Lines Matching refs:depth

402 fun cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce rsc rvty ithml (githms as [_,_,T_I,F_I,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_])
411 val cekey = if irv then mk_comb(rvtm, (fromMLstring((fromHOLstring(rand mf))^(int_to_string depth)))) else mf
412 (*mu_RV (type_of state) (fromMLstring((fromHOLstring(rand mf))^(int_to_string depth))) else mf*)
422 (* reverse scoping for RV's is more complicated, so it is quicker to just cache on name+depth (a la de Bruijn) to tell them apart *)
475 (*val _ = print_rsc rsc "RV cache_add depth"*)
650 fun mk_cache_aux ee rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce rscope depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty
660 val (pt,(ce1,rsc,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce rscope rvty []
669 val (pt,(ce1,rsc,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce rscope rvty []
677 | "RV" =>let val (pt,(ce1,rsc,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce rscope rvty []
686 | "AP" =>let val (pt,(ce1,rsc,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce rscope rvty []
697 ce rscope depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty cons
698 val (pt,(ce2,rsc2,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce1 rsc rvty
707 rscope depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty cons
710 rsc depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty cons
711 val (pt,(ce3,rsc3,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce2 (rcs_merge rsc rsc2)
727 rscope depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty cons
730 rsc depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty cons
731 val (pt,(ce3,rsc3,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce2 (rcs_merge rsc rsc2)
741 rscope depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty cons
742 val (pt,(ce2,rsc2,ithm,ab))=cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce1 rsc rvty
752 rscope depth rvty githms state seth msp guid tysimps p_ty cons
753 val (pt,(ce2,rsc2,ithm,ab))=cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce1 rsc rvty
761 | "mu" => let val (ptr,(ce0,rsc,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add (depth+1)
762 ((fromHOLstring(List.hd args),depth)::rvnm2ix)
766 mk_cache_aux ee ((fromHOLstring(List.hd args),depth)::rvnm2ix)
767 env (nf,(List.last args)) (List.last argso) ce0 rscope (depth+1)
773 cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce1
774 (Vector.mapi (fn (i,v) => if (i=depth) then
788 | "nu" => let val (ptr,(ce0,rsc,ithm,abthm)) = cache_add (depth+1)
789 ((fromHOLstring(List.hd args),depth)::rvnm2ix)
793 mk_cache_aux ee ((fromHOLstring(List.hd args),depth)::rvnm2ix)
794 env (nf,(List.last args)) (List.last argso) ce0 rscope (depth+1)
800 cache_add depth rvnm2ix env (nf,mf) mfo ce1
801 (Vector.mapi (fn (i,v) => if (i=depth) then