Lines Matching defs:accessor

74      * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.Component class.
261 * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.Container class.
289 * An interface of accessor for java.awt.Window class.
366 * An accessor for the AWTEvent class.
416 * An accessor for the java.awt.Frame class.
434 * An interface of accessor for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class.
483 * An accessor for the MenuComponent class.
518 * An accessor for the EventQueue class
565 * An accessor for the PopupMenu class
575 * An accessor for the FileDialog class
600 * An accessor for the ScrollPaneAdjustable class.
611 * An accessor for the CheckboxMenuItem class
621 * An accessor for the Cursor class
641 * An accessor for the MenuBar class
656 * An accessor for the MenuItem class
688 * An accessor for the Menu class
698 * An accessor for the KeyEvent class
728 * An accessor for the ClientPropertyKey class
738 * An accessor for the SystemTray class
748 * An accessor for the TrayIcon class
756 * An accessor for the DefaultKeyboardFocusManager class
763 * An accessor for the SequencedEventAccessor class
783 * An accessor for the Toolkit class
790 * An accessor object for the InvocationEvent class
797 * An accessor object for the SystemColor class
804 * An accessor object for the AccessibleContext class
814 * An accessor object for the AccessibleContext class
821 * An accessor object for the DragSourceContext class
831 * An accessor object for the DropTargetContext class
881 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Component class.
888 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Component class.
899 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Container class.
906 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Container class.
917 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Window class.
924 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Window class.
934 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.AWTEvent class.
941 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.AWTEvent class.
951 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.event.InputEvent class.
958 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.event.InputEvent class.
968 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Frame class.
975 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Frame class.
985 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class.
992 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager class.
1002 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.MenuComponent class.
1009 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.MenuComponent class.
1019 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.EventQueue class.
1026 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.EventQueue class.
1036 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.PopupMenu class.
1043 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.PopupMenu class.
1053 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.FileDialog class.
1060 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.FileDialog class.
1070 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable class.
1077 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
1088 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem class.
1095 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem class.
1105 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Cursor class.
1112 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Cursor class.
1122 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.MenuBar class.
1129 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.MenuBar class.
1139 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.MenuItem class.
1146 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.MenuItem class.
1156 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Menu class.
1163 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.Menu class.
1173 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.event.KeyEvent class.
1180 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.event.KeyEvent class.
1190 * Set an accessor object for the javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey class.
1197 * Retrieve the accessor object for the javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey class.
1207 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.SystemTray class.
1214 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.SystemTray class.
1224 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.TrayIcon class.
1231 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.TrayIcon class.
1241 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager class.
1248 * Retrieve the accessor object for the java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager class.
1257 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.SequencedEvent class.
1264 * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.SequencedEvent class.
1278 * Set an accessor object for the java.awt.Toolkit class.
1285 * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.Toolkit class.
1296 * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.event.InvocationEvent class.
1303 * Set the accessor object for the java.awt.event.InvocationEvent class.
1310 * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.SystemColor class.
1321 * Set the accessor object for the java.awt.SystemColor class.
1328 * Get the accessor object for the javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext class.
1338 * Set the accessor object for the javax.accessibility.AccessibleBundle class.
1340 public static void setAccessibleBundleAccessor(AccessibleBundleAccessor accessor) {
1341 AWTAccessor.accessibleBundleAccessor = accessor;
1345 * Get the accessor object for the javax.accessibility.AccessibleBundle class.
1355 * Set the accessor object for the javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext class.
1357 public static void setAccessibleContextAccessor(AccessibleContextAccessor accessor) {
1358 AWTAccessor.accessibleContextAccessor = accessor;
1362 * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext class.
1372 * Set the accessor object for the java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext class.
1374 public static void setDragSourceContextAccessor(DragSourceContextAccessor accessor) {
1375 AWTAccessor.dragSourceContextAccessor = accessor;
1379 * Get the accessor object for the java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext class.
1389 * Set the accessor object for the java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext class.
1391 public static void setDropTargetContextAccessor(DropTargetContextAccessor accessor) {
1392 AWTAccessor.dropTargetContextAccessor = accessor;