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Lines Matching refs:item

62 to document that only one item may be selected at a time.
63 Selecting another item causes the current selection, if any,
88 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_DELETE\_ITEM(id, func)}}{Delete an item.}
91 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_ACTIVATED(id, func)}}{The item has been activated, i.e. chosen by double clicking it with mouse or from keyboard}
92 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_COLLAPSED(id, func)}}{The item has been collapsed.}
93 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_COLLAPSING(id, func)}}{The item is being collapsed. This can be prevented by calling \helpref{Veto()}{wxnotifyeventveto}.}
94 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_EXPANDED(id, func)}}{The item has been expanded.}
95 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_EXPANDING(id, func)}}{The item is being expanded. This can be prevented by calling \helpref{Veto()}{wxnotifyeventveto}.}
96 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_RIGHT\_CLICK(id, func)}}{The user has clicked the item with the right mouse button.}
97 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_MIDDLE\_CLICK(id, func)}}{The user has clicked the item with the middle mouse button.}
101 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_GETTOOLTIP(id, func)}}{The opportunity to set the item tooltip
103 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_TREE\_ITEM\_MENU(id, func)}}{The context menu for the selected item has been requested, either by a right click or by using the menu key.}
171 Adds the root node to the tree, returning the new item.
185 Appends an item to the end of the branch identified by {\it parent}, return a new item id.
236 \func{void}{Collapse}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
238 Collapses the given item.
245 Collapses the root item.
254 \func{void}{CollapseAllChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
256 Collapses this item and all of its children, recursively.
265 \func{void}{CollapseAndReset}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
267 Collapses the given item and removes all children.
281 \func{void}{Delete}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
283 Deletes the specified item. A {\tt EVT\_TREE\_DELETE\_ITEM} event will be
295 normally such event is generated for each removed item.
300 \func{void}{DeleteChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
302 Deletes all children of the given item (but not the item itself). Note that
313 \func{void}{EditLabel}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
315 Starts editing the label of the given item. This function generates a
344 \func{void}{EnsureVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
346 Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible.
351 \func{void}{Expand}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
353 Expands the given item.
365 \func{void}{ExpandAllChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
367 Expands the given item and all its children recursively.
372 \constfunc{bool}{GetBoundingRect}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxRect\& }{rect}, \param{bool }{textOnly = {\tt false}}}
374 Retrieves the rectangle bounding the {\it item}. If {\it textOnly} is {\tt true},
375 only the rectangle around the item's label will be returned, otherwise the
376 item's image is also taken into account.
380 item is currently invisible.
387 {\tt item} and {\tt textOnly} parameters. The return value is either a
390 \perlnote{In wxPerl this method only takes the parameters {\tt item} and
405 \constfunc{unsigned int}{GetChildrenCount}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{bool}{ recursively = {\tt true}}}
430 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetFirstChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxTreeItemIdValue \& }{cookie}}
440 Returns an invalid tree item (i.e. IsOk() returns {\tt false}) if there are no further children.
450 \perlnote{In wxPerl this method only takes the {\tt item} parameter, and
451 returns a 2-element list {\tt ( item, cookie )}.}
458 Returns the first visible item.
477 \constfunc{wxColour}{GetItemBackgroundColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
479 Returns the background colour of the item.
484 \constfunc{wxTreeItemData*}{GetItemData}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
486 Returns the tree item data associated with the item.
495 \twocolitem{{\bf GetPyData(item)}}{Returns the Python Object
496 associated with the wxTreeItemData for the given item Id.}
503 \twocolitem{{\bf GetPlData( item )}}{Returns the Perl data
505 tree->GetItemData(item)->GetData().}
511 \constfunc{wxFont}{GetItemFont}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
513 Returns the font of the item label.
518 \constfunc{int}{GetItemImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item},
521 Gets the specified item image. The value of {\it which} may be:
524 \item{wxTreeItemIcon\_Normal} to get the normal item image
525 \item{wxTreeItemIcon\_Selected} to get the selected item image (i.e. the image
526 which is shown when the item is currently selected)
527 \item{wxTreeItemIcon\_Expanded} to get the expanded image (this only
529 item is expanded and the normal image is shown when it is collapsed)
530 \item{wxTreeItemIcon\_SelectedExpanded} to get the selected expanded image
531 (which is shown when an expanded item is currently selected)
537 \constfunc{wxString}{GetItemText}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
539 Returns the item label.
544 \constfunc{wxColour}{GetItemTextColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
546 Returns the colour of the item label.
551 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetLastChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
553 Returns the last child of the item (or an invalid tree item if this item has no children).
564 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetNextChild}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxTreeItemIdValue \& }{cookie}}
574 Returns an invalid tree item if there are no further children.
584 {\tt ( item, cookie )}, instead of modifying its parameters.}
589 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetNextSibling}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
591 Returns the next sibling of the specified item; call \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::GetPrevSibling}{wxtreectrlgetprevsibling} for the previous sibling.
593 Returns an invalid tree item if there are no further siblings.
602 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetNextVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
604 Returns the next visible item.
609 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetItemParent}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
611 Returns the item's parent.
616 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetPrevSibling}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
618 Returns the previous sibling of the specified item; call \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::GetNextSibling}{wxtreectrlgetnextsibling} for the next sibling.
620 Returns an invalid tree item if there are no further children.
629 \constfunc{wxTreeItemId}{GetPrevVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
631 Returns the previous visible item.
650 Returns the root item for the tree control.
655 \constfunc{int}{GetItemSelectedImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
657 Gets the selected item image (this function is obsolete, use
658 {\tt GetItemImage(item, wxTreeItemIcon\_Selected}) instead).
665 Returns the selection, or an invalid item if there is no selection.
698 Calculates which (if any) item is under the given point, returning the tree item
705 \twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_NOWHERE}{In the client area but below the last item.}
706 \twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMBUTTON}{On the button associated with an item.}
707 \twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMICON}{On the bitmap associated with an item.}
708 \twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMINDENT}{In the indentation associated with an item.}
709 \twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMLABEL}{On the label (string) associated with an item.}
710 \twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMRIGHT}{In the area to the right of an item.}
711 \twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMSTATEICON}{On the state icon for a tree view item that is in a user-defined state.}
720 and returns a 2-element list {\tt ( item, flags )}.}
731 Inserts an item after a given one ({\it previous}) or before one identified by its position ({\it before}).
746 \constfunc{bool}{IsBold}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
748 Returns {\tt true} if the given item is in bold state.
762 \constfunc{bool}{IsExpanded}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
764 Returns {\tt true} if the item is expanded (only makes sense if it has children).
769 \constfunc{bool}{IsSelected}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
771 Returns {\tt true} if the item is selected.
776 \constfunc{bool}{IsVisible}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
778 Returns {\tt true} if the item is visible (it might be outside the view, or not expanded).
783 \constfunc{bool}{ItemHasChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
785 Returns {\tt true} if the item has children.
794 positive value if the first item is less than, equal to or greater than the
812 Appends an item as the first child of {\it parent}, return a new item id.
823 \func{void}{ScrollTo}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
825 Scrolls the specified item into view.
830 \func{void}{SelectItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{bool }{select = \true}}
832 Selects the given item. In multiple selection controls, can be also used to
833 deselect a currently selected item if the value of \arg{select} is false.
873 \func{void}{SetItemBackgroundColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxColour\& }{col}}
875 Sets the colour of the item's background.
880 \func{void}{SetItemBold}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}, \param{bool}{ bold = {\tt true}}}
882 Makes item appear in bold font if {\it bold} parameter is {\tt true} or resets it to
890 \func{void}{SetItemData}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{wxTreeItemData* }{data}}
892 Sets the item client data.
896 \twocolitem{{\bf SetPyData(item, obj)}}{Associate the given Python
897 Object with the wxTreeItemData for the given item Id.}
904 \twocolitem{{\bf SetPlData( item, data )}}{Sets the Perl data
906 tree->GetItemData(item)->SetData(data).}
912 \func{void}{SetItemDropHighlight}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{bool}{highlight = {\tt true}}}
914 Gives the item the visual feedback for Drag'n'Drop actions, which is
921 \func{void}{SetItemFont}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxFont\& }{font}}
923 Sets the item's font. All items in the tree should have the same height to avoid
934 \func{void}{SetItemHasChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{bool }{hasChildren = {\tt true}}}
936 Force appearance of the button next to the item. This is useful to
944 \func{void}{SetItemImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item},
947 Sets the specified item image. See \helpref{GetItemImage}{wxtreectrlgetitemimage}
953 \func{void}{SetItemSelectedImage}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{int }{selImage}}
955 Sets the selected item image (this function is obsolete, use {\tt SetItemImage(item, wxTreeItemIcon\_Selected}) instead).
960 \func{void}{SetItemText}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
962 Sets the item label.
967 \func{void}{SetItemTextColour}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}, \param{const wxColour\& }{col}}
969 Sets the colour of the item's text.
1006 \func{void}{SortChildren}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
1008 Sorts the children of the given item using
1020 \func{void}{Toggle}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
1022 Toggles the given item between collapsed and expanded states.
1027 \func{void}{ToggleItemSelection}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\&}{ item}}
1029 Toggles the given item between selected and unselected states. For
1037 Removes the selection from the currently selected item (if any).
1051 \func{void}{UnselectItem}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
1053 Unselects the given item. This works in multiselection controls only.
1064 An opaque reference to a tree item.
1095 Returns \true if this instance is referencing a valid tree item.
1105 \constfunc{bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}
1107 \constfunc{bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxTreeItemId\& }{item}}