Lines Matching defs:callType

2065         final MethodType callType                = desc.getMethodType();
2066 final Class<?> returnType = callType.returnType();
2068 final Class<?> keyClass = callType.parameterType(1);
2081 return new GuardedInvocation(mh, getScriptObjectGuard(callType, explicitInstanceOfCheck), (SwitchPoint)null, explicitInstanceOfCheck ? null : ClassCastException.class);
2296 * @param callType the method type at the call site
2300 private static GuardedInvocation findSetIndexMethod(final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final boolean explicitInstanceOfCheck, final MethodType callType) {
2301 assert callType.parameterCount() == 3;
2302 final Class<?> keyClass = callType.parameterType(1);
2303 final Class<?> valueClass = callType.parameterType(2);
2308 return new GuardedInvocation(methodHandle, getScriptObjectGuard(callType, explicitInstanceOfCheck), (SwitchPoint)null, explicitInstanceOfCheck ? null : ClassCastException.class);
2583 * @param callType type of the call
2587 protected static MethodHandle pairArguments(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final MethodType callType) {
2588 return pairArguments(methodHandle, callType, null);
2598 * @param callType MethodType of the call site.
2600 * {@code callType}; basically, if the last parameter type of the call site is an array, it'll be considered a
2606 public static MethodHandle pairArguments(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final MethodType callType, final Boolean callerVarArg) {
2608 if (methodType.equals(callType.changeReturnType(methodType.returnType()))) {
2613 final int callCount = callType.parameterCount();
2617 callType.parameterType(callCount - 1).isArray();