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4 cannot use wxSizer directly; instead, you will have to use one of the sizer
10 The layout algorithm used by sizers in wxWidgets is closely related to layout
13 size and their ability to get stretched if the size of the parent window has changed.
20 to a real window on screen.
28 Sizers may also be used to control the layout of custom drawn items on the window. The
29 Add, Insert, and Prepend functions return a pointer to the newly added wxSizerItem. Just
31 method to determine where the drawing operations should take place.
36 However if you create a sizer and do not add it to another sizer or window, the
37 library wouldn't be able to delete such an orphan sizer and in this, and only
40 \pythonnote{If you wish to create a sizer class in wxPython you should
41 derive the class from {\tt wxPySizer} in order to get Python-aware
87 Appends a child to the sizer. wxSizer itself is an abstract class, but the parameters are
88 equivalent in the derived classes that you will instantiate to use it so they are described
91 \docparam{window}{The window to be added to the sizer. Its initial size (either set explicitly by the
95 \docparam{sizer}{The (child-)sizer to be added to the sizer. This allows placing a child sizer in a
96 sizer and thus to create hierarchies of sizers (typically a vertical box as the top sizer and several
99 \docparam{width and height}{The dimension of a spacer to be added to the sizer. Adding spacers to sizers
101 bottom of a dialog: you might want to insert a space between the two buttons and make that space stretchable
107 to indicate if a child of a sizer can change its size in the main orientation of the wxBoxSizer - where
108 0 stands for not changeable and a value of more than zero is interpreted relative to the value of other
110 of which are supposed to change their size with the sizer. Then the two stretchable windows would get a
111 value of 1 each to make them grow and shrink equally with the sizer's horizontal dimension.}
113 \docparam{flag}{This parameter can be used to set a number of flags
119 behaves when the space allotted to the sizer changes, and is somewhat
128 \windowstyle{wxALL}}{These flags are used to specify which side(s) of
129 the sizer item the \arg{border} width will apply to. }
131 \twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxEXPAND}}{The item will be expanded to fill
132 the space assigned to the item.}
136 \helpref{GetAdjustedBestSize}{wxwindowgetadjustedbestsize} to
138 use that size to calculate the layout. This allows layouts to
145 isn't visible. This makes it possible to dynamically show and hide controls
153 \windowstyle{wxALIGN\_CENTER\_HORIZONTAL wxALIGN\_CENTRE\_HORIZONTAL}}{The wxALIGN flags allow you to
154 specify the alignment of the item within the space allotted to it by
160 parameter is set to include any border flag.}
162 \docparam{userData}{Allows an extra object to be attached to the sizer
167 enables you to specify most of the above parameters more conveniently.}
173 Adds non-stretchable space to the sizer. More readable way of calling
181 Adds stretchable space to the sizer. More readable way of calling
189 This method is abstract and has to be overwritten by any derived class.
211 The returned value is suitable for passing to
229 The returned value is suitable for passing to
249 Detach a child from the sizer without destroying it. \arg{window} is the window to be
252 cause any layout or resizing to take place, call \helpref{wxSizer::Layout}{wxsizerlayout}
253 to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
266 Tell the sizer to resize the \arg{window} to match the sizer's minimal size. This
282 Tell the sizer to resize the virtual size of the \arg{window} to match the sizer's
284 the addition/removal/alteration of scrollbars required to view the virtual area in
319 Use parameter \arg{recursive} to search in subsizers too.
321 Returns pointer to item or NULL.
347 particular, if you use the value to set toplevel window's minimal or actual
350 passing it to \helpref{wxWindow::SetMinSize}{wxwindowsetminsize} or
364 Use parameter \arg{recursive} to hide elements found in subsizers.
397 Inserts non-stretchable space to the sizer. More readable way of calling
405 Inserts stretchable space to the sizer. More readable way of calling
429 Call this to force layout of the children anew, e.g. after having added a child
430 to or removed a child (window, other sizer or space) from the sizer while keeping
446 Same as \helpref{wxSizer::Add}{wxsizeradd}, but prepends the items to the beginning of the
454 Prepends non-stretchable space to the sizer. More readable way of calling
462 Prepends stretchable space to the sizer. More readable way of calling
470 This method is abstract and has to be overwritten by any derived class.
485 not the sizer). \arg{sizer} is the wxSizer to be removed,
487 This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call
488 \helpref{wxSizer::Layout}{wxsizerlayout} to update the layout "on screen" after removing a
513 Use parameter \arg{recursive} to search the given element recursively in subsizers.
516 This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call
517 \helpref{wxSizer::Layout}{wxsizerlayout} to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
527 Call this to force the sizer to take the given dimension and thus force the items owned
528 by the sizer to resize themselves according to the rules defined by the parameter in the
538 Call this to give the sizer a minimal size. Normally, the sizer will calculate its
554 in the sizer's descendants. This function enables an application to set the size of an item
564 passed to it. This only makes sense when {\it window} is actually a
577 Tell the sizer to set the minimal size of the \arg{window} virtual area to match the sizer's
595 Use parameter \arg{recursive} to show or hide elements found in subsizers.
609 Normally, when you add an item to a sizer via
610 \helpref{wxSizer::Add}{wxsizeradd}, you have to specify a lot of flags and
612 allows you to specify all parameters using the named methods instead. For
625 This is more readable and also allows you to create wxSizerFlags objects which
636 object itself to allowing chaining multiple methods calls like in the examples
651 Sets the alignment of this wxSizerFlags to \arg{align}.
668 Sets the wxSizerFlags to have a border of a number of pixels specified by
680 Sets the object of the wxSizerFlags to center itself in the area it is given.
710 Sets the object of the wxSizerFlags to expand to fill as much area as it can.
724 Aligns the object to the left, shortcut for \texttt{Align(wxALIGN\_LEFT)}
743 Sets the proportion of this wxSizerFlags to \arg{proportion}
753 isn't visible. This makes it possible to dynamically show and hide controls
761 Aligns the object to the right, shortcut for \texttt{Align(wxALIGN\_RIGHT)}
773 always keep the fixed width to height ratio equal to its original value.