Lines Matching refs:rc_node_t

33  * take an rc_node_t and use the functions in the object_info_t info array for
48 rc_node_t *ci_parent;
85 int (*obj_fill_children)(rc_node_t *);
86 int (*obj_setup_child_info)(rc_node_t *, uint32_t, child_info_t *);
93 int (*obj_delete_start)(rc_node_t *, delete_info_t *);
531 rc_node_t *np;
562 rc_node_t *np;
607 rc_node_t *newnode, *pg;
826 scope_setup_child_info(rc_node_t *np, uint32_t type, child_info_t *cip)
839 service_setup_child_info(rc_node_t *np, uint32_t type, child_info_t *cip)
859 instance_setup_child_info(rc_node_t *np, uint32_t type, child_info_t *cip)
880 snaplevel_setup_child_info(rc_node_t *np, uint32_t type, child_info_t *cip)
899 propertygrp_setup_child_info(rc_node_t *pg, uint32_t type, child_info_t *cip)
920 * The *_fill_children() functions populate the children of the given rc_node_t
934 scope_fill_children(rc_node_t *np)
958 service_fill_children(rc_node_t *np)
1013 instance_fill_children(rc_node_t *np)
1070 snapshot_fill_children(rc_node_t *np)
1072 rc_node_t *nnp;
1105 /* Create rc_node_t's for the snapshot's rc_snaplevel_t's. */
1123 snaplevel_fill_children(rc_node_t *np)
1154 propertygrp_fill_children(rc_node_t *np)
1354 service_delete_start(rc_node_t *np, delete_info_t *dip)
1377 instance_delete_start(rc_node_t *np, delete_info_t *dip)
1384 snapshot_delete_start(rc_node_t *np, delete_info_t *dip)
1391 propertygrp_delete_start(rc_node_t *np, delete_info_t *dip)
1455 * object_fill_children() populates the child list of an rc_node_t by calling
1465 object_fill_children(rc_node_t *pp)
1474 object_delete(rc_node_t *pp)
1530 object_do_create(backend_tx_t *tx, child_info_t *cip, rc_node_t *pp,
1531 uint32_t type, const char *name, rc_node_t **cpp)
1537 rc_node_t *np = NULL;
1605 object_create(rc_node_t *pp, uint32_t type, const char *name, rc_node_t **cpp)
1608 rc_node_t *np = NULL;
1636 object_create_pg(rc_node_t *pp, uint32_t type, const char *name,
1637 const char *pgtype, uint32_t flags, rc_node_t **cpp)
1644 rc_node_t *np = NULL;
2277 object_snapshot_take_new(rc_node_t *pp,
2279 const char *name, rc_node_t **outp)
2288 rc_node_t *np;