Lines Matching refs:debugString

163         debugString("AccessBridge started");
181 debugString("***** shutdownHook: shutting down...");
252 private void debugString(String debugStr) {
300 debugString("Exception: " + e.toString());
389 debugString("saveContextToWindowHandleMapping...");
394 debugString("saveContextToWindowHandleMapping: ac = "+ac+"; handle = "+nativeHandle);
437 debugString("getNativeWindowHandleFromContext: ac = "+ac);
518 debugString(" : getAccessibleContextAt_1 called");
519 debugString(" -> x = " + x + " y = " + y + " parent = " + parent);
566 debugString("getAccessibleContextAt_2 called");
567 debugString(" -> x = " + x + " y = " + y + " parent = " + parent);
576 debugString(" returning childAC = " + childAC);
611 debugString("***** ac = "+ac.getClass());
621 debugString("Returning AccessibleName from Context: " + s);
627 debugString("getAccessibleNameFromContext; ac = null!");
652 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from AccessibleContext::getAccessibleName.");
663 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from AccessibleContext::getAccessibleDescription.");
668 debugString ("The Virtual Accessible Name was not found using AccessibleContext::getAccessibleDescription. or getAccessibleName");
705 debugString ("bk -- getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContext will not use the extended name search algorithm. role = " + ( role != null ? role.toDisplayString(Locale.US) : "null") );
738 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from the Accessible Text of the LABEL object.");
746 debugString ("bk -- Attempting to obtain the Virtual Accessible Name from the Accessible Icon information.");
761 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from the description of the first Accessible Icon found in the LABEL object.");
783 debugString ("bk -- Making a second attempt to obtain the Virtual Accessible Name from the Accessible Icon information for the Table Cell.");
799 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from the description of the first Accessible Icon found in the Table Cell object.");
813 debugString ("bk -- Attempting to obtain the Virtual Accessible Name from the Accessible Icon information.");
828 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from the description of the first Accessible Icon found in the TOGGLE_BUTTON or PUSH_BUTTON object.");
908 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from the Accessible Name of the SLIDER object's parent object.");
925 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name for this Edit Combo box was obtained from the Accessible Name of the object's parent object.");
929 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name for this Edit Combo box was obtained from the Accessible Description of the object's parent object.");
972 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained using the LABELED_BY AccessibleRelation -- Name Case.");
976 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained using the LABELED_BY AccessibleRelation -- Description Case.");
1071 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Name of a LABEL object positioned to the left of the object.");
1082 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Description of a LABEL object positioned to the left of the object.");
1095 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Name of a LABEL object positioned above the object.");
1106 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Description of a LABEL object positioned above the object.");
1154 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Name of a LABEL object positioned to the left of the object.");
1165 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Description of a LABEL object positioned to the left of the object.");
1178 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Name of a LABEL object positioned above the object.");
1189 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Description of a LABEL object positioned above the object.");
1251 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Name of a PUSH_BUTTON or TOGGLE_BUTTON object positioned to the left of the object.");
1262 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Description of a PUSH_BUTTON or TOGGLE_BUTTON object positioned to the left of the object.");
1311 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Name of a PUSH_BUTTON or TOGGLE_BUTTON object positioned to the left of the object.");
1322 debugString ("bk -- The Virtual Accessible Name was obtained from Accessible Description of a PUSH_BUTTON or TOGGLE_BUTTON object positioned to the left of the object.");
1335 debugString ("AccessBridge::getVirtualAccessibleNameFromContext error - ac == null.");
1353 debugString("Returning AccessibleDescription from Context: " + s);
1357 debugString("getAccessibleDescriptionFromContext; ac = null");
1377 debugString("Returning AccessibleRole from Context: " + s);
1382 debugString("getAccessibleRoleStringFromContext; ac = null");
1421 debugString("Returning AccessibleStateSet from Context: " + s);
1426 debugString("getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext; ac = null");
1452 debugString("Returning AccessibleStateSet en_US from Context: " + s);
1456 debugString("getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext; ac = null");
1610 debugString(" - Returning Accessible x coord from Context: " + r.x);
1614 debugString("getAccessibleXcoordFromContext ac = null");
1623 debugString("getAccessibleYcoordFromContext() called");
1630 debugString("getAccessibleYcoordFromContext; ac = null");
1645 debugString("getAccessibleHeightFromContext; ac = null");
1660 debugString("getAccessibleWidthFromContext; ac = null");
1675 debugString("Returning AccessibleComponent Context");
1679 debugString("getAccessibleComponentFromContext; ac = null");
1688 debugString("Returning AccessibleAction Context");
1740 debugString("getCaretLocation");
1861 debugString("getAccessibleIndexAtPointFromContext: x = "+x+"; y = "+y);
1915 debugString("getAccessibleLetterAtIndexFromContext; ac = null");
1938 debugString("getAccessibleWordAtIndexFromContext; ac = null");
1961 debugString("getAccessibleSentenceAtIndexFromContext; ac = null");
2019 debugString("getAccessibleTextSelectedTextFromContext; ac = null");
2280 debugString("getAccessibleXcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContext; ac = null");
2295 debugString("getAccessibleYcoordTextRectAtIndexFromContext; ac = null");
2310 debugString("getAccessibleHeightTextRectAtIndexFromContext; ac = null");
2325 debugString("getAccessibleWidthTextRectAtIndexFromContext; ac = null");
2339 debugString("getBoldFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2351 debugString("getItalicFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2363 debugString("getUnderlineFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2375 debugString("getStrikethroughFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2387 debugString("getSuperscriptFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2399 debugString("getSubscriptFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2415 debugString("getBackgroundColorFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2431 debugString("getForegroundColorFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2447 debugString("getFontFamilyFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2459 debugString("getFontSizeFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2471 debugString("getAlignmentFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2483 debugString("getBidiLevelFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2496 debugString("getFirstLineIndentFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2508 debugString("getLeftIndentFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2520 debugString("getRightIndentFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2532 debugString("getLineSpacingFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2544 debugString("getSpaceAboveFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2556 debugString("getSpaceBelowFromAttributeSet; as = null");
2705 debugString("getCurrentAccessibleValueFromContext; ac = null");
2733 debugString("getMaximumAccessibleValueFromContext; ac = null");
2761 debugString("getMinimumAccessibleValueFromContext; ac = null");
2944 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableRowCount");
2963 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableColumnCount");
2983 debugString("getAccessibleTableCellAccessibleContext: at = "+at.getClass());
3028 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableCellIndex: at="+at);
3038 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableCellIndex="+cellIndex);
3041 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableCellIndex FAILED");
3049 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableCellRowExtent");
3058 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableCellRowExtent="+rowExtent);
3061 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableCellRowExtent FAILED");
3069 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtent");
3078 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtent="+columnExtent);
3081 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableCellColumnExtent FAILED");
3090 debugString("##### isAccessibleTableCellSelected: ["+row+"]["+column+"]");
3117 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableRowHeader called");
3141 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableColumnHeader");
3180 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableRowHeaderRowCount called");
3203 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCount called");
3218 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableRowHeaderColumnCount FAILED");
3228 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCount");
3243 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderRowCount FAILED");
3253 debugString("##### getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCount");
3268 debugString(" ##### getAccessibleTableColumnHeaderColumnCount FAILED");
3535 debugString("***** getAccessibleRelationTarget");
3568 debugString("getAccessibleHyperlink");
3589 debugString("getAccessibleHyperlinkCount");
3610 debugString("getAccessibleHyperlink");
3642 debugString("getAccessibleHyperlinkText");
3662 debugString("getAccessibleHyperlinkURL");
3683 debugString("getAccessibleHyperlinkStartIndex");
3699 debugString("getAccessibleHyperlinkEndIndex");
3717 debugString("getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndex: charIndex = "+charIndex);
3727 debugString("getAccessibleHypertextLinkIndex returning "+linkIndex);
3736 //debugString("activateAccessibleHyperlink: link = "+link.getClass());
3746 debugString("activateAccessibleHyperlink: returning = "+retval);
3874 debugString(" Shortcut is: F" + fKey);
3880 debugString(" Shortcut is control character: " + Integer.toHexString(keyCode));
3884 debugString(" Shortcut is: " + keyText);
3900 debugString("In AccessBridge.getModifiers");
3927 debugString(" found meta");
3931 debugString(" found ctrl");
3935 debugString(" found alt");
3939 debugString(" found shift");
3943 debugString(" returning modifiers: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(modifiers));
4022 debugString("getAccessibleIconsCount");
4042 debugString("getAccessibleIconDescription: index = "+index);
4062 debugString("getAccessibleIconHeight: index = "+index);
4082 debugString("getAccessibleIconWidth: index = "+index);
4104 debugString("getAccessibleActionsCount");
4123 debugString("getAccessibleActionName: index = "+index);
4142 debugString("doAccessibleActions: action name = "+name);
4180 debugString("setTextContents: ac = "+ac+"; text = "+text);
4183 debugString(" ac not instanceof AccessibleEditableText: "+ac);
4187 debugString(" text is null");
4224 debugString("getTopLevelObject; ac = "+ac);
4261 debugString("getParentWithRole; ac = "+ac);
4262 debugString("role = "+roleName);
4318 debugString("getObjectDepth: ac = "+ac);
4347 debugString("getActiveDescendent: ac = "+ac);
4415 debugString("getJAWSAccessibleName");
4434 debugString("requestFocus");
4459 debugString("selectTextRange: start = "+startIndex+"; end = "+endIndex);
4485 debugString("setCaretPosition: position = "+position);
4513 debugString("getVisibleChildrenCount");
4519 debugString(" _visibleChildrenCount = "+_visibleChildrenCount);
4659 debugString("getVisibleChild: index = "+index);
4669 debugString( " getVisibleChild: found child = " +
4858 debugString("ObjectReferences::increment - Passed in object is null");
4879 debugString("ERROR: decrementing reference count below 0");
4882 debugString("ERROR: object to decrement not in ObjectReferences table");
5217 accessBridge.debugString("propertyChange(" + e.toString() + ") called");
5235 accessBridge.debugString("AccessibleContext: " + ac);
5248 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyCaretChange()");
5249 accessBridge.debugString(" old value: " + oldValue + "new value: " + newValue);
5262 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyDescriptionChange()");
5263 accessBridge.debugString(" old value: " + oldValue + "new value: " + newValue);
5276 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyNameChange()");
5277 accessBridge.debugString(" old value: " + oldValue + " new value: " + newValue);
5281 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertySelectionChange() " + ac + " " + Thread.currentThread() + " " + e.getSource());
5299 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyStateChange()");
5303 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyTextChange()");
5316 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyDescriptionChange()");
5335 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyChildChange()");
5336 accessBridge.debugString(" old AC: " + oldAC + "new AC: " + newAC);
5399 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call propertyActiveDescendentChange()");
5400 accessBridge.debugString(" AC: " + ac);
5401 accessBridge.debugString(" old AC: " + oldAC + "new AC: " + newAC);
5447 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call focusGained()");
5450 accessBridge.debugString(" AC: " + focusedAC);
5459 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call focusGained()");
5462 accessBridge.debugString(" AC: " + focusedAC);
5472 accessBridge.debugString(" - about to call focusLost()");
5473 accessBridge.debugString(" AC: " + a.getAccessibleContext());
6176 debugString("AccessibleJTreeNode: name = "+getAccessibleName()+"; TreePath = "+p+"; parent = "+ap);
6216 debugString("AccessibleJTreeNode: getCurrentComponent");
6223 debugString(" returning null 1");
6235 debugString(" returning = "+retval.getClass());
6239 debugString(" returning null 2");
6252 debugString("AccessibleJTreeNode: getAccessibleName");
6258 debugString(" returning "+retval);