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  • only in /netgear-R7000-V1.0.7.12_1.2.5/ap/gpl/amule/wxWidgets-2.8.12/src/msw/

Lines Matching defs:true

171 // true if we had already created the std colour map, used by
275 return true;
315 return true ;
383 wxPROPERTY( Enabled , bool , Enable , IsEnabled , wxxVariant((bool)true) , 0 /*flags*/ , wxT("Helpstring") , wxT("group"))
384 wxPROPERTY( Shown , bool , Show , IsShown , wxxVariant((bool)true) , 0 /*flags*/ , wxT("Helpstring") , wxT("group"))
535 m_isBeingDeleted = true;
617 return true;
692 return true;
741 return true;
764 return true;
825 return true;
864 return true;
1159 // implement IsOfStandardClass() method which returns true for the
1245 return true; // Effectively means don't subclass
1340 callSWP = true;
1518 return true;
1589 SendSetRedraw(GetHwnd(), true);
1742 return true;
1922 return true;
2228 return true;
2274 bool bForward = true,
2279 bool bProcess = true;
2293 bFromTab = true;
2322 bWindowChange = true;
2368 return true;
2378 return true;
2402 return true;
2410 return true;
2458 return true;
2461 bool canSafelyCallIsDlgMsg = true;
2490 canSafelyCallIsDlgMsg = true;
2656 // never set processed to true and *always* pass WM_DESTROY to
2760 processed = true;
2786 // over widgets like buttons. So don't set processed to true here.
2815 processed = true;
2873 processed = true;
2874 return true;
2939 processed = true;
2945 // for these messages we must return true if process the message
2982 processed = true;
2994 processed = true;
3009 processed = true;
3046 // but set processed to false, not true to still pass them
3092 processed = true;
3096 processed = HandleChar((WORD)wParam, lParam, true);
3240 processed = true;
3314 processed = true;
3338 processed = true;
3380 processed = true;
3506 nonDefault = true;
3559 nonDefault = true;
3586 wxCHECK_MSG( !m_hWnd, true, wxT("window can't be recreated") );
3634 return true;
3672 return true;
3762 return true;
3778 return true;
3797 event.SetCanVeto(true);
3856 *mayCreate = true;
3858 return true;
3877 return true;
4131 return true;
4198 return true;
4208 return true;
4381 wxControl *item = wxDynamicCast(FindItemByHWND(hWnd, true), wxControl);
4579 s_coloursInit = true;
4582 gs_hasStdCmap = true;
4700 return true;
4777 return true;
4852 useDefer = true;
4948 rc = true;
4954 rc = true;
4960 rc = true;
4966 rc = true;
5034 return true;
5043 return true;
5181 // true, it is not if we had captured the mouse, so we need to check
5186 m_mouseInWindow = true;
5207 s_initDone = true;
5390 // isASCII is true only when we're called from WM_CHAR handler and not from
5408 // WM_CHAR (i.e. when isASCII = true), don't process it now
5921 *isVirtual = true;
6037 // if the requested key is a LED key, return true if the led is pressed
6041 // key is down; for compatibility with the other ports return true if
6161 event.m_altDown = true;
6756 return true;
6772 return true;
6825 return true;