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Lines Matching defs:wxGrid

3 // Purpose:     wxGrid and related classes
155 wxGridSubwindow(wxGrid *owner,
168 wxGrid *GetOwner() { return m_owner; }
173 wxGrid *m_owner;
183 wxGridRowLabelWindow( wxGrid *parent, wxWindowID id,
206 wxGridColLabelWindow( wxGrid *parent, wxWindowID id,
229 wxGridCornerLabelWindow( wxGrid *parent, wxWindowID id,
256 wxGridWindow( wxGrid *parent,
285 wxGridCellEditorEvtHandler(wxGrid* grid, wxGridCellEditor* editor)
299 wxGrid *m_grid;
752 void wxGridCellTextEditor::BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
769 bool wxGridCellTextEditor::EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
929 void wxGridCellNumberEditor::BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
962 wxGrid* grid)
1134 void wxGridCellFloatEditor::BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
1160 bool wxGridCellFloatEditor::EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
1418 void wxGridCellBoolEditor::BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
1450 wxGrid* grid)
1608 void wxGridCellChoiceEditor::BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
1650 wxGrid* grid)
1863 void wxGridCellRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
1902 void wxGridCellStringRenderer::SetTextColoursAndFont(const wxGrid& grid,
1918 wx_const_cast(wxGrid&, grid).GetGridWindow() )
1958 wxSize wxGridCellStringRenderer::GetBestSize(wxGrid& grid,
1966 void wxGridCellStringRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
2069 wxString wxGridCellNumberRenderer::GetString(const wxGrid& grid, int row, int col)
2085 void wxGridCellNumberRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
2107 wxSize wxGridCellNumberRenderer::GetBestSize(wxGrid& grid,
2135 wxString wxGridCellFloatRenderer::GetString(const wxGrid& grid, int row, int col)
2188 void wxGridCellFloatRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
2210 wxSize wxGridCellFloatRenderer::GetBestSize(wxGrid& grid,
2269 wxSize wxGridCellBoolRenderer::GetBestSize(wxGrid& grid,
2296 void wxGridCellBoolRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
2578 wxGridCellRenderer* wxGridCellAttr::GetRenderer(wxGrid* grid, int row, int col) const
2622 wxGridCellEditor* wxGridCellAttr::GetEditor(wxGrid* grid, int row, int col) const
3215 m_view = (wxGrid *) NULL;
3463 // created by wxGrid if you don't specify an alternative table class.
3878 wxGridRowLabelWindow::wxGridRowLabelWindow( wxGrid *parent,
3949 wxGridColLabelWindow::wxGridColLabelWindow( wxGrid *parent,
4023 wxGridCornerLabelWindow::wxGridCornerLabelWindow( wxGrid *parent,
4109 wxGridWindow::wxGridWindow( wxGrid *parent,
4271 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_XTI(wxGrid, wxScrolledWindow,"wx/grid.h")
4281 wxCONSTRUCTOR_5( wxGrid , wxWindow* , Parent , wxWindowID , Id , wxPoint , Position , wxSize , Size , long , WindowStyle )
4287 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxGrid, wxScrolledWindow )
4290 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( wxGrid, wxScrolledWindow )
4291 EVT_PAINT( wxGrid::OnPaint )
4292 EVT_SIZE( wxGrid::OnSize )
4293 EVT_KEY_DOWN( wxGrid::OnKeyDown )
4294 EVT_KEY_UP( wxGrid::OnKeyUp )
4295 EVT_CHAR ( wxGrid::OnChar )
4296 EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND( wxGrid::OnEraseBackground )
4299 wxGrid::wxGrid()
4309 wxGrid::wxGrid( wxWindow *parent,
4323 bool wxGrid::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
4341 wxGrid::~wxGrid()
4358 wxPrintf(_T("wxGrid attribute cache statistics: "
4383 void wxGrid::Create()
4428 // subwindow components that make up the wxGrid
4478 bool wxGrid::CreateGrid( int numRows, int numCols,
4479 wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes selmode )
4483 wxT("wxGrid::CreateGrid or wxGrid::SetTable called more than once") );
4500 void wxGrid::SetSelectionMode(wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes selmode)
4503 wxT("Called wxGrid::SetSelectionMode() before calling CreateGrid()") );
4508 wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes wxGrid::GetSelectionMode() const
4510 wxCHECK_MSG( m_created, wxGrid::wxGridSelectCells,
4511 wxT("Called wxGrid::GetSelectionMode() before calling CreateGrid()") );
4516 bool wxGrid::SetTable( wxGridTableBase *table, bool takeOwnership,
4517 wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes selmode )
4587 void wxGrid::Init()
4686 void wxGrid::InitRowHeights()
4704 void wxGrid::InitColWidths()
4722 int wxGrid::GetColWidth(int col) const
4727 int wxGrid::GetColLeft(int col) const
4733 int wxGrid::GetColRight(int col) const
4739 int wxGrid::GetRowHeight(int row) const
4744 int wxGrid::GetRowTop(int row) const
4750 int wxGrid::GetRowBottom(int row) const
4756 void wxGrid::CalcDimensions()
4809 void wxGrid::CalcWindowSizes()
4871 bool wxGrid::Redimension( wxGridTableMessage& msg )
5246 wxArrayInt wxGrid::CalcRowLabelsExposed( const wxRegion& reg )
5297 wxArrayInt wxGrid::CalcColLabelsExposed( const wxRegion& reg )
5351 wxGridCellCoordsArray wxGrid::CalcCellsExposed( const wxRegion& reg )
5415 void wxGrid::ProcessRowLabelMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
5633 void wxGrid::ProcessColLabelMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
5942 void wxGrid::ProcessCornerLabelMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
5974 void wxGrid::CancelMouseCapture()
5989 void wxGrid::ChangeCursorMode(CursorMode mode,
6005 _T("wxGrid cursor mode (mouse capture for %s): %s -> %s"),
6062 void wxGrid::ProcessGridCellMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
6268 wxGrid::wxGridSelectCells )
6452 void wxGrid::DoEndDragResizeRow()
6511 void wxGrid::DoEndDragResizeCol()
6572 void wxGrid::DoEndDragMoveCol()
6594 void wxGrid::SetColPos( int colID, int newPos )
6649 void wxGrid::EnableDragColMove( bool enable )
6681 bool wxGrid::ProcessTableMessage( wxGridTableMessage& msg )
6709 void wxGrid::ClearGrid()
6722 bool wxGrid::InsertRows( int pos, int numRows, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
6728 wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::InsertRows() before calling CreateGrid()") );
6747 bool wxGrid::AppendRows( int numRows, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
6753 wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::AppendRows() before calling CreateGrid()") );
6769 bool wxGrid::DeleteRows( int pos, int numRows, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
6775 wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::DeleteRows() before calling CreateGrid()") );
6793 bool wxGrid::InsertCols( int pos, int numCols, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
6799 wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::InsertCols() before calling CreateGrid()") );
6817 bool wxGrid::AppendCols( int numCols, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
6823 wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::AppendCols() before calling CreateGrid()") );
6838 bool wxGrid::DeleteCols( int pos, int numCols, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
6844 wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::DeleteCols() before calling CreateGrid()") );
6869 int wxGrid::SendEvent( const wxEventType type,
6963 int wxGrid::SendEvent( const wxEventType type,
6992 void wxGrid::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
6998 void wxGrid::Refresh(bool eraseb, const wxRect* rect)
7087 void wxGrid::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
7096 void wxGrid::OnKeyDown( wxKeyEvent& event )
7102 wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxGrid::OnKeyDown called while already active") );
7267 void wxGrid::OnKeyUp( wxKeyEvent& event )
7296 void wxGrid::OnChar( wxKeyEvent& event )
7337 void wxGrid::OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent&)
7341 void wxGrid::SetCurrentCell( const wxGridCellCoords& coords )
7393 void wxGrid::HighlightBlock( int topRow, int leftCol, int bottomRow, int rightCol )
7400 if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows )
7405 else if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectColumns )
7545 bool wxGrid::GetModelValues()
7561 bool wxGrid::SetModelValues()
7590 void wxGrid::DrawGridCellArea( wxDC& dc, const wxGridCellCoordsArray& cells )
7706 void wxGrid::DrawGridSpace( wxDC& dc )
7737 void wxGrid::DrawCell( wxDC& dc, const wxGridCellCoords& coords )
7782 void wxGrid::DrawCellHighlight( wxDC& dc, const wxGridCellAttr *attr )
7844 wxPen wxGrid::GetDefaultGridLinePen()
7849 wxPen wxGrid::GetRowGridLinePen(int WXUNUSED(row))
7854 wxPen wxGrid::GetColGridLinePen(int WXUNUSED(col))
7859 void wxGrid::DrawCellBorder( wxDC& dc, const wxGridCellCoords& coords )
7880 void wxGrid::DrawHighlight(wxDC& dc, const wxGridCellCoordsArray& cells)
7882 // This if block was previously in wxGrid::OnPaint but that doesn't
7937 void wxGrid::DrawAllGridLines( wxDC& dc, const wxRegion & WXUNUSED(reg) )
8087 void wxGrid::DrawRowLabels( wxDC& dc, const wxArrayInt& rows)
8101 void wxGrid::DrawRowLabel( wxDC& dc, int row )
8148 void wxGrid::DrawColLabels( wxDC& dc,const wxArrayInt& cols )
8162 void wxGrid::DrawColLabel( wxDC& dc, int col )
8210 void wxGrid::DrawTextRectangle( wxDC& dc,
8232 void wxGrid::DrawTextRectangle(wxDC& dc,
8336 void wxGrid::StringToLines( const wxString& value, wxArrayString& lines )
8368 void wxGrid::GetTextBoxSize( const wxDC& dc,
8391 void wxGrid::EndBatch()
8411 void wxGrid::ForceRefresh()
8417 bool wxGrid::Enable(bool enable)
8432 void wxGrid::EnableEditing( bool edit )
8444 void wxGrid::EnableCellEditControl( bool enable )
8478 bool wxGrid::IsCurrentCellReadOnly() const
8481 wxGridCellAttr* attr = ((wxGrid *)this)->GetCellAttr(m_currentCellCoords);
8488 bool wxGrid::CanEnableCellControl() const
8494 bool wxGrid::IsCellEditControlEnabled() const
8501 bool wxGrid::IsCellEditControlShown() const
8510 wxGridCellEditor* editor = attr->GetEditor((wxGrid*) this, row, col);
8527 void wxGrid::ShowCellEditControl()
8665 void wxGrid::HideCellEditControl()
8702 void wxGrid::SaveEditControlValue()
8738 void wxGrid::XYToCell( int x, int y, wxGridCellCoords& coords )
8805 0, _T("wxGrid: internal error in CoordToRowOrCol"));
8820 int wxGrid::YToRow( int y )
8826 int wxGrid::XToCol( int x, bool clipToMinMax )
8872 0, _T("wxGrid: internal error in XToCol"));
8898 int wxGrid::YToEdgeOfRow( int y )
8920 int wxGrid::XToEdgeOfCol( int x )
8938 wxRect wxGrid::CellToRect( int row, int col )
8973 bool wxGrid::IsVisible( int row, int col, bool wholeCellVisible )
9007 void wxGrid::MakeCellVisible( int row, int col )
9088 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorUp( bool expandSelection )
9122 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorDown( bool expandSelection )
9156 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorLeft( bool expandSelection )
9191 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorRight( bool expandSelection )
9226 bool wxGrid::MovePageUp()
9255 bool wxGrid::MovePageDown()
9283 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorUpBlock( bool expandSelection )
9349 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorDownBlock( bool expandSelection )
9415 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorLeftBlock( bool expandSelection )
9481 bool wxGrid::MoveCursorRightBlock( bool expandSelection )
9551 void wxGrid::GetRowLabelAlignment( int *horiz, int *vert )
9559 void wxGrid::GetColLabelAlignment( int *horiz, int *vert )
9567 int wxGrid::GetColLabelTextOrientation()
9572 wxString wxGrid::GetRowLabelValue( int row )
9586 wxString wxGrid::GetColLabelValue( int col )
9600 void wxGrid::SetRowLabelSize( int width )
9629 void wxGrid::SetColLabelSize( int height )
9658 void wxGrid::SetLabelBackgroundColour( const wxColour& colour )
9676 void wxGrid::SetLabelTextColour( const wxColour& colour )
9689 void wxGrid::SetLabelFont( const wxFont& font )
9699 void wxGrid::SetRowLabelAlignment( int horiz, int vert )
9732 void wxGrid::SetColLabelAlignment( int horiz, int vert )
9772 void wxGrid::SetColLabelTextOrientation( int textOrientation )
9781 void wxGrid::SetRowLabelValue( int row, const wxString& s )
9800 void wxGrid::SetColLabelValue( int col, const wxString& s )
9819 void wxGrid::SetGridLineColour( const wxColour& colour )
9831 void wxGrid::SetCellHighlightColour( const wxColour& colour )
9845 void wxGrid::SetCellHighlightPenWidth(int width)
9863 void wxGrid::SetCellHighlightROPenWidth(int width)
9882 void wxGrid::EnableGridLines( bool enable )
9904 int wxGrid::GetDefaultRowSize()
9909 int wxGrid::GetRowSize( int row )
9916 int wxGrid::GetDefaultColSize()
9921 int wxGrid::GetColSize( int col )
9937 void wxGrid::SetDefaultCellBackgroundColour( const wxColour& col )
9945 void wxGrid::SetDefaultCellTextColour( const wxColour& col )
9950 void wxGrid::SetDefaultCellAlignment( int horiz, int vert )
9955 void wxGrid::SetDefaultCellOverflow( bool allow )
9960 void wxGrid::SetDefaultCellFont( const wxFont& font )
9970 void wxGrid::SetDefaultRenderer(wxGridCellRenderer *renderer)
9977 void wxGrid::SetDefaultEditor(wxGridCellEditor *editor)
9988 wxColour wxGrid::GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour()
9993 wxColour wxGrid::GetDefaultCellTextColour()
9998 wxFont wxGrid::GetDefaultCellFont()
10003 void wxGrid::GetDefaultCellAlignment( int *horiz, int *vert )
10008 bool wxGrid::GetDefaultCellOverflow()
10013 wxGridCellRenderer *wxGrid::GetDefaultRenderer() const
10018 wxGridCellEditor *wxGrid::GetDefaultEditor() const
10027 wxColour wxGrid::GetCellBackgroundColour(int row, int col)
10036 wxColour wxGrid::GetCellTextColour( int row, int col )
10045 wxFont wxGrid::GetCellFont( int row, int col )
10054 void wxGrid::GetCellAlignment( int row, int col, int *horiz, int *vert )
10061 bool wxGrid::GetCellOverflow( int row, int col )
10070 void wxGrid::GetCellSize( int row, int col, int *num_rows, int *num_cols )
10077 wxGridCellRenderer* wxGrid::GetCellRenderer(int row, int col)
10086 wxGridCellEditor* wxGrid::GetCellEditor(int row, int col)
10095 bool wxGrid::IsReadOnly(int row, int col) const
10108 bool wxGrid::CanHaveAttributes()
10118 void wxGrid::ClearAttrCache()
10133 void wxGrid::CacheAttr(int row, int col, wxGridCellAttr *attr) const
10137 wxGrid *self = (wxGrid *)this; // const_cast
10147 bool wxGrid::LookupAttr(int row, int col, wxGridCellAttr **attr) const
10170 wxGridCellAttr *wxGrid::GetCellAttr(int row, int col) const
10198 wxGridCellAttr *wxGrid::GetOrCreateCellAttr(int row, int col) const
10201 bool canHave = ((wxGrid*)this)->CanHaveAttributes();
10223 void wxGrid::SetColFormatBool(int col)
10228 void wxGrid::SetColFormatNumber(int col)
10233 void wxGrid::SetColFormatFloat(int col, int width, int precision)
10244 void wxGrid::SetColFormatCustom(int col, const wxString& typeName)
10260 void wxGrid::SetAttr(int row, int col, wxGridCellAttr *attr)
10273 void wxGrid::SetRowAttr(int row, wxGridCellAttr *attr)
10286 void wxGrid::SetColAttr(int col, wxGridCellAttr *attr)
10299 void wxGrid::SetCellBackgroundColour( int row, int col, const wxColour& colour )
10309 void wxGrid::SetCellTextColour( int row, int col, const wxColour& colour )
10319 void wxGrid::SetCellFont( int row, int col, const wxFont& font )
10329 void wxGrid::SetCellAlignment( int row, int col, int horiz, int vert )
10339 void wxGrid::SetCellOverflow( int row, int col, bool allow )
10349 void wxGrid::SetCellSize( int row, int col, int num_rows, int num_cols )
10365 wxT("wxGrid::SetCellSize setting cell size that is already part of another cell"));
10367 wxT("wxGrid::SetCellSize setting cell size to < 1"));
10408 void wxGrid::SetCellRenderer(int row, int col, wxGridCellRenderer *renderer)
10418 void wxGrid::SetCellEditor(int row, int col, wxGridCellEditor* editor)
10428 void wxGrid::SetReadOnly(int row, int col, bool isReadOnly)
10442 void wxGrid::RegisterDataType(const wxString& typeName,
10450 wxGridCellEditor * wxGrid::GetDefaultEditorForCell(int row, int col) const
10456 wxGridCellRenderer * wxGrid::GetDefaultRendererForCell(int row, int col) const
10462 wxGridCellEditor * wxGrid::GetDefaultEditorForType(const wxString& typeName) const
10478 wxGridCellRenderer * wxGrid::GetDefaultRendererForType(const wxString& typeName) const
10498 void wxGrid::EnableDragRowSize( bool enable )
10503 void wxGrid::EnableDragColSize( bool enable )
10508 void wxGrid::EnableDragGridSize( bool enable )
10513 void wxGrid::EnableDragCell( bool enable )
10518 void wxGrid::SetDefaultRowSize( int height, bool resizeExistingRows )
10535 void wxGrid::SetRowSize( int row, int height )
10575 void wxGrid::SetDefaultColSize( int width, bool resizeExistingCols )
10592 void wxGrid::SetColSize( int col, int width )
10643 void wxGrid::SetColMinimalWidth( int col, int width )
10652 void wxGrid::SetRowMinimalHeight( int row, int width )
10661 int wxGrid::GetColMinimalWidth(int col) const
10669 int wxGrid::GetRowMinimalHeight(int row) const
10677 void wxGrid::SetColMinimalAcceptableWidth( int width )
10685 void wxGrid::SetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight( int height )
10693 int wxGrid::GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() const
10698 int wxGrid::GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight() const
10707 void wxGrid::AutoSizeColOrRow( int colOrRow, bool setAsMin, bool column )
10831 wxCoord wxGrid::CalcColOrRowLabelAreaMinSize(bool column)
10884 int wxGrid::SetOrCalcColumnSizes(bool calcOnly, bool setAsMin)
10905 int wxGrid::SetOrCalcRowSizes(bool calcOnly, bool setAsMin)
10926 void wxGrid::AutoSize()
10998 void wxGrid::AutoSizeRowLabelSize( int row )
11013 void wxGrid::AutoSizeColLabelSize( int col )
11028 wxSize wxGrid::DoGetBestSize() const
11030 wxGrid *self = (wxGrid *)this; // const_cast
11048 void wxGrid::Fit()
11053 wxPen& wxGrid::GetDividerPen() const
11062 void wxGrid::SetCellValue( int row, int col, const wxString& s )
11094 void wxGrid::SelectRow( int row, bool addToSelected )
11103 void wxGrid::SelectCol( int col, bool addToSelected )
11112 void wxGrid::SelectBlock( int topRow, int leftCol, int bottomRow, int rightCol,
11123 void wxGrid::SelectAll()
11136 void wxGrid::DeselectRow( int row )
11141 if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows )
11157 void wxGrid::DeselectCol( int col )
11162 if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectColumns )
11178 void wxGrid::DeselectCell( int row, int col )
11184 bool wxGrid::IsSelection()
11191 bool wxGrid::IsInSelection( int row, int col ) const
11200 wxGridCellCoordsArray wxGrid::GetSelectedCells() const
11211 wxGridCellCoordsArray wxGrid::GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() const
11222 wxGridCellCoordsArray wxGrid::GetSelectionBlockBottomRight() const
11233 wxArrayInt wxGrid::GetSelectedRows() const
11244 wxArrayInt wxGrid::GetSelectedCols() const
11255 void wxGrid::ClearSelection()
11271 wxRect wxGrid::BlockToDeviceRect( const wxGridCellCoords& topLeft,