Lines Matching defs:cols

1352   val cols = dest_PMATCH_COLS t
1354 val (col_v, col) = el 1 cols
1384 val thm_opt = first_opt process_col cols
1572 fun split_var avoid cols l = let
1580 val types = splits [] (col_no - cols) (type_of l)
1594 val cols = length pts
1596 val _ = if (cols < col_no) then () else failwith "nothing to do"
1602 val new_vars = split_var avoids cols l
1909 val colHeu_last_col : column_heuristic = (fn cols => length cols - 1)
2008 fun colHeu_default cols = colHeu_qba (!thePmatchCompileDB) cols
2102 fun find_col cols = if (List.null cols) then raise UNCHANGED else let
2103 val col_no = col_heu cols
2104 val (v, col) = el (col_no+1) cols
2110 val (cols', _) = replace_element cols col_no []
2111 val (col_no', expand_thm, expand_ss) = find_col cols'
2137 val cols = dest_PMATCH_COLS t'
2138 val col_no = length cols
2247 fun find_nchotomy_for_cols db col_heu cols = let
2248 val _ = if (List.null cols) then
2250 val col_no = col_heu cols
2251 val (v, col) = el (col_no+1) cols
2257 val (cols', _) = replace_element cols col_no []
2259 find_nchotomy_for_cols db col_heu cols'
2269 val cols = dest_PATLIST_COLS initial_value pats
2279 (initial_thm, cols, lbl)
2377 fun get_columns_for_constructor current_col (c, evs) cols' = let
2399 (v, snd (Lib.filter fst (zip kl rs)))) cols'
2401 val cols'' = cols1 @ cols2
2403 (* remove cols consisting of only vars *)
2404 val cols''' = filter (fn (_, ps) => not (List.all (fn (vs, p) => is_var p andalso List.exists (aconv p) vs) ps)) cols''
2406 cols'''
2411 fun pick_current_column v cols =
2412 pick_element (fn (v', _) => aconv v v') cols
2421 val (thm, cols, lbl) = mk_initial_state var_gen lbl_gen pats
2422 val (thm, cols, lbl) = (thm1, cols'', lbl)
2424 val (thm, cols, lbl) = el 3 xxx
2427 fun compile (thm, cols, lbl) = let
2428 val (v, nthm) = find_nchotomy_for_cols db col_heu cols
2429 val (current_col, cols_rest) = pick_current_column v cols
2439 val cols' = get_columns_for_constructor current_col (c, evs) cols_rest
2441 compile (current_thm, cols', lbl)