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11 \winhelpignore{\title{Manual for Tex2RTF 2.0: A \LaTeX\ to RTF and HTML converter}%
15 \winhelponly{\title{Manual for Tex2RTF 2.0}%
35 documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the
56 This document describes a utility for converting \popref{\LaTeX}{latexgloss}\ files into
64 but the chances are you'll need to modify it a bit for Tex2RTF. Tex2RTF was written with
87 Windows HTML help, and wxWidgets 2 wxHTML help, are now catered for using
99 a great help in giving advice for improvements to the manual.
107 and .hhk (HTML Workshop) files, for generating MS HTML Help or wxHTML Help.
119 \item Debugged problem with Word bookmarks not being inserted for unnumbered
155 \item Added special processing for a chapter called Popups.
180 \item Debugged \verb$\special$ processing for HTML (escaped characters such ampersand).
181 \item Added contentsDepth for Word RTF contents page.
188 \item \verb$\verb$ support corrected for HTML.
190 \item Debugged incorrect centring for HTML buttons.
196 \item Bug fix for 24-bit bitmap inclusion when generating RTF:
198 \item Added htmlIndex setting, to generate an {\tt .htx} index file of an HTML document for
201 \item Change colons to spaces for WinHelp RTF keywords, since the colon has a specific meaning in WinHelp.
217 of bold `anchor' text for linear formats.
230 \item Added settings winHelpContents (for generating {\tt .cnt} file), winHelpVersion (for specifying
234 \item Added \verb$\settransparency$ command for WinHelp 4 transparent bitmaps.
242 \item Added support for simple tables in HTML.
243 \item Added \verb$\textcolour$, \verb$\background$ for colouring text and background in HTML.
245 \item Added \verb$\imagel$, \verb$\imager$ for left and right aligned images
247 \item Added \verb$\brclear$ for clearing image alignment in HTML.
251 \item Tidied up RTF generation for non-Word viewers ({\it useWord} set to {\it false}). Will now look reasonable using
259 \item Cured some bugs (char used for fgetc instead of int) so now compiles for
267 Most of these are aliases for other commands.
275 \item Added \verb$\sethotspotcolour$, \verb$\sethotspotunderline$ commands for controlling
285 \item Added \verb$\urlref$ command for specifying HTML URLs.
286 \item Started support for translating .SHG files to HTML .map files
287 (this works if compiled under Borland, not MS VC++ for some reason!)
295 \item Added {\it generateHPJ} option for generating the .HPJ WinHelp project file
296 \item Added support for DDE via a small command set
303 \item Option for using Word's INCLUDEPICTURE or IMPORT field, since the method that
304 works for Works, doesn't work for Word! See {\it bitmapMethod} in the
350 \item For linear RTF, Word for Windows support for \verb$\printindex$,\rtfsp
352 \item Added RTF support for various symbols.
364 \item New environment called \verb$\twocollist$ for making two-column lists,
365 with formatting optimized for target file format.
366 \item New \verb$\indented$ environment for controlling indentation.
368 \item Added commands \verb$\normalbox$, \verb$\normalboxd$ for putting borders around text.
372 \item Optional `Up' button in WinHelp files for easier navigation.
375 \item Added conditional output for all formats: \verb$\latexignore$, \verb$\latexonly$, \verb$\rtfignore$, \verb$\rtfonly$,
394 \item Added {\tt -bufsize} option, for converting large documents.
404 \item Support for some accents added.
415 \item Added compile-time support for non-GUI environments (such as plain UNIX).
425 for specifying \LaTeX\ macros and detailed options.
429 in batch mode. Otherwise, if Tex2RTF has been compiled for GUI
430 operation, a main window will be shown, with appropriate menu items for
435 will be used as the bullet for items in \verb$\itemize$ lists, for WinHelp
441 arguments to a command, so look in the vicinity of the error for the
444 \normalbox{Some of the syntax that is OK for true \LaTeX\ but which trips up
452 If importing RTF files into Word for Windows\index{Microsoft Word}, you may need to reformat
462 picture for more information.
468 Use the menubar for interactive operations.
496 \twocolitem{{\bf -charset charset}}{Specifies a character set for
499 \twocolitem{{\bf -macros filename}}{Specifies a file for the custom macro
511 The initialisation file contains further detailed options for
514 looks for the file {\tt tex2rtf.ini} in the working directory
519 The syntax for a macro definition is:
533 The syntax for an option setting is:
572 \twocolitem{\inioption{compatibility}}{Set to true for maximum \LaTeX\ compatibility, e.g. if
589 \twocolitem{\inioption{authorFontSize}}{Specifies the point size for the author and date (RTF only).}
590 \twocolitem{\inioption{chapterFontSize}}{Specifies the point size for chapter headings (RTF only).}
593 \twocolitem{\inioption{sectionFontSize}}{Specifies the point size for section headings (RTF only).}
594 \twocolitem{\inioption{subsectionFontSize}}{Specifies the point size for subsection headings (RTF only).}
595 \twocolitem{\inioption{titleFontSize}}{Specifies the point size for the title (RTF only).}
600 \twocolitem{\inioption{indexName}}{The string used for printing the index heading. The default is ``Index".}
601 \twocolitem{\inioption{contentsName}}{The string used for printing the contents heading. The default is ``Contents".}
602 \twocolitem{\inioption{abstractName}}{The string used for printing the abstract heading. The default is ``Abstract".}
603 \twocolitem{\inioption{tablesName}}{The string used for printing the list of tables heading. The default is ``List of Tables".}
605 \twocolitem{\inioption{figuresName}}{The string used for printing the list of figures heading. The default is ``List of Figures".}
607 \twocolitem{\inioption{glossaryName}}{The string used for printing the glossary heading. The default is ``Glossary".}
608 \twocolitem{\inioption{referencesName}}{The string used for printing the references heading. The default is ``References".}
617 for INCLUDEPICTURE). ``hex'' may be used for importing into MS Works, but this doesn't work
618 for Word 6.0. The default is ``includepicture''.}
620 is 4 but you may wish to reduce this, for example for manuals that document C++ and have a large number of
621 headings for member functions.}
622 \twocolitem{\inioption{defaultColumnWidth}}{The width in points for columns in tables
635 \twocolitem{\inioption{useWord}}{If true (the default), Word for Windows RTF
636 formatting is used where possibly, e.g. for the table of contents, list of
639 appropriate heading styles for generating the table of contents in RTF.}
651 \twocolitem{\inioption{winHelpContents}}{If yes, ok or true, a WinHelp {\tt .cnt} file will be generated (used in Windows 95 for either old WinHelp
668 \twocolitem{\inioption{htmlIndex}}{If true, specifies generation of an {\tt .htx} index file for an HTML document.
678 \twocolitem{\inioption{backgroundColour}}{Specifies the RGB background colour for the document, e.g. {\tt 255;255;255} for white.
680 \twocolitem{\inioption{backgroundImage}}{Specifies the RGB background image for the document, e.g. {\tt tile.gif}.}
681 \twocolitem{\inioption{textColour}}{Specifies the RGB text colour for the document, e.g. {\tt 0;0;0} for black.}
682 \twocolitem{\inioption{linkColour}}{Specifies the RGB link colour for the document, e.g. {\tt 0;0;255} for blue.}
683 \twocolitem{\inioption{followedLinkColour}}{Specifies the RGB followed link colour for the document, e.g. {\tt 0;0;255} for blue.}
747 Many people also prefer to use \LaTeX\ for ordinary use since it encourages
752 publishing packages, it is for many purposes quite adequate, and sometimes
760 files for use in the World Wide Web. Since the conversion tool is
762 Help, there are no financial or time penalties for providing
781 a good one, so a book such as {\it Developing On-line Help for Windows} \cite{helpbook} is highly recommended.
791 Windows-based applications, and is the input for the Windows Help
797 \item wxHelp\index{wxHelp}. This is the platform-independent help system for
800 for changing font styles, but no formatting is done by wxHelp.
851 \rtfsp$<<$ and $>>$ buttons, with an additional Up button for
868 undefined macro errors. See \helpref{Initialisation file syntax}{inifile} for
879 However, for the benefit of RTF conversion, you need to use the \commandrefn{rtfsp}{rtfsp} command
960 Only a subset of \LaTeX\ units may be used for specifying dimensions.
962 be specified for dimensions or the results may be unexpected.
966 The \verb$\label$ command may be used for sections and figure captions,
979 such as Word for Windows.
981 \section{Tex2RTF for non-LaTeX users}\index{LaTeX}%
985 word processor, and hypertext files for on-line help.
997 \TeX\ was quite advanced for its day, and is still used (particularly by
1003 independent file which can be read by many converters for output
1006 A reason for its longevity is the ability to add facilities to
1020 there are many free and commercial implementations of \LaTeX\ for almost
1111 \LaTeX\ is inherently suitable for specifying hypertext documents since
1124 For HTML, a different file is generated for each section, since the
1131 files for a large \LaTeX\ input file.
1153 references are catered for at the moment, with no variation in
1166 the \commandrefn{gloss}{gloss} command for glossary entries. In \LaTeX\ this
1178 added, and \commandrefn{index}{index} marks words for inserting in the index.
1191 to the input file root. This will be the contents page for the document.
1193 for a document with a large number of sections. If you are running
1204 Each HTML section file (except for the contents page) is given browse
1207 be used for these buttons. On a text-only browser, the buttons will show
1211 to other documents. `Advanced features' which are implemented for HTML include:
1220 See \helpref{HTML options}{htmloptions} for relevant initialisation file
1231 setting it to 3 for Windows 3.1, and 4 for Windows 95. In the latter case,
1232 you also need the Help Compiler for Windows (hcw.exe and associated components)
1261 `Advanced features' which are implemented for WinHelp include:
1269 Tex2RTF automatically generates browse buttons for jumping to the
1272 See \helpref{RTF/WinHelp options}{rtfwinhelpoptions} for
1281 fields for contents page and index formatting, headings, and
1293 See \helpref{RTF/WinHelp options}{rtfwinhelpoptions} for
1316 \verb$\tabular$ environment takes two arguments: a first argument for
1317 specifying the formatting, and the second argument for the body of the
1343 Defines the author, for output when \verb$\maketitle$ is used.
1413 is ignored in all formats. Useful for commenting out parts of files that
1473 document style, at least for MS Word 6.0 for Windows. The default seems
1477 In WinHelp RTF, a bracketed number is generated for the footnote
1482 This command is not supported for formats other than \LaTeX,
1488 rule below the current row. Note that this does not work in RTF for the
1529 In WinHelp mode, adds a keyword to the keyword list for the current
1548 inserts "Some text" at level 2 (for a report, the current section). This
1550 for example.
1564 list items. Currently this only works for linear or WinHelp RTF output.
1576 list items. Currently this only works for linear or WinHelp RTF output.
1635 for best results.
1639 Inserts a marginal note on even pages. This is required for RTF generation since
1640 it is impossible for Tex2RTF to know in advance which side of paper the marginal note
1647 Inserts a marginal note on odd pages. This is required for RTF generation since
1648 it is impossible for Tex2RTF to know in advance which side of paper the marginal note
1660 and wait for text to appear on the screen.
1667 You should use \commandrefn{textwidth}{textwidth} to allow space for marginal
1683 spans more than one column. Only supplied for compatibility with
1740 This command must be defined for headers and footers to
1763 Behaves as for a subsubsection.
1767 Behaves as for a subsubsection.
1871 translated to \verb${$, to allow for insertion of braces).
1880 Behaves as for a subsubsection.
1884 Behaves as for a subsubsection.
1908 An environment for tables. The only thing that Tex2RTF does with this
1915 proper Word for Windows table of contents will be inserted unless either
1934 for best effect.
1996 Sets the text width (valid for RTF only). This might be used
1997 in conjunction with \commandrefn{marginpar}{marginpar}, for example,
1998 to leave space for marginal notes.
2003 An environment for specifying the bibliography as a series of\rtfsp
2064 but for small amounts of text. The syntax is:
2091 of three numbers from 0 to 255 separated by semicolons, for red, green and blue values respectively.
2106 is a URL for the GIF file to be used as the background.
2122 inserting RTF (for example) that cannot be dealt with by Tex2RTF.
2133 Sets the background colour for a block of text (RTF only). Has no known effect
2134 in the RTF readers currently tried (Word for Window and Windows Help).
2212 Sets the foreground colour for a block of text (RTF and HTML).
2228 Specifies the followed link colour for the whole page, HTML only. The argument consists
2229 of three numbers from 0 to 255 separated by semicolons, for red, green and blue values respectively.
2255 This command is not supported for formats other than \LaTeX,
2278 Marks a glossary entry. In \LaTeX, this is a synonym for an \commandrefn{item}{item}
2315 An environment for making a glossary (not standard \LaTeX). See \commandrefn{gloss}{gloss} for
2332 Specifies the font family for Tex2RTF generated files. The argument
2337 Specifies the font size for Tex2RTF generated files.
2358 and the second is the reference label. See \commandrefn{helpref}{helpref} for
2386 valid for input to Tex2RTF. You can convert a RLE (run length encoded)
2398 (an earlier name for INCLUDEPICTURE).
2413 dimensions of the image. Scaling will take place for PostScript
2415 be scaled in proportion to the non-zero dimension. Zeros for both
2419 See also \commandrefn{imagel}{imagel}, \commandrefn{imager}{imager} for aligned images in
2499 inserting RTF (for example) that cannot be dealt with by Tex2RTF.
2503 Specifies the link colour for the whole page, HTML only. The argument consists
2504 of three numbers from 0 to 255 separated by semicolons, for red, green and blue values respectively.
2523 Used when formatting C++ classes to print a subsection for the member name.
2537 \normalbox{This should be a boxed paragraph for highlighting
2538 important information, such as information for registering
2544 \normalbox{This should be a boxed paragraph for highlighting important
2545 information, such as information for registering a shareware program.}
2547 See also \commandrefn{normalboxd}{normalboxd} for double-bordered text.
2558 \normalboxd{This should be a boxed paragraph for
2560 for registering a shareware program.}
2565 \normalboxd{This should be a boxed paragraph for highlighting important
2566 information,such as information for registering a shareware program.}
2568 See also \commandrefn{normalbox}{normalbox} for single-bordered text.
2592 inserting RTF (for example) that cannot be dealt with by Tex2RTF.
2648 The behaviour for first pages of a chapter, section or document
2651 For best results, define headers and footers for {\it each chapter or
2654 Note that this command works only for \LaTeX\ and linear RTF. See also\rtfsp
2679 The behaviour for first pages of a chapter, section or document
2682 For best results, define headers and footers for {\it each chapter or
2685 Note that this command works only for \LaTeX\ and linear RTF. See also\rtfsp
2709 Specifies the text foreground colour for the whole page, HTML only. The argument consists
2710 of three numbers from 0 to 255 separated by semicolons, for red, green and blue values respectively.
2729 An environment for dealing with complex \LaTeX\ commands that
2732 for the user to hand-translate into the desired output format.
2738 Used to specify a row for a two column list, a Tex2RTF
2739 extension to optimize two-column lists for different
2745 Used to specify a ruled row for a two column list, a Tex2RTF
2746 extension to optimize two-column lists for different
2752 A Tex2RTF environment for specifying a table of two columns, often
2753 used in manuals and help files (for example, for listing commands and
2774 \twocolitem{Edit}{The Edit menu is used for
2785 \twocolitem{Edit}{The Edit menu is used for selection, copying, pasting, etc.}
2833 The following \LaTeX\ accents work for RTF and HTML production:
2837 \item \verb$\'{a}$ produces \'{a}. Valid for a, e, i, o, u, A, E, I, O, U
2838 \item \verb$\`{a}$ produces \`{a}. Valid for a, e, i, o, u, y, A, E, I, O, U, Y
2839 \item \verb$\^{a}$ produces \^{a}. Valid for a, e, i, o, u, A, E, I, O, U
2840 \item \verb$\~{a}$ produces \~{a}. Valid for a, n, o, A, N, O
2841 \item \verb$\"{a}$ produces \"{a}. Valid for a, e, i, o, u, y, A, E, I, O, U, Y
2842 \item \verb$\.{a}$ produces \.{a}. Valid for a, A
2848 command for a particular purpose.
3110 the Tex2RTF \verb$\row$ commands for decent formatting. Still, it's
3114 buffer used for converting command arguments, especially for the \verb$\verbatim$\rtfsp
3124 \normalbox{Some of the syntax that is OK for true \LaTeX\ but which trips up
3147 \helpref{Initialisation file syntax}{inifile} for further details.
3151 so look in the vicinity of the reported error for the real cause.
3169 Often you get a `Macro not found' error for \verb$\end{document}$. This
3186 {\it TRUE} in {\tt .ini} file; also check for end of row characters backslash characters
3187 on their own on a line, and insert correct number of ampersands for the number of
3225 \subsection{Unresolved references in Word for Windows}\index{Microsoft Word}%
3227 If question marks appear instead of numbers for figures and tables,
3236 A book must be followed by a book, for some strange reason, otherwise
3267 Hypertext Markup Language; an SGML document type, used for providing
3274 distinguished for allowing specification of the document structure,
3280 Rich Text Format: an interchange format for word processor files,
3281 used for importing and exporting formatted documents, and as the
3287 documentation for UNIX-based wxWidgets applications. Under Windows 3.1,
3292 wxWidgets is a free C++ toolkit for writing applications that are