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Lines Matching refs:format

12 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <6s} {2: <6s} {3: <10s} {4: <15s}".format("task", "pid", '#acts', "tablesize", "command"))
25 out_string += format_string.format(task, pval.p_pid, task.thread_count, table_size, proc_name)
28 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <28s} {2: <12s} {3: <6s} {4: <4s} {5: <20s} {6: <4s}\n".format(
43 out_string += prefix + format_string.format(
50 out_string += prefix + format_string.format(
81 out_str = "{0:s}({1: <d})".format(destprocp.p_comm, destprocp.p_pid)
88 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <28s} {2: <12s} {3: <6s} {4: <6s} {5: <19s} {6: <26s} {7: <26s}\n".format(
100 out_string += "{0: <19s} {1: <#019x} {2: <8s} {3: <#011x} ".format(
104 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("rS")
106 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("rO")
109 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("lS")
112 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("lO")
114 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("l-")
116 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("c")
118 out_string += "{0: <2s}".format("s")
124 out_string += "{0: ^6d} {1: <#019x} {2: <26s} {3: <26s}\n".format(
139 return "{0:s} ({1:d})".format(GetProcNameForPid(kmsgpid), kmsgpid)
141 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <28s} {2: <12s} {3: <6s} {4: <6s} {5: <20s} {6: <7s}\n".format(
152 out_str += "{0: #019x} {1: #019x} {2: <7s} {3: #011x} {4: <4s} {5: >6d} {6: #019x} ".format(
159 out_str += "{0: #019x} {1: #019x} {2: <7s} {3: #011x} {4: <4s} {5: >6d} {6: #019x} ".format(
169 prefix_str = "{0:<21s}".format(' '*21)
174 out_str += "{0:s}\n{1:s}{2:s}".format(GetPortDestProc(portp), prefix_str, GetPortSummary.header)
254 kobject_str = "{0: <#020x}".format(portval.kdata.kobject)
258 desc_str = "kobject({0:s})".format(xnudefines.kobject_types[objtype_index])
262 desc_str = "kobject(UNKNOWN) {:d}".format(objtype_index)
288 out_str = "{0:s}({1:d})".format(fproc.p_comm, fproc.p_pid )
290 out_str = "task {0: <#020x}".format(ftask)
295 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s}".format("destname", "destination") )
311 destname_str = "{0: <#020x}".format(port.ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name)
314 destname_str = "{0: <#020x}".format(port)
317 out_str += format_string.format(destname_str, destination_str)
321 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <8s} {3: <8s} {4: <20s} {5: <20s}".format("object", "name","rite", "urefs", "destname", "destination"))
326 ipc_name - str of format '0x0123' for display in summary.
368 out_str = format_string.format(ie_object, ipc_name, right_str, urefs, destname_str, destination_str)
371 @header("{0: >20s}".format("user bt") )
383 out_str += "{: <10x}".format(ie_port_callstack[0])
386 out_str += ": <10x".format(ie_port_callstack[count])
389 out_str += " ({:<10d})".format(ie_port_spares)
394 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <20s} {2: <20s} {3: <8s} {4: <10s} {5: <16s} {6: <10s} {7: <7s}".format('ipc_space', 'is_task', 'is_table', 'flags', 'ports', 'table_next', 'low_mod', 'high_mod'))
407 out_str += format_string.format(space, space.is_task, space.is_table, flags, space.is_table_size, space.is_table_next, space.is_low_mod, space.is_high_mod)
418 entry_name = "{0: <#020x}".format( (index <<8 | entry_ie_bits >> 24) )
517 print "Number of pipes: {: d}".format(kern.globals.amountpipes)
518 print "Memory used by pipes: {:s}".format(sizeof_fmt(int(kern.globals.amountpipekva)))
519 print "Max memory allowed for pipes: {:s}".format(sizeof_fmt(int(kern.globals.maxpipekva)))
637 @header("{: <18s} {: <3s} {: <18s} {: <20s} {: <18s} {: <8s}".format("ipc_imp_inherit", "don", "to_task", "proc_name", "from_elem", "depth"))
648 taskname = "({:d}) {:s}".format(iii.iii_to_task.iit_bsd_pid, iii.iii_to_task.iit_procname)
649 out_str += fmt.format(o=iii, task_name = taskname, don=donating_str)
653 @header("{: <18s} {: <4s} {: <8s} {: <8s} {: <18s} {: <18s}".format("iie", "type", "refs", "made", "#kmsgs", "#inherits"))
671 out_str += fmt.format(iie, type_str, refs, made_refs, kmsg_count, inherit_count)
676 out_str += "\t" + "{: <#018x}".format(k.ikm_header.msgh_remote_port) + ' ' + GetKMsgSummary(k).lstrip()
689 @header("{: <18s} {: <18s} {: <20s}".format("iit", "task", "name"))
698 pname = "({:d}) {:s}".format(iit.iit_bsd_pid, iit.iit_procname)
699 out_str += fmt.format(iit, iit.iit_task, pname)
728 @header("{: <18s} {: <10s} {: <18s} {: <18s} {: <8s} {: <5s} {: <5s} {: <5s}".format("ivac", "refs", "port", "tbl", "tblsize", "index", "Grow", "freelist"))
737 return "{: <#018x}".format(ivac)
741 out_str += fmt.format(c=ivac, growing = growing_str)
759 print "{: <5d} ".format(cur_entry_index) + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary(addressof(ivac.ivac_table[cur_entry_index]))
765 @header("{: <18s} {: <30s} {: <30s} {: <30s} {: <30s} {: <30s}".format("ivam", "get_value_fn", "extract_fn", "release_value_fn", "command_fn", "release_fn"))
773 return "{: <#018x}".format(ivam)
780 out_str += fmt.format(ivam, get_value_fn, extract_fn, release_value_fn, command_fn, release_fn)
785 @header("{: <18s} {: <10s} {:s} {:s}".format("ivgte", "key", GetIPCVoucherAttrControlSummary.header.strip(), GetIPCVoucherAttrManagerSummary.header.strip()))
791 out_str += fmt.format(g=ivgte, ctrl_s=GetIPCVoucherAttrControlSummary(ivgte.ivgte_control), mgr_s=GetIPCVoucherAttrManagerSummary(ivgte.ivgte_manager))
809 @header("{0: <20s} {1: <16s} {2: <20s} {3: <20s} {4: <16s} {5: <20s}".format("user_data_ve", "maderefs", "checksum", "hash value", "size", "data"))
816 out_string = format_str.format(data_element, unsigned(data_element.e_made), data_element.e_sum, data_element.e_hash, unsigned(data_element.e_size))
820 out_string += "{:02x}".format(int(data_element.e_data[i]))
879 @header("{: <18s} {: <18s} {: <10s} {: <4s} {: <18s} {: <18s}".format("ivace", "value_handle", "#refs", "rel?", "maderefs", "next_layer"))
896 next_layer = "{: <#018x}".format(ivace.ivace_u.ivaceu_layer)
898 made_refs = "{: <18d}".format(ivace.ivace_u.ivaceu_made)
900 out_str += fmt.format(e=ivace, release=release_str, made_refs=made_refs, next_layer=next_layer)
904 out_str += ' {: <2s} {: <4d} {: <4d}'.format(free_str, ivace.ivace_next, ivace.ivace_index)
923 print "{: <5d} ".format(next_free) + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary(addressof(ivac.ivac_table[next_free]))
928 @header('{: <18s} {: <8s} {: <18s} {: <18s} {: <18s} {: <18s} {: <18s}'.format("ipc_voucher", "refs", "checksum", "hash", "tbl_size", "table", "voucher_port"))
934 out_str += fmt.format(v = voucher)
938 entries_header_str = "\n\t" + "{: <5s} {: <3s} {: <16s} {: <30s}".format("index", "key", "value_index", "manager") + " " + GetIPCVoucherAttributeEntrySummary.header
943 s = fmt.format(i, GetVoucherManagerKeyForIndex(i), voucher_entry_index, GetVoucherAttributeManagerNameForIndex(i))