Lines Matching refs:col

520      (* how many rows of the col are not constructor applications
581 fun measure_constructorFamily (cf : constructorFamily) col = let
582 fun list_count p col =
583 foldl (fn (r, c) => if (p r) then c+1 else c) 0 col
604 end handle HOL_ERR _ => false) col)
610 colstat_missed_rows = list_count row_is_missed col,
644 fun lookup_constructorFamily force_exh (db : pmatch_compile_db) col = let
645 val _ = if (List.null col) then (failwith "constructorFamiliesLib" "lookup_constructorFamilies: null col") else ()
647 val _ = if List.all (fn (vs, c) => is_var c andalso tmem c vs) col then
649 "lookup_constructorFamilies: var col")
652 val ty = type_of (snd (hd col))
660 ((ty, cf), measure_constructorFamily cf col)) cts_fams'
673 fun pmatch_compile_db_compile_aux db col = (
674 if (List.null col) then failwith "pmatch_compile_db_compile" "col 0" else let
675 val fun_res = get_first (fn f => f col handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE) (#pcdb_compile_funs db)
676 val cf_res = lookup_constructorFamily false db col
679 val ty_s = match_type ty (type_of (snd (hd col)))
695 fun pmatch_compile_db_compile db col = (
696 fst (pmatch_compile_db_compile_aux db col))
698 fun pmatch_compile_db_compile_cf db col = (
699 case (snd (pmatch_compile_db_compile_aux db col)) of
705 fun pmatch_compile_db_compile_nchotomy db col = (
706 if (List.null col) then failwith "pmatch_compile_db_compile_cf" "col 0" else
707 case (get_first (fn f => f col handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE) (#pcdb_nchotomy_funs db)) of
709 case (lookup_constructorFamilies true db col) of
714 fun pmatch_compile_db_compile_nchotomy db col = (
715 if (List.null col) then failwith "pmatch_compile_db_compile_nchotomy" "col 0" else let
716 val fun_res = get_first (fn f => f col handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE) (#pcdb_nchotomy_funs db)
717 val cf_res = lookup_constructorFamily true db col
824 fun literals_compile_fun (col:(term list * term) list) = let
839 val (lits_rev, _) = List.foldl extract_literal ([], empty_tmset) col
845 val lit_ty = type_of (snd (List.hd col))
925 fun literals_nchotomy_fun (col:(term list * term) list) = let
934 val ts = List.foldl extract_literal empty_tmset col
939 val lit_ty = type_of (snd (List.hd col))