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Lines Matching defs:code

82 by soapcpp2 to generate the binding code.
84 @code
89 and/or server-side binding code.
98 @code
111 @code
127 In the client-side code, the WS-Addressing information headers are set with
135 @code
155 @code
184 @code
209 @code
220 When a WS-Addressing error occurred, the a wsa error code is stored in the SOAP
222 @code
239 @code
257 @code
274 @code
291 @code
312 @code
329 The implementation in the server code uses soap_wsa_check() to check the
333 @code
356 @code
378 The implementation of the service operation in the server code is:
379 @code
382 ... = faultcode; // SOAP 1.1 fault code string (QName)
386 ... = SOAP_ENV__Code; // SOAP 1.2 fault code struct
671 @brief Sets sender/receiver SOAP Fault (sub)code for server fault response.
674 @param[in] faultsubcode sub code string
726 @brief Sets sender SOAP Fault (sub)code for server fault response.
728 @param[in] faultsubcode sub code string
740 @brief Sets receiver SOAP Fault (sub)code for server fault response.
742 @param[in] faultsubcode sub code string
789 @param[out] fault code
791 @return SOAP_OK (no fault) or fault code
796 { const char *code = *soap_faultsubcode(soap);
797 if (code)
798 { SOAP_WSA__(soap_s2,FaultCodesType)(soap, code, fault);
848 @param[out] fault code
849 @return SOAP_OK (no fault) or fault code
854 { const char *code = *soap_faultsubcode(soap);
855 if (code)
856 { SOAP_WSA__(soap_s2,FaultSubcodeValues)(soap, code, fault);
867 @brief Sets SOAP Fault (sub)code for server WS-Addressing fault response.
875 { const char *code = SOAP_WSA_(soap,FaultCodesType2s)(soap, fault);
879 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "A header representing a Message Addressing Property is not valid and the message cannot be processed.", NULL);
891 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "Invalid address.", NULL);
894 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "Invalid EPR.", NULL);
897 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "Invalid cardinality of headers.", NULL);
900 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "Missing EPR address.", NULL);
903 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "Message contains the message ID of a message already received.", NULL);
906 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "Action and SOAP action of the message do not match.", NULL);
909 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "A required header representing a Message Addressing Property is not present.", NULL);
921 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "No route can be determined to reach [destination]", NULL);
933 soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "The [action] cannot be processed at the receiver.", NULL);
949 soap_wsa_receiver_fault_subcode(soap, code, "The endpoint is unable to process the message at this time.", NULL);
973 @brief Sets SOAP Fault (sub)code for server WS-Addressing fault response.
980 { const char *code = SOAP_WSA_(soap,FaultSubcodeValues2s)(soap, fault);
984 return soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "A message information header is not valid and the message cannot be processed. The validity failure can be either structural or semantic, e.g. a [destination] that is not a URI or a [relationship] to a [message id] that was never issued.", "Invalid header");
986 return soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "A required message information header, To, MessageID, or Action, is not present.", "Missing Header QName");
988 return soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "No route can be determined to reach the destination role defined by the WS-Addressing To.", NULL);
990 return soap_wsa_sender_fault_subcode(soap, code, "The [action] cannot be processed at the receiver.", soap->action);
992 return soap_wsa_receiver_fault_subcode(soap, code, "The endpoint is unable to process the message at this time.", NULL);
1092 @param c fault code
1119 @param status code