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  • only in /netgear-WNDR4500-V1.0.1.40_1.0.68/ap/gpl/timemachine/db-4.7.25.NC/test/scr016/

Lines Matching refs:outname

24 outname="$outdir/$1.java"
26 if [ -f $outname ]
35 echo "" > $outname
42 echo "/*-" >> $outname
43 echo " * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information." >> $outname
44 echo " * " >> $outname
45 echo " * Copyright (c) 2002,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved." >> $outname
46 echo " *" >> $outname
47 echo " */" >> $outname
48 echo "" >> $outname
50 echo "" >> $outname
52 echo "package com.sleepycat.db.test;" >> $outname
53 echo "" >> $outname
54 echo "import org.junit.After;" >> $outname
55 echo "import org.junit.AfterClass;" >> $outname
56 echo "import org.junit.Before;" >> $outname
57 echo "import org.junit.BeforeClass;" >> $outname
58 echo "import org.junit.Test;" >> $outname
59 echo "import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;" >> $outname
60 echo "import static org.junit.Assert.fail;" >> $outname
61 echo "" >> $outname
62 echo "import com.sleepycat.db.*;" >> $outname
63 echo "" >> $outname
66 echo "import java.io.File;" >> $outname
67 echo "import java.io.FileNotFoundException;" >> $outname
68 echo "import java.io.IOException;" >> $outname
70 echo "" >> $outname
71 echo "import com.sleepycat.db.test.TestUtils;" >> $outname
73 echo "public class $1 {" >> $outname
75 echo " public static final String ${nameupper}_DBNAME = \"${namelower}.db\";" >> $outname
77 echo " @BeforeClass public static void ClassInit() {" >> $outname
78 echo " TestUtils.loadConfig(null);" >> $outname
79 echo -n " TestUtils.check_file_removed(TestUtils." >> $outname
80 echo "getDBFileName(${nameupper}_DBNAME), true, true);" >> $outname
81 echo -n " TestUtils.removeall(true, true, TestUtils." >> $outname
82 echo "BASETEST_DBDIR, TestUtils.getDBFileName(${nameupper}_DBNAME));" >> $outname
83 echo " }" >> $outname
85 echo "" >> $outname
86 echo " @AfterClass public static void ClassShutdown() {" >> $outname
87 echo -n " TestUtils.check_file_removed(TestUtils." >> $outname
88 echo "getDBFileName(${nameupper}_DBNAME), true, true);" >> $outname
89 echo -n " TestUtils.removeall(true, true, TestUtils." >> $outname
90 echo "BASETEST_DBDIR, TestUtils.getDBFileName(${nameupper}_DBNAME));" >> $outname
91 echo " }" >> $outname
93 echo "" >> $outname
94 echo " @Before public void PerTestInit()" >> $outname
95 echo " throws Exception {" >> $outname
96 echo " }" >> $outname
98 echo "" >> $outname
99 echo " @After public void PerTestShutdown()" >> $outname
100 echo " throws Exception {" >> $outname
101 echo " }" >> $outname
103 echo " /*" >> $outname
104 echo " * Test case implementations." >> $outname
105 echo " * To disable a test mark it with @Ignore" >> $outname
106 echo " * To set a timeout(ms) notate like: @Test(timeout=1000)" >> $outname
107 echo " * To indicate an expected exception notate like: $Test(expected=Exception)" >> $outname
108 echo " */" >> $outname
110 echo "" >> $outname
111 echo " @Test public void test1()" >> $outname
112 echo " throws DatabaseException, FileNotFoundException" >> $outname
113 echo " {" >> $outname
114 echo " }" >> $outname
116 echo "}" >> $outname