Lines Matching defs:types

27     type types;
54 val mkTypeVar: int * bool * bool * bool -> types
55 val mkTypeConstruction: string * typeConstrs * types list * locationProp list -> types;
56 val mkProductType: types list -> types;
57 val mkFunctionType: types * types -> types;
58 val mkLabelled: {name: string, typeof: types } list * bool -> types;
59 val mkLabelEntry: string * types -> {name: string, typeof: types };
60 val mkOverloadSet: typeConstrs list -> types;
61 val sortLabels: {name: string, typeof: types } list -> {name: string, typeof: types } list;
62 val entryNumber: string * types -> int;
63 val recordNotFrozen: types -> bool;
64 val recordWidth: types -> int;
65 val recordFieldMap: (types -> 'a) -> types -> 'a list
66 val makeEquivalent: typeConstrs * types list -> types;
67 val firstArg: types -> types;
70 val eventual: types -> types
73 val getFnArgType: types -> types option
81 typeConstrs * (typeId -> typeId option) * (types -> types) * (string -> string) -> typeConstrs
83 typeConstrs * (typeId -> typeId option) * (types -> types) *
87 val copyType: types * (types -> types) * (typeConstrs -> typeConstrs) -> types;
93 val display: types * * printTypeEnv -> pretty;
94 val displayWithMap: types * * printTypeEnv * (int->typeId) option -> pretty;
104 val typeConstrFromOverload: types * bool -> typeConstrs;
110 val unifyTypes: types * types -> matchResult option
118 val typePermitsEquality: types -> bool
122 "hd", which has type 'a list -> 'a, can be separately bound to types. *)
123 val generalise: types -> types * {value: types, equality: bool, printity: bool} list
125 val generaliseOverload: types * typeConstrs list * bool -> types * types list;
127 (* The same as generalise but with a function that looks up types. *)
129 types * (typeVarForm -> types option) ->
130 types * {value: types, equality: bool, printity: bool} list
133 val getPolyTypeVars: types * (typeVarForm -> types option) -> typeVarForm list
137 val allowGeneralisation: types * int * bool *
141 val checkForEscapingDatatypes: types * (string -> unit) -> unit
144 val checkForFreeTypeVariables: string * types * lexan * (unit->codetree) -> unit;
146 val constructorResult: types * types list -> types;
148 val identical: types * types -> bool;
165 val boolType: types;
166 val fixedIntType: types
167 val intInfType: types
168 val charType: types;
169 val stringType: types;
170 val realType: types;
171 val unitType: types;
172 val exnType: types;
173 val wordType: types;
175 val badType: types;
178 val isFloatingPt: types -> bool
181 val isBadType: types -> bool
183 val sameTypeVar : types * types -> bool;
187 val typeNameRebinding: typeVarForm list * types -> typeId option
189 val leastGeneral: types list -> types
205 val assignTypes: typeParsetree * (string * location -> typeConstrSet) * lexan -> types;
209 val checkDiscard: types * lexan -> string option
250 type types = types