Lines Matching defs:check

17     @EXPORT_OK  =   qw[check allow last_error];
44 use Params::Check qw[check allow last_error];
70 ### check() returns a hashref of parsed args on success ###
71 my $parsed_args = check( $tmpl, \%hash, $VERBOSE )
144 argument. If marked as required and not provided, check() will fail.
148 This does a C<ref()> check on the argument provided. The C<ref> of the
150 check to pass.
176 my $args = check(foo => { default => 1, store => \$x }, $input);
180 my $args = check( { foo => { default => 1 }, $input );
198 =head2 check( \%tmpl, \%args, [$verbose] );
203 use Params::Check qw[check];
207 C<check> takes a list of arguments, as follows:
222 A boolean to indicate whether C<check> should be verbose and warn
223 about what went wrong in a check or not.
231 C<check> will return when it fails, or a hashref with lowercase
234 So a typical call to check would look like this:
236 my $parsed = check( \%template, \%arguments, $VERBOSE )
239 A lot of the behaviour of C<check()> can be altered by setting
245 sub check {
253 _store_error(loc('check() expects two arguments'));
288 ### sanity check + defaults + required keys set? ###
293 ### check if required keys are provided
312 ### last, check if they provided any weird template keys
365 ### check if you're even allowed to override this key ###
376 ### check if you were supposed to provide defined() values ###
384 ### check if they should be of a strict type, and if it is ###
394 ### check if we have an allow handler, to validate against ###
424 ### check if we need to store any of the keys ###
530 the last time C<check> was called.
578 This works like the C<strict_type> option you can pass to C<check>,
579 which will turn on C<strict_type> globally for all calls to C<check>.
606 key, C<check> will put it both in the scalar you supplied, as well as
631 If set to true, L<Params::Check> will sanity check templates, validating
635 To disable this check, set this variable to C<false>.
649 C<Params::Check::check()> and is useful if you have a custom wrapper
650 function around C<Params::Check::check()>. The value must be an
652 the real function call and C<Params::Check::check()>.
656 sub check {
661 my $args_out = Params::Check::check($template, $args_in);
676 Please report bugs or other issues to E<lt>bug-params-check@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.