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Lines Matching defs:of

94                     // child of it when OFN_EXPLORER is used
204 // size of the dialog can't be changed because the controls are not laid
212 static bool DoShowCommFileDialog(OPENFILENAME *of, long style, DWORD *err)
214 if ( style & wxFD_SAVE ? GetSaveFileName(of) : GetOpenFileName(of) )
294 in the upper left of the frame, it does not center
325 wxZeroMemory(of);
327 of.lStructSize = gs_ofStructSize;
328 of.hwndOwner = hWnd;
329 of.lpstrTitle = WXSTRINGCAST m_message;
330 of.lpstrFileTitle = titleBuffer;
331 of.nMaxFileTitle = wxMAXFILE + 1 + wxMAXEXT;
358 // ignore the next one, unless it is at the start of a UNC path
372 of.lpstrInitialDir = dir.c_str();
374 of.Flags = msw_flags;
375 of.lpfnHook = wxFileDialogHookFunction;
400 of.lpstrFilter = (LPTSTR)filterBuffer.c_str();
401 of.nFilterIndex = m_filterIndex + 1;
408 of.lpstrFile = fileNameBuffer; // holds returned filename
409 of.nMaxFile = wxMAXPATH;
412 // for the existing of a wrong file with wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT (i.e. if the
419 int maxFilter = (int)(of.nFilterIndex*2L) - 1;
429 of.lpstrDefExt = defextBuffer.c_str();
439 bool success = DoShowCommFileDialog(&of, m_windowStyle, &errCode);
447 of.lpstrFile[0] )
450 of.lpstrFile[0] = _T('\0');
451 success = DoShowCommFileDialog(&of, m_windowStyle, &errCode);
458 of.lStructSize != wxOPENFILENAME_V4_SIZE )
460 of.lStructSize = wxOPENFILENAME_V4_SIZE;
462 success = DoShowCommFileDialog(&of, m_windowStyle, &errCode);
467 gs_ofStructSize = of.lStructSize;
488 ( fileNameBuffer[of.nFileOffset-1] == wxT('\0') )
490 ( fileNameBuffer[of.nFileOffset-1] == wxT(' ') )
496 i = of.nFileOffset;
521 m_filterIndex = (int)of.nFilterIndex - 1;
527 m_filterIndex = (int)of.nFilterIndex - 1;
529 if ( !of.nFileExtension ||
530 (of.nFileExtension && fileNameBuffer[of.nFileExtension] == wxT('\0')) )
534 int maxFilter = (int)(of.nFilterIndex*2L) - 1;