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  • only in /netgear-R7000-V1.0.7.12_1.2.5/ap/gpl/timemachine/libxml2-2.7.2/

Lines Matching defs:number

244     "Invalid number of arguments\n",
381 * @line: the line number
382 * @no: the error number
407 int number;
429 list->number = 0;
431 } else if (list->size <= list->number) {
442 list->items[list->number++] = item;
467 ret->number = 0;
575 int maxStep; /* Maximum number of steps allocated */
1037 fprintf(output, "Object is a number : Infinity\n");
1040 fprintf(output, "Object is a number : -Infinity\n");
1044 fprintf(output, "Object is a number : NaN\n");
1046 fprintf(output, "Object is a number : 0\n");
1048 fprintf(output, "Object is a number : %0g\n", cur->floatval);
1716 leftObjs -= cache->nodesetObjs->number;
1718 leftObjs -= cache->stringObjs->number;
1720 leftObjs -= cache->booleanObjs->number;
1722 leftObjs -= cache->numberObjs->number;
1724 leftObjs -= cache->miscObjs->number;
1818 for (i = 0; i < list->number; i++) {
1869 * This will set the maximum number of XPath objects
1871 * There are 5 slots for: node-set, string, number, boolean, and
1872 * misc objects. Use <0 for the default number (100).
1928 (cache->miscObjs->number != 0))
1933 cache->miscObjs->items[--cache->miscObjs->number];
1964 (cache->stringObjs->number != 0))
1970 cache->stringObjs->items[--cache->stringObjs->number];
1978 (cache->miscObjs->number != 0))
1985 cache->miscObjs->items[--cache->miscObjs->number];
2016 (cache->nodesetObjs->number != 0))
2023 cache->nodesetObjs->items[--cache->nodesetObjs->number];
2041 (cache->miscObjs->number != 0))
2049 cache->miscObjs->items[--cache->miscObjs->number];
2080 (cache->stringObjs->number != 0))
2085 cache->stringObjs->items[--cache->stringObjs->number];
2094 (cache->miscObjs->number != 0))
2099 cache->miscObjs->items[--cache->miscObjs->number];
2129 (cache->stringObjs->number != 0))
2134 cache->stringObjs->items[--cache->stringObjs->number];
2145 (cache->miscObjs->number != 0))
2150 cache->miscObjs->items[--cache->miscObjs->number];
2183 (cache->booleanObjs->number != 0))
2188 cache->booleanObjs->items[--cache->booleanObjs->number];
2196 (cache->miscObjs->number != 0))
2201 cache->miscObjs->items[--cache->miscObjs->number];
2231 (cache->numberObjs->number != 0))
2236 cache->numberObjs->items[--cache->numberObjs->number];
2244 (cache->miscObjs->number != 0))
2249 cache->miscObjs->items[--cache->miscObjs->number];
2376 * Converts an existing object to its number() equivalent
2431 * returns the number of items on the value stack
2486 * Pops a number from the stack, handling conversion if needed.
2489 * Returns the number
2659 * @number: number to format
2663 * Convert the number into a string representation.
2666 xmlXPathFormatNumber(double number, char buffer[], int buffersize)
2668 switch (xmlXPathIsInf(number)) {
2678 if (xmlXPathIsNaN(number)) {
2681 } else if (number == 0 && xmlXPathGetSign(number) != 0) {
2683 } else if (number == ((int) number)) {
2686 int value = (int) number;
2707 DBL_DIG is number of significant digits
2710 LOWER_DOUBLE_EXP is max number of leading zeroes in fraction
2721 absolute_value = fabs(number);
2735 integer_place, fraction_place, number);
2751 fraction_place, number);
2789 * field, the value stored is actually - the node number (starting at -1)
2792 * Returns the number of elements found in the document or -1 in case
5407 #define XP_CACHE_WANTS(sl, n) ((sl == NULL) || ((sl)->number < n))
5563 * @val: a number
5565 * Converts a number to its string value.
5726 * Converts a boolean to its number value
5728 * Returns the number value
5741 * Converts a string to its number value
5743 * Returns the number value
5754 * Converts a node to its number value
5756 * Returns the number value
5778 * Converts a node-set to its number value
5780 * Returns the number value
5799 * Converts an XPath object to its number value
5801 * Returns the number value
5844 * Converts an existing object to its number() equivalent
5864 * @val: a number
5866 * Converts a number to its boolean value
6337 * Implement the compare operation between a nodeset and a number
6343 * If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a number,
6345 * node-set such that the result of performing the comparison on the number
6347 * node to a number using the number function is true.
6457 * The number function converts its argument to a number as follows:
6460 * is converted to the IEEE 754 number that is nearest (according
6653 * If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a number,
6656 * number to be compared and on the result of converting the string-value
6657 * of that node to a number using the number function is true.
7193 * comparison will be true if and only if the first number is less than the
7194 * second number. The <= comparison will be true if and only if the first
7195 * number is less than or equal to the second number. The > comparison
7196 * will be true if and only if the first number is greater than the second
7197 * number. The >= comparison will be true if and only if the first number
7198 * is greater than or equal to the second number.
7320 * by calling the number function.
7349 * by calling the number function.
7372 * by calling the number function.
7395 * by calling the number function.
7418 * by calling the number function.
7459 * by calling the number function.
8337 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8340 * number last()
8341 * The last function returns the number of nodes in the context node list.
8362 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8365 * number position()
8389 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8392 * number count(node-set)
8492 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8552 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8610 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8662 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8743 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8751 * - A number is converted to a string as follows
8757 * + if the number is an integer, the number is represented in
8759 * zeros, preceded by a minus sign (-) if the number is negative
8760 * + otherwise, the number is represented in decimal form as a
8763 * decimal point, preceded by a minus sign (-) if the number
8769 * number from all other IEEE 754 numeric values.
8797 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8800 * number string-length(string?)
8801 * The string-length returns the number of characters in the string
8837 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8881 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8915 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8951 * @nargs: the number of arguments
8954 * string substring(string, number, number?)
9055 /* number of chars to copy */
9075 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9117 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9161 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9225 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9309 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9314 * - a number is true if and only if it is neither positive or
9333 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9351 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9365 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9379 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9429 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9431 * Implement the number() XPath function
9432 * number number(object?)
9461 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9464 * number sum(node-set)
9505 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9508 * number floor(number)
9510 * number that is not greater than the argument and that is an integer.
9532 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9535 * number ceiling(number)
9537 * number that is not less than the argument and that is an integer.
9568 * @nargs: the number of arguments
9571 * number round(number)
9572 * The round function returns the number that is closest to the
9903 * These are used as divisors for the fractional part of a number.
10910 * a filter can only diminish the number of items in a sequence,
11536 * context node, with the number of nodes in the
11669 * Check if the node set contains a sufficient number of nodes for
12091 * ELEM Object is a number : 1 -- predOp->ch2 = [1]
12549 * Returns the number of examined objects.
12673 * Returns the number of nodes traversed
13094 * Returns the number of nodes traversed
13529 * ELEM Object is a number : 1
13677 * context node, with the number of nodes in the
14033 * For predicates a result of type "number" is handled
14036 * "If the result is a number, the result will be converted
14037 * to true if the number is equal to the context position
14369 * the result to a boolean. If the result is a number, the result will
14370 * be converted to true if the number is equal to the position of the
14373 * is not a number, then the result will be converted as if by a call
14407 * the result to a boolean. If the result is a number, the result will
14408 * be converted to true if the number is equal to the position of the
14411 * is not a number, then the result will be converted as if by a call
14958 * @nargs: the number of arguments
15103 xmlXPathRegisterFunc(ctxt, (const xmlChar *)"number",