/* ********************************************************************* * Broadcom Common Firmware Environment (CFE) * * Memory Config Utility File: memconfig.c * * Author: Mitch Lichtenberg (mpl@broadcom.com) * * This host tool lets you enter DRAM parameters and run CFE's * standard memory configuration to calculate the relevant timing * parameters. It's a good way to see what CFE would have done, * to find bogus timing calculations. * ********************************************************************* * * Copyright 2000,2001,2002,2003 * Broadcom Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software is furnished under license and may be used and * copied only in accordance with the following terms and * conditions. Subject to these conditions, you may download, * copy, install, use, modify and distribute modified or unmodified * copies of this software in source and/or binary form. No title * or ownership is transferred hereby. * * 1) Any source code used, modified or distributed must reproduce * and retain this copyright notice and list of conditions * as they appear in the source file. * * 2) No right is granted to use any trade name, trademark, or * logo of Broadcom Corporation. The "Broadcom Corporation" * name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without the prior written permission of * Broadcom Corporation. * * 3) THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL BROADCOM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, AND IN * PARTICULAR, BROADCOM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE), EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ********************************************************************* */ #include #include /* ********************************************************************* * Basic types ********************************************************************* */ typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef unsigned long uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; /* ********************************************************************* * SB1250 stuff ********************************************************************* */ #include "sb1250_defs.h" #include "sb1250_mc.h" #include "sb1250_draminit.h" #include "sb1250_regs.h" #include "sb1250_scd.h" /* ********************************************************************* * BCD macros ********************************************************************* */ #define DECTO10THS(x) ((((x) >> 4)*10)+((x) & 0x0F)) /* ********************************************************************* * Global defaults ********************************************************************* */ #define MIN_tMEMCLK DRT10(8,0) #define tROUNDTRIP DRT10(2,5) /* ********************************************************************* * Types ********************************************************************* */ typedef struct encvalue_s { char *name; uint8_t val; } encvalue_t; typedef struct spdbyte_s { char *name; uint8_t *data; int decimal; encvalue_t *values; char *units; char *description; char *deflt; } spdbyte_t; #define SPD_DEC_BCD 1 #define SPD_DEC_QTR 2 #define SPD_ENCODED 3 #define SPD_ENCODED2 4 /* ********************************************************************* * Globals ********************************************************************* */ uint8_t spd[64] = {0}; /* SPD data */ uint8_t mintmemclk = MIN_tMEMCLK; /* Default value: 8.0ns */ uint8_t roundtrip = tROUNDTRIP; /* Default value: 2.5ns */ uint8_t dramtype = JEDEC; /* Regular DDR SDRAMs */ uint8_t plldiv = 10; /* 500 MHz using 100Mhz refclk */ uint8_t refclk = 100; /* 100Mhz reference clock */ uint8_t portintlv = 0; /* no port interleaving */ uint8_t addrskew = 0x8; uint8_t dqoskew = 0x8; uint8_t dqiskew = 0x8; uint8_t addrdrive = 0xF; uint8_t datadrive = 0xF; uint8_t clkdrive = 0xF; uint64_t mc0_mclkcfg; /* Value programmed by draminit */ uint64_t mc0_timing1; /* Value programmed by draminit */ uint64_t smbus0_start = 0; /* Rememberd SMBus register value */ uint64_t smbus0_cmd = 0; /* Rememberd SMBus register value */ extern int sb1250_refclk; /* from draminit - reference clock */ extern int dram_cas_latency; /* from draminit - calc'd cas latency */ extern int dram_tMemClk; /* from draminit - calc'd tMemClk */ draminittab_t inittab[16]; /* our init tab */ int debug = 0; /* ********************************************************************* * Parameter and value tables ********************************************************************* */ encvalue_t caslatencies[] = { {"3.5",JEDEC_CASLAT_35}, {"3.0",JEDEC_CASLAT_30}, {"2.5",JEDEC_CASLAT_25}, {"2.0",JEDEC_CASLAT_20}, {"1.5",JEDEC_CASLAT_15}, {"1.0",JEDEC_CASLAT_10}, {NULL,0}}; encvalue_t refreshrates[] = { {"64",JEDEC_RFSH_64khz}, {"256",JEDEC_RFSH_256khz}, {"128",JEDEC_RFSH_128khz}, {"32",JEDEC_RFSH_32khz}, {"16",JEDEC_RFSH_16khz}, {"8",JEDEC_RFSH_8khz}, {NULL,0}}; encvalue_t modattribs[] = { {"none",0}, {"reg",JEDEC_ATTRIB_REG}, {"diffclk",0x20}, {NULL,0}}; encvalue_t dramtypes[] = { {"jedec",JEDEC}, {"fcram",FCRAM}, {"sgram",SGRAM}, {NULL,0}}; spdbyte_t spdfields[] = { {"mintmemclk",&mintmemclk,SPD_DEC_BCD,NULL,"ns","Minimum value for tMEMCLK","8.0"}, {"roundtrip", &roundtrip, SPD_DEC_BCD,NULL,"ns","Round trip time from CLK to returned DQS","2.5"}, {"plldiv", &plldiv, 0,NULL,"","PLL Ratio (System Config Register)","10"}, {"refclk", &refclk, 0,NULL,"Mhz","Reference clock, usually 100Mhz","100"}, // {"portintlv", &portintlv, 0,NULL,"","Port interleave (1=on)","0"}, {"memtype", &dramtype, SPD_ENCODED,dramtypes,"","Memory type (jedec, fcram, sgram)","jedec"}, {"rows", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_ROWS],0,NULL,"","[3 ] Number of row bits","13"}, {"cols", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_COLS],0,NULL,"","[4 ] Number of column bits","9"}, {"banks", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_BANKS],0,NULL,"","[17] Number of banks","4"}, {"tCK25", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tCK25],SPD_DEC_BCD,NULL,"ns","[9 ] tCK value for CAS Latency 2.5","7.5"}, {"tCK20", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tCK20],SPD_DEC_BCD,NULL,"ns","[23] tCK value for CAS Latency 2.0","0"}, {"tCK10", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tCK10],SPD_DEC_BCD,NULL,"ns","[25] tCK value for CAS Latency 1.0","0"}, {"rfsh", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_RFSH],SPD_ENCODED,refreshrates,"","[12] Refresh rate (KHz)","8"}, {"caslat", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_CASLATENCIES],SPD_ENCODED2,caslatencies,"","[18] CAS Latencies supported","2.5"}, {"attrib", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_ATTRIBUTES],SPD_ENCODED,modattribs,"","[21] Module attributes","none"}, {"tRAS", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tRAS],0,NULL,"ns","[30]","45"}, {"tRP", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tRP],SPD_DEC_QTR,NULL,"ns","[27]","20.0"}, {"tRRD", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tRRD],SPD_DEC_QTR,NULL,"ns","[28]","15.0"}, {"tRCD", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tRCD],SPD_DEC_QTR,NULL,"ns","[29]","20.0"}, {"tRFC", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tRFC],0,NULL,"ns","[42]","0"}, {"tRC", &spd[JEDEC_SPD_tRC],0,NULL,"ns","[41]","0"}, {"addrskew", &addrskew, 0, NULL, "","Address Skew","0x0F"}, {"dqoskew", &dqoskew, 0, NULL, "","DQO Skew","0x08"}, {"dqikew", &dqiskew, 0, NULL, "","DQI Skew","0x08"}, {"addrdrive", &addrdrive, 0, NULL, "","Address Drive","0x0F"}, {"datadrive", &datadrive, 0, NULL, "","Data Drive","0x0F"}, {"clkdrive", &clkdrive, 0, NULL, "","Clock Drive","0"}, {NULL,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}}; char *lookupstr(encvalue_t *ev,uint8_t val) { while (ev->name) { if (ev->val == val) return ev->name; ev++; } return "unknown"; } uint64_t sbreadcsr(uint64_t reg) { uint64_t val = 0; if (debug) printf("READ %08X\n",(uint32_t) reg); switch ((uint32_t) reg) { case A_SCD_SYSTEM_REVISION: val = V_SYS_PART(0x1250) | V_SYS_WID(0) | V_SYS_REVISION(1) | 0xFF; break; case A_SCD_SYSTEM_CFG: val = V_SYS_PLL_DIV(plldiv); break; case A_SMB_STATUS_0: val = 0; break; case A_SMB_CMD_0: val = smbus0_cmd; break; case A_SMB_START_0: val = smbus0_start; break; case A_SMB_DATA_0: val = spd[smbus0_cmd & 0x3F]; break; } return val; } void sbwritecsr(uint64_t reg,uint64_t val) { if (debug) printf("WRITE %08X %016llX\n",(uint32_t) reg,val); switch ((uint32_t) reg) { case A_MC_REGISTER(0,R_MC_MCLK_CFG): mc0_mclkcfg = val; break; case A_MC_REGISTER(0,R_MC_TIMING1): mc0_timing1 = val; break; case A_SMB_CMD_0: smbus0_cmd = val; break; case A_SMB_START_0: smbus0_start = val; break; } } int procfield(char *txt) { int num = 0; int a,b; spdbyte_t *sf; encvalue_t *ev; char *x; char *tok; x = strchr(txt,'='); if (!x) { printf("Fields must be specified as 'name=value'\n"); exit(1); } *x++ = '\0'; sf = spdfields; while (sf->name) { if (strcmp(sf->name,txt) == 0) break; sf++; } if (sf->name == NULL) { printf("Invalid field name: %s\n",txt); return -1; } if (memcmp(x,"0x",2) == 0) { sscanf(x+2,"%x",&num); } else { if (strchr(x,'.')) { if (sscanf(x,"%d.%d",&a,&b) != 2) { printf("%s: invalid number: %s\n",sf->name,x); return -1; } } else { a = atoi(x); b = 0; } switch (sf->decimal) { case SPD_DEC_BCD: if ((b < 0) || (b > 9)) { printf("%s: Invalid BCD number: %s\n",sf->name,x); return -1; } num = (a*16)+b; break; case SPD_DEC_QTR: if ((b != 0) && (b != 25) && (b != 50) && (b != 75)) { printf("%s: Invalid 2-bit fraction number: %s\n",sf->name,x); printf("(number after decimal should be 0,25,50,75)\n"); exit(1); } num = (a*4)+(b/25); break; case SPD_ENCODED: ev = sf->values; while (ev->name) { if (strcmp(ev->name,x) == 0) break; ev++; } if (!ev->name) { printf("%s: Invalid value. Valid values are: ",x); ev = sf->values; while (ev->name) { printf("%s ",ev->name); ev++; } printf("\n"); return -1; } num = ev->val; break; case SPD_ENCODED2: tok = strtok(x," ,"); num = 0; while (tok) { ev = sf->values; while (ev->name) { if (strcmp(ev->name,tok) == 0) break; ev++; } if (!ev->name) { printf("%s: Invalid value. Valid values are: ",tok); ev = sf->values; while (ev->name) { printf("%s ",ev->name); ev++; } printf("\n"); return -1; } num |= ev->val; tok = strtok(NULL," ,"); } break; default: num = a; break; } } *(sf->data) = num; return 0; } void interactive(void) { spdbyte_t *sf; char field[100]; char ask[100]; char prompt[100]; char *x; sf = spdfields; printf("%-65.65s: Value\n","Parameter"); printf("%-65.65s: -----\n","-----------------------------------------------------------------"); while (sf->name) { for (;;) { x = prompt; x += sprintf(x,"%s (%s", sf->name,sf->description); if (sf->units && sf->units[0]) { if (sf->description && sf->description[0]) x += sprintf(x,", "); x += sprintf(x,"%s",sf->units); } x += sprintf(x,"): [%s]", sf->deflt); printf("%-65.65s: ",prompt); fgets(ask,sizeof(ask),stdin); if ((x = strchr(ask,'\n'))) *x = '\0'; if (ask[0] == 0) strcpy(ask,sf->deflt); sprintf(field,"%s=%s",sf->name,ask); if (procfield(field) < 0) continue; break; } sf++; } printf("\n\n"); } int swcnt = 0; char *swnames[32]; int proc_args(int argc,char *argv[]) { int inidx,outidx; outidx = 1; for (inidx = 1; inidx < argc; inidx++) { if (argv[inidx][0] != '-') { argv[outidx++] = argv[inidx]; } else { swnames[swcnt] = argv[inidx]; swcnt++; } } return outidx; } int swisset(char *x) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < swcnt; idx++) { if (strcmp(x,swnames[idx]) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } void dumpmclkcfg(uint64_t val) { printf("clk_ratio = %d\n",G_MC_CLK_RATIO(val)); printf("ref_rate = %d\n",G_MC_REF_RATE(val)); } void dumptiming1(uint64_t val) { printf("w2rIdle = %d\n",(val & M_MC_w2rIDLE_TWOCYCLES) ? 1 : 0); printf("r2rIdle = %d\n",(val & M_MC_r2rIDLE_TWOCYCLES) ? 1 : 0); printf("r2wIdle = %d\n",(val & M_MC_r2wIDLE_TWOCYCLES) ? 1 : 0); printf("tCrD = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tCrD(val)); printf("tCrDh = %d\n",(val & M_MC_tCrDh) ? 1 : 0); printf("tFIFO = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tFIFO(val)); printf("tCwD = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tCwD(val)); printf("tRP = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tRP(val)); printf("tRRD = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tRRD(val)); printf("tRCD = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tRCD(val)); printf("tRFC = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tRFC(val)); printf("tRCw = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tRCw(val)); printf("tRCr = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tRCr(val)); printf("tCwCr = %d\n",(int)G_MC_tCwCr(val)); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { spdbyte_t *sf; uint8_t t; int idx; int mclk; draminittab_t *init; spd[JEDEC_SPD_MEMTYPE] = JEDEC_MEMTYPE_DDRSDRAM2; spd[JEDEC_SPD_ROWS] = 13; spd[JEDEC_SPD_COLS] = 9; spd[JEDEC_SPD_BANKS] = 2; spd[JEDEC_SPD_SIDES] = 1; spd[JEDEC_SPD_WIDTH] = 72; argc = proc_args(argc,argv); if ((argc == 1) && !swisset("-i")) { printf("usage: memconfig name=value name=value ...\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Available fields: "); sf = spdfields; while (sf->name) { printf("%s ",sf->name); sf++; } printf("\n"); exit(1); } if (swisset("-i")) { interactive(); } else { for (idx = 1; idx < argc; idx++) { if (procfield(argv[idx]) < 0) exit(1); } } debug = swisset("-d"); printf("-------Memory Parameters---------\n"); sf = spdfields; while (sf->name) { char buffer[64]; char *p = buffer; t = *(sf->data); printf("%-10.10s = 0x%02X ",sf->name,t); switch (sf->decimal) { case SPD_DEC_BCD: p += sprintf(p,"(%d.%d)", t >> 4, t & 0x0F); break; case SPD_DEC_QTR: p += sprintf(p,"(%d.%02d)", t/4,(t&3)*25); break; case SPD_ENCODED: p += sprintf(p,"(%s)",lookupstr(sf->values,t)); break; default: p += sprintf(p,"(%d)",t); break; } p += sprintf(p," %s",sf->units); printf("%-16.16s %s\n",buffer,sf->description); sf++; } printf("\n"); init = &inittab[0]; memset(inittab,0,sizeof(inittab)); init->gbl.gbl_type = MCR_GLOBALS; init->gbl.gbl_intlv_ch = portintlv; init++; init->cfg.cfg_type = MCR_CHCFG; init->cfg.cfg_chan = 0; init->cfg.cfg_mintmemclk = mintmemclk; init->cfg.cfg_dramtype = dramtype; init->cfg.cfg_pagepolicy = CASCHECK; init->cfg.cfg_blksize = BLKSIZE32; init->cfg.cfg_intlv_cs = NOCSINTLV; init->cfg.cfg_ecc = 0; init->cfg.cfg_roundtrip = roundtrip; init++; init->clk.clk_type = MCR_CLKCFG; init->clk.clk_addrskew = addrskew; init->clk.clk_dqoskew = dqoskew; init->clk.clk_dqiskew = dqiskew; init->clk.clk_addrdrive = addrdrive; init->clk.clk_datadrive = datadrive; init->clk.clk_clkdrive = clkdrive; init++; init->geom.geom_type = MCR_GEOM; init->geom.geom_csel = 0; init->geom.geom_rows = spd[JEDEC_SPD_ROWS]; init->geom.geom_cols = spd[JEDEC_SPD_COLS]; init->geom.geom_banks = spd[JEDEC_SPD_BANKS]; init++; init->spd.spd_type = MCR_SPD; init->spd.spd_csel = 0; init->spd.spd_flags = 0; init->spd.spd_smbuschan = 0; init->spd.spd_smbusdev = 0x50; init++; init->mcr.mcr_type = MCR_EOT; sb1250_refclk = (int) refclk; sb1250_dram_init(inittab); printf("-----Memory Timing Register Values-----\n"); printf("System Clock %dMHz\n",plldiv*refclk/2); printf("CAS latency %d.%d\n",dram_cas_latency>>1,(dram_cas_latency&1)?5:0); printf("tMemClk %d.%d ns\n",dram_tMemClk/10,dram_tMemClk%10); mclk = (plldiv*refclk)*10/2/((int)G_MC_CLK_RATIO(mc0_mclkcfg)); printf("MCLK Freq %d.%dMHz\n",mclk/10,mclk%10); printf("\n"); printf("MC_TIMING1 = %016llX\n",mc0_timing1); printf("MCLK_CONFIG = %016llX\n",mc0_mclkcfg); printf("\n"); printf("-----Memory Timing Register Fields-----\n"); dumptiming1(mc0_timing1); printf("-----Memory Clock Config Register Fields-----\n"); dumpmclkcfg(mc0_mclkcfg); printf("---Done!---\n"); printf("%s ",argv[0]); sf = spdfields; while (sf->name) { char buffer[64]; char *p = buffer; t = *(sf->data); p += sprintf(p,"%s=",sf->name); switch (sf->decimal) { case SPD_DEC_BCD: p += sprintf(p,"%d.%d", t >> 4, t & 0x0F); break; case SPD_DEC_QTR: p += sprintf(p,"%d.%02d", t/4,(t&3)*25); break; case SPD_ENCODED: default: p += sprintf(p,"0x%02X",t); break; } printf("%s ",buffer); sf++; } printf("\n"); return 0; }