Lines Matching refs:list

36     val text : string list ref
59 NSHIFT of symbol list | POS of string | PURE |
63 datatype rule = RULE of {lhs : symbol, rhs : symbol list,
67 {eop : symbol list,
68 keyword : symbol list,
69 nonterm : (symbol * ty option) list option,
70 prec : (prec * (symbol list)) list,
71 change: (symbol list * symbol list) list,
72 term : (symbol * ty option) list option,
73 control : control list,
74 value : (symbol * string) list}
79 val getResult : parseResult -> string * declData * rule list
109 {rules: {lhs : nonterm, rhs : symbol list,
110 precedence : int option, rulenum : int } list,
114 eop : term list,
115 noshift : term list,
134 rhs : Grammar.symbol list,
173 rhsAfter: Grammar.symbol list }
182 val insert : item * item list -> item list
183 val union : item list * item list -> item list
185 (* core: a set of items. It is represented by an ordered list of items.
186 The list is in ascending order The rule numbers and the positions of the
189 datatype core = CORE of item list * int (* state # *)
216 and return a list of rules *)
219 { produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list,
224 shifts : Core.core -> (Grammar.symbol*Core.item list) list,
225 rules: IntGrammar.rule list,
229 epsProds : Core.core -> IntGrammar.rule list}
242 val edges : Core.core * graph -> {edge:Grammar.symbol,to:Core.core} list
243 val nodes : graph -> Core.core list
251 produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list,
252 rules : IntGrammar.rule list,
253 epsProds: Core.core -> IntGrammar.rule list}
265 val union : Grammar.term list * Grammar.term list -> Grammar.term list
266 val make_set : Grammar.term list -> Grammar.term list
268 val mkFuncs : {rules : IntGrammar.rule list, nonterms : int,
269 produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list} ->
271 first : Grammar.symbol list -> Grammar.term list}
274 Grammar.term list -> unit
288 datatype lcore = LCORE of (Core.item * Grammar.term list) list * int
290 first : Grammar.symbol list -> Grammar.term list,
291 eop : Grammar.term list,
294 produces : Grammar.nonterm -> IntGrammar.rule list,
295 rules : IntGrammar.rule list,
296 epsProds : Core.core -> IntGrammar.rule list,
300 lcore list
324 val summary : err list -> {rr : int, sr: int,
327 val printSummary : (string -> unit) -> err list -> unit
359 stateErrs : Errs.LrTable.state -> Errs.err list,
360 errs : Errs.err list,
385 (LrTable.state -> Errs.err list) * (* errors in a state *)
387 Errs.err list (* list of all errors *)
395 (* Takes an action table represented as a list of action rows.
397 a list of integers which maps each original row to a unique
398 row, and a list of unique rows *)
401 (int * int list *
403 LrTable.action) list) * int