec(); p_sess->log_start_usec = vsf_sysutil_get_cached_time_usec(); } } void vsf_log_line(struct vsf_session* p_sess, enum EVSFLogEntryType what, struct mystr* p_str) { vsf_log_common(p_sess, 1, what, p_str); } int vsf_log_entry_pending(struct vsf_session* p_sess) { if (p_sess->log_type == 0) { return 0; } return 1; } void vsf_log_do_log(struct vsf_session* p_sess, int succeeded) { vsf_log_common(p_sess, succeeded, (enum EVSFLogEntryType) p_sess->log_type, &p_sess->log_str); p_sess->log_type = 0; } static void vsf_log_common(struct vsf_session* p_sess, int succeeded, enum EVSFLogEntryType what, const struct mystr* p_str) { static struct mystr s_log_str; /* Handle xferlog line if appropriate */ if (p_sess->xferlog_fd != -1 && vsf_log_type_is_transfer(what)) { vsf_log_do_log_wuftpd_format(p_sess, &s_log_str, succeeded); vsf_log_do_log_to_file(p_sess->xferlog_fd, &s_log_str); } /* Handle vsftpd.log line if appropriate */ if (p_sess->vsftpd_log_fd != -1) { vsf_log_do_log_vsftpd_format(p_sess, &s_log_str, succeeded, what, p_str); vsf_log_do_log_to_file(p_sess->vsftpd_log_fd, &s_log_str); } /* Handle syslog() line if appropriate */ if (tunable_syslog_enable) { int severe = 0; vsf_log_do_log_vsftpd_format(p_sess, &s_log_str, succeeded, what, p_str); if (what == kVSFLogEntryLogin && !succeeded) { severe = 1; } str_syslog(&s_log_str, severe); } } static void vsf_log_do_log_to_file(int fd, struct mystr* p_str) { if (!tunable_no_log_lock) { int retval = vsf_sysutil_lock_file_write(fd); if (vsf_sysutil_retval_is_error(retval)) { return; } } str_replace_unprintable(p_str, '?'); str_append_char(p_str, '\n'); /* Ignore write failure; maybe the disk filled etc. */ (void) str_write_loop(p_str, fd); if (!tunable_no_log_lock) { vsf_sysutil_unlock_file(fd); } } static void vsf_log_do_log_wuftpd_format(struct vsf_session* p_sess, struct mystr* p_str, int succeeded) { long delta_sec; enum EVSFLogEntryType what = (enum EVSFLogEntryType) p_sess->log_type; /* Date - vsf_sysutil_get_current_date updates cached time */ str_alloc_text(p_str, vsf_sysutil_get_current_date()); str_append_char(p_str, ' '); /* Transfer time (in seconds) */ delta_sec = vsf_sysutil_get_cached_time_sec() - p_sess->log_start_sec; if (delta_sec <= 0) { delta_sec = 1; } str_append_ulong(p_str, (unsigned long) delta_sec); str_append_char(p_str, ' '); /* Remote host name */ str_append_str(p_str, &p_sess->remote_ip_str); str_append_char(p_str, ' '); /* Bytes transferred */ str_append_filesize_t(p_str, p_sess->transfer_size); str_append_char(p_str, ' '); /* Filename */ str_append_str(p_str, &p_sess->log_str); str_append_char(p_str, ' '); /* Transfer type (ascii/binary) */ if (p_sess->is_ascii) { str_append_text(p_str, "a "); } else { str_append_text(p_str, "b "); } /* Special action flag - tar, gzip etc. */ str_append_text(p_str, "_ "); /* Direction of transfer */ if (what == kVSFLogEntryUpload) { str_append_text(p_str, "i "); } else { str_append_text(p_str, "o "); } /* Access mode: anonymous/real user, and identity */ if (p_sess->is_anonymous) { str_append_text(p_str, "a "); str_append_str(p_str, &p_sess->anon_pass_str); } else { str_append_text(p_str, "r "); str_append_str(p_str, &p_sess->user_str); } str_append_char(p_str, ' '); /* Service name, authentication method, authentication user id */ str_append_text(p_str, "ftp 0 * "); /* Completion status */ if (succeeded) { str_append_char(p_str, 'c'); } else { str_append_char(p_str, 'i'); } } static void vsf_log_do_log_vsftpd_format(struct vsf_session* p_sess, struct mystr* p_str, int succeeded, enum EVSFLogEntryType what, const struct mystr* p_log_str) { /* Date - vsf_sysutil_get_current_date updates cached time */ str_alloc_text(p_str, vsf_sysutil_get_current_date()); /* Pid */ str_append_text(p_str, " [pid "); str_append_ulong(p_str, vsf_sysutil_getpid()); str_append_text(p_str, "] "); /* User */ if (!str_isempty(&p_sess->user_str)) { str_append_char(p_str, '['); str_append_str(p_str, &p_sess->user_str); str_append_text(p_str, "] "); } /* And the action */ if (what != kVSFLogEntryFTPInput && what != kVSFLogEntryFTPOutput && what != kVSFLogEntryConnection) { if (succeeded) { str_append_text(p_str, "OK "); } else { str_append_text(p_str, "FAIL "); } } switch (what) { case kVSFLogEntryDownload: str_append_text(p_str, "DOWNLOAD"); break; case kVSFLogEntryUpload: str_append_text(p_str, "UPLOAD"); break; case kVSFLogEntryMkdir: str_append_text(p_str, "MKDIR"); break; case kVSFLogEntryLogin: str_append_text(p_str, "LOGIN"); break; case kVSFLogEntryFTPInput: str_append_text(p_str, "FTP command"); break; case kVSFLogEntryFTPOutput: str_append_text(p_str, "FTP response"); break; case kVSFLogEntryConnection: str_append_text(p_str, "CONNECT"); break; case kVSFLogEntryDelete: str_append_text(p_str, "DELETE"); break; case kVSFLogEntryRename: str_append_text(p_str, "RENAME"); break; case kVSFLogEntryRmdir: str_append_text(p_str, "RMDIR"); break; case kVSFLogEntryChmod: str_append_text(p_str, "CHMOD"); break; default: bug("bad entry_type in vsf_log_do_log"); break; } str_append_text(p_str, ": Client \""); str_append_str(p_str, &p_sess->remote_ip_str); str_append_char(p_str, '"'); if (what == kVSFLogEntryLogin && !str_isempty(&p_sess->anon_pass_str)) { str_append_text(p_str, ", anon password \""); str_append_str(p_str, &p_sess->anon_pass_str); str_append_char(p_str, '"'); } if (!str_isempty(p_log_str)) { str_append_text(p_str, ", \""); str_append_str(p_str, p_log_str); str_append_char(p_str, '"'); } if (what != kVSFLogEntryFTPInput && what != kVSFLogEntryFTPOutput) { if (p_sess->transfer_size) { str_append_text(p_str, ", "); str_append_filesize_t(p_str, p_sess->transfer_size); str_append_text(p_str, " bytes"); } if (vsf_log_type_is_transfer(what)) { long delta_sec = vsf_sysutil_get_cached_time_sec() - p_sess->log_start_sec; long delta_usec = vsf_sysutil_get_cached_time_usec() - p_sess->log_start_usec; double time_delta = (double) delta_sec + ((double) delta_usec / (double) 1000000); double kbyte_rate; if (time_delta <= 0) { time_delta = 0.1; } kbyte_rate = ((double) p_sess->transfer_size / time_delta) / (double) 1024; str_append_text(p_str, ", "); str_append_double(p_str, kbyte_rate); str_append_text(p_str, "Kbyte/sec"); } } }