# $Source: /home/user/PROJECT/WL-520gu-NewUI/src/router/samba/examples/LDAP/smbldap-tools/CONTRIBUTORS,v $ # ## Authors and actives contributors to SMBLDAP-TOOLS Have contributed directly to this tools, or are always in charge of some aspects of it developments: . Jérôme Tournier . Terry Davis . David Le Corfec . Olivier Lemaire Many thanks to contributors for bug report and patches: . Marc Schoechlin load the perl-modules without setting environment-variables or making symlinks . Alexander Bergolth more Net::LDAP support . Gert-Jan Braas bug report for 2.2.3 samba.schema . Jody Haynes originaly passwd.pl . Brad Langhorst package relocatability . Mirko Manea originaly useradd.pl . Alain Richard bug report and Perl tips . Roland Schulz bug report for smbldap-passwd . Xavier Boschian bug report for smbldap-populate . Christophe DUBREUIL Net::LDAP support in smbldap_tools.pm # - The End