Lines Matching defs:boot

627 u-boot.cfg spl/u-boot.cfg tpl/u-boot.cfg:
669 #LDSCRIPT := $(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/
679 LDSCRIPT := $(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/
682 LDSCRIPT := $(srctree)/$(CPUDIR)/
685 LDSCRIPT := $(srctree)/arch/$(ARCH)/cpu/
855 libs-y += boot/
895 u-boot-dirs := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(libs-y))) tools examples
897 u-boot-alldirs := $(sort $(u-boot-dirs) $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(libs-))))
901 u-boot-init := $(head-y)
902 u-boot-main := $(libs-y)
927 -include $(srctree)/include/u-boot/ \
964 # $(2) is u-boot ELF, $(3) is u-boot bin, $(4) is text base
974 INPUTS-y += u-boot.srec u-boot.bin u-boot.sym binary_size_check
977 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_RAMBOOT_PBL) += u-boot-with-spl-pbl.bin
982 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_RAMBOOT_PBL) += u-boot.pbl
985 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_SPL) += spl/u-boot-spl.bin
987 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_SPL_FRAMEWORK) += u-boot-ivt.img
990 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_SPL_FRAMEWORK) += u-boot-ivt.img
992 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_SPL_FRAMEWORK) += u-boot.img
995 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_TPL) += tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin
996 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_VPL) += vpl/u-boot-vpl.bin
999 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE) += $(if $(CONFIG_OF_OMIT_DTB),dts/dt.dtb,u-boot.dtb)
1001 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE) += u-boot-dtb.img
1003 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_SANDBOX) += u-boot.dtb
1007 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_REMAKE_ELF) += u-boot.elf
1008 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_EFI_APP) += u-boot-app.efi
1009 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_EFI_STUB) += u-boot-payload.efi
1013 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_ARCH_MEDIATEK) += u-boot-mtk.bin
1026 INPUTS-y += u-boot.img
1029 INPUTS-$(CONFIG_X86) += u-boot-x86-start16.bin u-boot-x86-reset16.bin \
1030 $(if $(CONFIG_SPL_X86_16BIT_INIT),spl/u-boot-spl.bin) \
1031 $(if $(CONFIG_TPL_X86_16BIT_INIT),tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin)
1033 LDFLAGS_u-boot += $(LDFLAGS_FINAL)
1036 LDFLAGS_u-boot += $(call ld-option, --no-dynamic-linker)
1039 LDFLAGS_u-boot += -z notext $(call ld-option,--apply-dynamic-relocs)
1041 LDFLAGS_u-boot += --build-id=none
1044 LDFLAGS_u-boot += -Ttext $(CONFIG_TEXT_BASE)
1090 cfg: u-boot.cfg
1165 dts/dt.dtb: dtbs_prepare u-boot
1220 MKIMAGEFLAGS_fit-dtb.blob = -f auto -A $(ARCH) -T firmware -C none -O u-boot \
1227 u-boot-fit-dtb.bin: u-boot-nodtb.bin $(EXT_DTB)
1230 u-boot-fit-dtb.bin: u-boot-nodtb.bin $(FINAL_DTB_CONTAINER)
1234 u-boot.bin: u-boot-fit-dtb.bin FORCE
1238 u-boot-dtb.bin: u-boot-nodtb.bin dts/dt.dtb FORCE
1245 u-boot-dtb.bin: u-boot-nodtb.bin dts/dt.dtb FORCE
1249 u-boot.bin: u-boot-dtb.bin FORCE
1253 u-boot.bin: u-boot-nodtb.bin FORCE
1262 IMX_DEPS = u-boot-fit-dtb.bin
1275 u-boot.dtb: dts/dt.dtb
1278 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.hex := -O ihex
1280 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.srec := -O srec
1282 u-boot.hex u-boot.srec: u-boot FORCE
1285 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-elf.srec := $(OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.srec)
1287 u-boot-elf.srec: u-boot.elf FORCE
1290 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-spl.srec = $(OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.srec)
1292 spl/u-boot-spl.srec: spl/u-boot-spl FORCE
1298 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-nodtb.bin := -O binary \
1302 binary_size_check: u-boot-nodtb.bin FORCE
1303 @file_size=$(shell wc -c u-boot-nodtb.bin | awk '{ print $$1 }') ; \
1304 map_size=$(shell cat | \
1315 echo " shows a binary size of $$map_size" >&2 ; \
1316 echo " but u-boot-nodtb.bin shows $$file_size" >&2 ; \
1336 init_sp_bss_offset_check: u-boot.dtb FORCE
1337 @dtb_size=$(shell wc -c u-boot.dtb | awk '{print $$1}') ; \
1342 echo "u-boot.dtb is larger than 1 quarter of " >&2 ; \
1357 u-boot-nodtb.bin: u-boot FORCE
1361 u-boot.ldr: u-boot
1377 build -u -d u-boot.dtb -O . -m \
1396 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.ldr.hex := -I binary -O ihex
1398 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.ldr.srec := -I binary -O srec
1400 u-boot.ldr.hex u-boot.ldr.srec: u-boot.ldr FORCE
1408 U_BOOT_ITS := u-boot.its
1413 U_BOOT_ITS := u-boot.its
1421 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.img = -f auto -A $(ARCH) -T firmware -C none -O u-boot \
1429 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.img = -A $(ARCH) -T firmware -C none -O u-boot \
1432 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-ivt.img = -A $(ARCH) -T firmware_ivt -C none -O u-boot \
1435 u-boot-ivt.img: MKIMAGEOUTPUT = u-boot-ivt.img.log
1438 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-dtb.img = $(MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.img)
1451 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.kwb = -n $(KWD_CONFIG_FILE) \
1454 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-with-spl.kwb = -n $(KWD_CONFIG_FILE) \
1458 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.pbl = -n $(srctree)/$(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_PBL_RCW:"%"=%) \
1461 UBOOT_BIN := u-boot.bin
1463 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-lzma.img = -A $(ARCH) -T standalone -C lzma -O u-boot \
1467 u-boot.bin.lzma: u-boot.bin FORCE
1470 u-boot-lzma.img: u-boot.bin.lzma FORCE
1473 u-boot-dtb.img u-boot.img u-boot.kwb u-boot.pbl u-boot-ivt.img: \
1474 $(if $(CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT),u-boot-nodtb.bin \
1481 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.itb =
1483 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.itb = -E
1485 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.itb += -B 0x8
1488 u-boot.itb: u-boot-nodtb.bin \
1496 u-boot-with-spl.kwb: u-boot.bin spl/u-boot-spl.bin FORCE
1500 u-boot.dis: u-boot
1506 SPL_PAYLOAD := u-boot.bin
1511 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-with-spl.bin = -I binary -O binary \
1513 u-boot-with-spl.bin: $(SPL_IMAGE) $(SPL_PAYLOAD) FORCE
1519 lpc32xx-spl.img: spl/u-boot-spl.bin FORCE
1522 OBJCOPYFLAGS_lpc32xx-boot-0.bin = -I binary -O binary --pad-to=$(CONFIG_SPL_PAD_TO)
1524 lpc32xx-boot-0.bin: lpc32xx-spl.img FORCE
1527 OBJCOPYFLAGS_lpc32xx-boot-1.bin = -I binary -O binary --pad-to=$(CONFIG_SPL_PAD_TO)
1529 lpc32xx-boot-1.bin: lpc32xx-spl.img FORCE
1532 lpc32xx-full.bin: lpc32xx-boot-0.bin lpc32xx-boot-1.bin u-boot.img FORCE
1537 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-with-tpl.bin = -I binary -O binary \
1539 tpl/u-boot-with-tpl.bin: tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin u-boot.bin FORCE
1542 SPL: spl/u-boot-spl.bin FORCE
1547 u-boot.cnt: u-boot.bin FORCE
1550 flash.bin: spl/u-boot-spl.bin u-boot.cnt FORCE
1554 flash.bin: spl/u-boot-spl.bin $(INPUTS-y) FORCE
1557 flash.bin: spl/u-boot-spl.bin u-boot.itb FORCE
1563 u-boot.uim: u-boot.bin FORCE
1566 u-boot-nand.imx: u-boot.imx FORCE
1569 u-boot-with-spl.imx u-boot-with-nand-spl.imx: SPL $(if $(CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE),u-boot.img,u-boot.uim) FORCE
1572 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.ubl = -n $(UBL_CONFIG) -T ublimage -e $(CONFIG_TEXT_BASE)
1574 u-boot.ubl: u-boot-with-spl.bin FORCE
1577 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-spl.ais = -s -n "/dev/null" \
1579 spl/u-boot-spl.ais: spl/u-boot-spl.bin FORCE
1582 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.ais = -I binary -O binary --pad-to=$(CONFIG_SPL_PAD_TO)
1583 u-boot.ais: spl/u-boot-spl.ais u-boot.img FORCE
1586 u-boot.bin spl/u-boot-spl.bin
1587 $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=arch/arm/cpu/arm926ejs/mxs
1588 u-boot.bin spl/u-boot-spl.bin
1589 $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=arch/arm/cpu/arm926ejs/mxs
1591 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-spl.img = -A $(ARCH) -T firmware -C none \
1593 spl/u-boot-spl.img: spl/u-boot-spl.bin FORCE
1600 spl/u-boot-spl.sfp spl/u-boot-spl.sfp && \
1601 cat spl/u-boot-spl.sfp spl/u-boot-spl.sfp \
1602 spl/u-boot-spl.sfp spl/u-boot-spl.sfp > $@ || { rm -f $@; false; }
1603 spl/u-boot-splx4.sfp: spl/u-boot-spl.sfp FORCE
1607 cmd_socboot = cat spl/u-boot-splx4.sfp u-boot.img > $@ || { rm -f $@; false; }
1608 u-boot-with-spl.sfp: spl/u-boot-splx4.sfp u-boot.img FORCE
1612 cmd_gensplpadx4 = dd if=/dev/zero of=spl/u-boot-spl.pad bs=64 count=1024 ; \
1613 cat spl/u-boot-spl.sfp spl/u-boot-spl.pad \
1614 spl/u-boot-spl.sfp spl/u-boot-spl.pad \
1615 spl/u-boot-spl.sfp spl/u-boot-spl.pad \
1616 spl/u-boot-spl.sfp spl/u-boot-spl.pad > $@ || \
1617 { rm -f $@ spl/u-boot-spl.pad; false; }
1618 u-boot-spl-padx4.sfp: spl/u-boot-spl.sfp FORCE
1622 cmd_socnandboot = cat u-boot-spl-padx4.sfp u-boot.img > $@ || { rm -f $@; false; }
1623 u-boot-with-nand-spl.sfp: u-boot-spl-padx4.sfp u-boot.img FORCE
1629 u-boot-dtb.bin: u-boot-nodtb.bin u-boot.dtb u-boot-br.bin FORCE
1632 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-br.bin := -O binary -j .bootpg -j .resetvec
1633 u-boot-br.bin: u-boot FORCE
1642 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-x86-start16.bin := -O binary -j .start16
1643 u-boot-x86-start16.bin: u-boot FORCE
1646 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-x86-reset16.bin := -O binary -j .resetvec
1647 u-boot-x86-reset16.bin: u-boot FORCE
1652 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-app.efi := $(OBJCOPYFLAGS_EFI)
1653 u-boot-app.efi: u-boot FORCE
1656 u-boot.bin.o: u-boot.bin FORCE
1665 -T arch/x86/cpu/call32.o \
1666 lib/efi/efi.o lib/efi/efi_stub.o u-boot.bin.o \
1669 u-boot-payload: u-boot.bin.o FORCE
1672 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-payload.efi := $(OBJCOPYFLAGS_EFI)
1673 u-boot-payload.efi: u-boot-payload FORCE
1676 u-boot-img.bin: spl/u-boot-spl.bin u-boot.img FORCE
1679 #Add a target to create boot binary having SPL binary in PBI format
1680 #concatenated with u-boot binary. It is need by PowerPC SoC having
1682 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-spl.pbl = -n $(srctree)/$(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_PBL_RCW:"%"=%) \
1686 spl/u-boot-spl.pbl: spl/u-boot-spl.bin FORCE
1690 UBOOT_BINLOAD := u-boot.img
1692 UBOOT_BINLOAD := u-boot.bin
1695 OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-with-spl-pbl.bin = -I binary -O binary --pad-to=$(CONFIG_SPL_PAD_TO) \
1698 u-boot-with-spl-pbl.bin: spl/u-boot-spl.pbl $(UBOOT_BINLOAD) FORCE
1701 quiet_cmd_u-boot-elf ?= LD $@
1702 cmd_u-boot-elf ?= $(LD) u-boot-elf.o -o $@ \
1706 u-boot.elf: u-boot.bin
1707 $(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -I binary $(PLATFORM_ELFFLAGS) $< u-boot-elf.o
1708 $(call if_changed,u-boot-elf)
1710 arch/ prepare FORCE
1713 # MediaTek's ARM-based u-boot needs a header to contains its load address
1716 # and the spl binary and the u-boot.img will be combined into one file.
1717 # Otherwise the header will be added to the u-boot.bin directly.
1720 spl/u-boot-spl-mtk.bin: spl/u-boot-spl
1722 u-boot-mtk.bin: u-boot-with-spl.bin
1725 MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-mtk.bin = -T mtk_image \
1729 u-boot-mtk.bin: u-boot.bin FORCE
1736 u-boot-swap.bin: u-boot.bin FORCE
1744 u-boot-keep-syms-lto := keep-syms-lto.o
1745 u-boot-keep-syms-lto_c := $(patsubst %.o,%.c,$(u-boot-keep-syms-lto))
1755 $(u-boot-keep-syms-lto_c): $(u-boot-main)
1757 $(u-boot-keep-syms-lto): $(u-boot-keep-syms-lto_c)
1760 u-boot-keep-syms-lto :=
1763 # Rule to link u-boot
1770 $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS:%=-Wl,%) $(LDFLAGS_u-boot:%=-Wl,%) -o $@ \
1771 -T $(u-boot-init) \
1773 $(u-boot-main) \
1774 $(u-boot-keep-syms-lto) \
1777 -Wl,-Map,; \
1781 cmd_u-boot__ ?= $(LD) $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_u-boot) -o $@ \
1782 -T $(u-boot-init) \
1784 $(u-boot-main) \
1786 $(PLATFORM_LIBS) -Map; \
1792 smap=`$(call SYSTEM_MAP,u-boot) | \
1797 u-boot: $(u-boot-init) $(u-boot-main) $(u-boot-keep-syms-lto) FORCE
1810 u-boot.sym: u-boot FORCE
1882 $(sort $(u-boot-init) $(u-boot-main)): $(u-boot-dirs) ;
1884 # Handle descending into subdirectories listed in $(u-boot-dirs)
1890 PHONY += $(u-boot-dirs)
1891 $(u-boot-dirs): prepare scripts
1896 $(filter-out tools, $(u-boot-dirs)): tools
1899 examples: $(filter-out examples, $(u-boot-dirs))
2028 ifneq ($(wildcard $(srctree)/arch/$(SRCARCH)/boot/dts/),)
2029 dtstree := arch/$(SRCARCH)/boot/dts
2075 $(LDSCRIPT) prepare FORCE
2078 spl/u-boot-spl.bin: spl/u-boot-spl
2082 spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin: spl/u-boot-spl
2085 spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.hex: spl/u-boot-spl
2088 spl/u-boot-spl: tools prepare $(if $(CONFIG_SPL_OF_CONTROL),dts/dt.dtb)
2091 spl/sunxi-spl.bin: spl/u-boot-spl
2097 spl/u-boot-spl.sfp: spl/u-boot-spl
2100 spl/boot.bin: spl/u-boot-spl
2103 tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin: tpl/u-boot-tpl
2107 tpl/u-boot-tpl: tools prepare $(if $(CONFIG_TPL_OF_CONTROL),dts/dt.dtb)
2110 vpl/u-boot-vpl.bin: vpl/u-boot-vpl
2114 vpl/u-boot-vpl: tools prepare $(if $(CONFIG_TPL_OF_CONTROL),dts/dt.dtb)
2117 TAG_SUBDIRS := $(patsubst %,$(srctree)/%,$(u-boot-dirs) include)
2142 u-boot
2149 checkarmreloc: u-boot
2162 envtools: u-boot-initial-env scripts_basic $(version_h) $(timestamp_h) tools/version.h
2196 tools/version.h u-boot* MLO* SPL fit-dtb.blob* \
2197 u-boot-ivt.img.log u-boot-dtb.imx.log SPL.log u-boot.imx.log \
2200 mkimage-out.spl.mkimage mkimage.spl.mkimage \
2220 clean-dirs := $(foreach f,$(u-boot-alldirs),$(if $(wildcard $(srctree)/$f/Makefile),$f))
2362 @echo '* u-boot - Build the bare u-boot'
2425 $(OBJDUMP) -d u-boot $$(find . -name u-boot-spl) | \
2489 u-boot-initial-env: scripts_basic $(env_h) FORCE