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Lines Matching refs:item

94 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_DELETE\_ITEM(id, func)}}{Delete an item.}
96 %\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_GET\_INFO(id, func)}}{Request information from the application, usually the item text.}
98 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_ITEM\_SELECTED(id, func)}}{The item has been selected.}
99 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_ITEM\_DESELECTED(id, func)}}{The item has been deselected.}
100 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_ITEM\_ACTIVATED(id, func)}}{The item has been activated (ENTER or double click).}
101 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_ITEM\_FOCUSED(id, func)}}{The currently focused item has changed.}
102 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_ITEM\_MIDDLE\_CLICK(id, func)}}{The middle mouse button has been clicked on an item.}
103 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_ITEM\_RIGHT\_CLICK(id, func)}}{The right mouse button has been clicked on an item.}
105 \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_LIST\_INSERT\_ITEM(id, func)}}{An item has been inserted.}
229 \func{bool}{DeleteItem}{\param{long }{item}}
231 Deletes the specified item. This function sends the
232 {\tt wxEVT\_COMMAND\_LIST\_DELETE\_ITEM} event for the item being deleted.
239 \func{void}{EditLabel}{\param{long }{item}}
241 Starts editing the label of the given item. This function generates a
252 \func{bool}{EnsureVisible}{\param{long }{item}}
254 Ensures this item is visible.
261 Find an item whose label matches this string, starting from {\it start} or
268 Find an item whose data matches this data, starting from {\it start} or
273 Find an item nearest this position in the specified direction, starting from
297 \constfunc{bool}{GetColumn}{\param{int }{col}, \param{wxListItem\& }{item}}
359 Gets information about the item. See \helpref{wxListCtrl::SetItem}{wxlistctrlsetitem} for more
362 You must call {\it info.SetId()} to the ID of item you're interested in
366 for the item ID, an optional integer for the column number, and
369 \perlnote{In wxPerl this method takes as parameter the {\bf ID} of the item
375 \constfunc{wxColour}{GetItemBackgroundColour}{\param{long }{item}}
377 Returns the colour for this item. If the item has no specific colour, returns
395 \constfunc{long}{GetItemData}{\param{long }{item}}
397 Gets the application-defined data associated with this item.
402 \constfunc{wxFont}{GetItemFont}{\param{long }{item}}
404 Returns the item's font.
409 \constfunc{bool}{GetItemPosition}{\param{long }{item}, \param{wxPoint\& }{pos}}
411 Returns the position of the item, in icon or small icon view.
413 \pythonnote{The wxPython version of this method accepts only the item
416 \perlnote{In wxPerl this method takes only the {\bf item} parameter and
422 \constfunc{bool}{GetItemRect}{\param{long }{item}, \param{wxRect\& }{rect}, \param{int }{code = wxLIST\_RECT\_BOUNDS}}
424 Returns the rectangle representing the item's size and position, in physical
429 \pythonnote{The wxPython version of this method accepts only the item
432 \perlnote{In wxPerl this method takes only the {\bf item} parameter and
439 \constfunc{bool}{GetSubItemRect}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{subItem}, \param{wxRect\& }{rect}, \param{int }{code = wxLIST\_RECT\_BOUNDS}}
442 coordinates, of the given subitem, i.e. the part of the row \arg{item} in the
468 \constfunc{int}{GetItemState}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{stateMask}}
470 Gets the item state. For a list of state flags, see \helpref{wxListCtrl::SetItem}{wxlistctrlsetitem}.
477 \constfunc{wxString}{GetItemText}{\param{long }{item}}
479 Gets the item text for this item.
484 \constfunc{wxColour}{GetItemTextColour}{\param{long }{item}}
486 Returns the colour for this item. If the item has no specific colour, returns
495 \constfunc{long}{GetNextItem}{\param{long }{item}, \param{int }{geometry = wxLIST\_NEXT\_ALL}, \param{int }{state = wxLIST\_STATE\_DONTCARE}}
497 Searches for an item with the given geometry or state, starting from
498 {\it item} but excluding the {\it item} itself. If {\it item} is -1,
499 the first item that matches the specified flags will be returned.
501 Returns the first item with given state following {\it item} or -1 if
502 no such item found.
507 long item = -1;
510 item = listctrl->GetNextItem(item,
513 if ( item == -1 )
516 // this item is selected - do whatever is needed with it
517 wxLogMessage("Item %ld is selected.", item);
525 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_NEXT\_ABOVE}{Searches for an item above the specified item.}
526 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_NEXT\_ALL}{Searches for subsequent item by index.}
527 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_NEXT\_BELOW}{Searches for an item below the specified item.}
528 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_NEXT\_LEFT}{Searches for an item to the left of the specified item.}
529 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_NEXT\_RIGHT}{Searches for an item to the right of the specified item.}
540 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_DROPHILITED}{The item indicates it is a drop target.}
541 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_FOCUSED}{The item has the focus.}
542 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_SELECTED}{The item is selected.}
543 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_CUT}{The item is selected as part of a cut and paste operation.}
565 Gets the index of the topmost visible item when in
587 Determines which item (if any) is at the specified point,
588 giving details in {\it flags}. Returns index of the item or {\tt wxNOT\_FOUND}
589 if no item is at the specified point.
596 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_HITTEST\_NOWHERE}{In the client area but below the last item.}
597 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_HITTEST\_ONITEMICON}{On the bitmap associated with an item.}
598 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_HITTEST\_ONITEMLABEL}{On the label (string) associated with an item.}
599 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_HITTEST\_ONITEMRIGHT}{In the area to the right of an item.}
600 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_HITTEST\_ONITEMSTATEICON}{On the state icon for a tree view item that is in a user-defined state.}
616 this method. The first value is the item id and the second is the
620 and returns a 2-element list {\tt ( item, flags )}.}
637 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertColumnItem(col, item)}}{Creates a column using a
647 Inserts an item, returning the index of the new item if successful,
652 Inserts a string item.
656 Inserts an image item.
660 Insert an image/string item.
666 \docparam{index}{Index of the new item, supplied by the application}
675 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertItem(item)}}{Inserts an item using a wxListItem.}
676 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertStringItem(index, label)}}{Inserts a string item.}
677 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertImageItem(index, imageIndex)}}{Inserts an image item.}
678 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertImageStringItem(index, label, imageIndex)}}{Insert an image/string item.}
685 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertItem( item )}}{Inserts a Wx::ListItem}
686 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertStringItem( index, label )}}{Inserts a string item}
687 \twocolitem{{\bf InsertImageItem( index, imageIndex )}}{Inserts an image item}
689 an item with a string and an image}
696 \constfunc{virtual wxListItemAttr *}{OnGetItemAttr}{\param{long }{item}}
700 for the specified {\tt item} or {\tt NULL} to use the default appearance
717 \constfunc{virtual int}{OnGetItemImage}{\param{long }{item}}
737 \constfunc{virtual int}{OnGetItemColumnImage}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{column}}
754 \constfunc{virtual wxString}{OnGetItemText}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{column}}
758 the given {\it column} for the specified {\tt item}.
770 \func{void}{RefreshItem}{\param{long }{item}}
772 Redraws the given {\it item}. This is only useful for the virtual list controls
773 as without calling this function the displayed value of the item doesn't change
786 Redraws the items between {\it itemFrom} and {\it itemTo}. The starting item
816 \func{bool}{SetColumn}{\param{int }{col}, \param{wxListItem\& }{item}}
829 wxLIST\_AUTOSIZE will resize the column to the length of its longest item. wxLIST\_AUTOSIZE\_USEHEADER
857 Sets information about the item.
864 \twocolitem{long m\_itemId}{The zero-based item position.}
866 \twocolitem{long m\_state}{The state of the item. See the list of valid state flags below.}
893 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_DROPHILITED}{The item is highlighted to receive a drop event. Win32 only. }
894 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_FOCUSED}{The item has the focus.}
895 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_SELECTED}{The item is selected.}
896 \twocolitem{wxLIST\_STATE\_CUT}{The item is in the cut state. Win32 only. }
899 The wxListItem object can also contain item-specific colour and font
912 \twocolitem{{\bf SetItem(item)}}{Sets information about the given wxListItem.}
920 \func{void}{SetItemBackgroundColour}{\param{long }{item}, \param{const wxColour\& }{col}}
922 Sets the background colour for this item. This function only works in report view.
935 program should be ready to handle calls to various item callbacks (such as
942 \func{bool}{SetItemData}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{data}}
944 Associates application-defined data with this item.
952 \func{void}{SetItemFont}{\param{long }{item}, \param{const wxFont\& }{font}}
954 Sets the item's font.
959 \func{bool}{SetItemImage}{\param{long }{item}, \param{int }{image}}
961 Sets the image associated with the item. The image is an index into the
965 \func{bool}{SetItemImage}{\param{long }{item}, \param{int }{image}, \param{int }{selImage}}
967 Sets the unselected and selected images associated with the item. The images are indices into the
974 \func{bool}{SetItemImage}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{column}\param{int }{image}}
976 Sets the image associated with the item. In report view, you can specify the column.
982 \func{bool}{SetItemPosition}{\param{long }{item}, \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos}}
984 Sets the position of the item, in icon or small icon view. Windows only.
989 \func{bool}{SetItemPtrData}{\param{long }{item}, \param{wxUIntPtr }{data}}
991 Associates application-defined data with this item. The \arg{data} parameter may
1001 \func{bool}{SetItemState}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{state}, \param{long }{stateMask}}
1003 Sets the item state. For a list of state flags, see \helpref{wxListCtrl::SetItem}{wxlistctrlsetitem}.
1010 \func{void}{SetItemText}{\param{long }{item}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
1012 Sets the item text for this item.
1017 \func{void}{SetItemTextColour}{\param{long }{item}, \param{const wxColour\& }{col}}
1019 Sets the colour for this item. This function only works in report view.
1058 if the items are equal, negative value if the first item is less than the
1064 \docparam{item1}{client data associated with the first item ({\bf NOT} the index).}
1066 \docparam{item2}{client data associated with the second item ({\bf NOT} the index).}