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  • only in /netgear-R7000-V1.0.7.12_1.2.5/ap/gpl/amule/wxWidgets-2.8.12/samples/listctrl/

Lines Matching refs:item

233     menuList->Append(LIST_FOCUS_LAST, _T("&Make last item current\tCtrl-L"));
234 menuList->Append(LIST_TOGGLE_FIRST, _T("To&ggle first item\tCtrl-G"));
243 menuList->Append(LIST_ADD, _T("&Append an item\tCtrl-P"));
244 menuList->Append(LIST_EDIT, _T("&Edit the item\tCtrl-E"));
245 menuList->Append(LIST_DELETE, _T("&Delete first item\tCtrl-X"));
520 wxListItem item;
521 item.m_itemId = 0;
522 item.SetTextColour(*wxRED);
523 m_listCtrl->SetItem( item );
525 item.m_itemId = 2;
526 item.SetTextColour(*wxGREEN);
527 m_listCtrl->SetItem( item );
528 item.m_itemId = 4;
529 item.SetTextColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
530 item.SetFont(*wxITALIC_FONT);
531 item.SetBackgroundColour(*wxRED);
532 m_listCtrl->SetItem( item );
645 long item = m_listCtrl->GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL,
647 while ( item != -1 )
650 item, m_listCtrl->GetItemText(item).c_str());
658 item = m_listCtrl->GetNextItem(item, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL,
712 m_listCtrl->InsertItem(m_listCtrl->GetItemCount(), _T("Appended item"));
726 m_logWindow->WriteText(_T("No item to edit"));
765 wxListItem item;
766 item.SetMask(wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE);
767 item.SetImage(image);
768 SetColumn(col, item);
837 wxLogMessage( wxT("OnBeginDrag at (%d, %d), item %ld."),
917 wxLogMessage(wxT("Value of the 2nd field of the selected item: %s"),
946 long item;
957 // no item
977 item = GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED);
978 if ( item++ == GetItemCount() - 1 )
980 item = 0;
983 wxLogMessage(_T("Focusing item %ld"), item);
986 EnsureVisible(item);
992 item = event.GetIndex();
994 if ( !GetItemRect(item, r) )
996 wxLogError(_T("Failed to retrieve rect of item %ld"), item);
1000 wxLogMessage(_T("Bounding rect of item %ld is (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"),
1001 item, r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height);
1006 item = GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
1007 while ( item != -1 )
1009 DeleteItem(item);
1011 wxLogMessage(_T("Item %ld deleted"), item);
1014 item = GetNextItem(item - 1,
1068 long item = HitTest(event.GetPosition(), flags, &subitem);
1084 wxLogMessage(_T("Right double click %s item %ld, subitem %ld"),
1085 where.c_str(), item, subitem);
1090 wxLogMessage(_T("Item %ld: %s (item text = %s, data = %ld)"),
1095 wxString MyListCtrl::OnGetItemText(long item, long column) const
1099 return SMALL_VIRTUAL_VIEW_ITEMS[item][column];
1103 return wxString::Format(_T("Column %ld of item %ld"), column, item);
1107 int MyListCtrl::OnGetItemColumnImage(long item, long column) const
1112 if (!(item %3) && column == 1)
1118 wxListItemAttr *MyListCtrl::OnGetItemAttr(long item) const
1120 return item % 2 ? NULL : (wxListItemAttr *)&m_attr;
1126 buf.Printf(_T("This is item %d"), i+shift);
1130 buf.Printf(_T("Col 1, item %d"), i+shift);