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Lines Matching defs:cbDockPane

328         mPanes[i]  = new cbDockPane( i, this );
595 cbDockPane* pToPane,
607 cbDockPane* pBarPane = GetBarPane( pBar );
678 cbDockPane* pPane;
943 cbDockPane* pPane;
978 cbDockPane** ppPane )
1018 cbDockPane* pPane = mPanes[ FL_ALIGN_TOP ];
1254 cbDockPane* wxFrameLayout::GetBarPane( cbBarInfo* pBar )
1294 bool wxFrameLayout::HitTestPane( cbDockPane* pPane, int x, int y )
1299 cbDockPane* wxFrameLayout::HitTestPanes( const wxRect& rect,
1300 cbDockPane* pCurPane )
1321 cbDockPane* pToPane,
1506 cbDockPane& pane = *mPanes[i];
1588 void wxFrameLayout::CaptureEventsForPane( cbDockPane* toPane )
1598 void wxFrameLayout::ReleaseEventsFromPane( cbDockPane* WXUNUSED(fromPane) )
1788 /***** Implementation for class cbDockPane *****/
2095 /***** Implementation for class cbDockPane *****/
2097 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( cbDockPane, wxObject )
2101 cbDockPane::cbDockPane(void)
2115 cbDockPane::cbDockPane( int alignment, wxFrameLayout* pPanel )
2130 cbDockPane::~cbDockPane()
2142 void cbDockPane::SetMargins( int top, int bottom, int left, int right )
2150 /*** helpers of cbDockPane ***/
2152 void cbDockPane::PaintBarDecorations( cbBarInfo* pBar, wxDC& dc )
2159 void cbDockPane::PaintBarHandles( cbBarInfo* pBar, wxDC& dc )
2166 void cbDockPane::PaintBar( cbBarInfo* pBar, wxDC& dc )
2172 void cbDockPane::PaintRowHandles( cbRowInfo* pRow, wxDC& dc )
2183 void cbDockPane::PaintRowBackground ( cbRowInfo* pRow, wxDC& dc )
2190 void cbDockPane::PaintRowDecorations( cbRowInfo* pRow, wxDC& dc )
2205 void cbDockPane::PaintRow( cbRowInfo* pRow, wxDC& dc )
2212 void cbDockPane::PaintPaneBackground( wxDC& dc )
2219 void cbDockPane::PaintPaneDecorations( wxDC& dc )
2226 void cbDockPane::PaintPane( wxDC& dc )
2247 void cbDockPane::SizeBar( cbBarInfo* pBar )
2255 void cbDockPane::SizeRowObjects( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2262 void cbDockPane::SizePaneObjects()
2269 wxDC* cbDockPane::StartDrawInArea( const wxRect& area )
2280 void cbDockPane::FinishDrawInArea( const wxRect& area )
2287 bool cbDockPane::IsFixedSize( cbBarInfo* pInfo )
2292 int cbDockPane::GetNotFixedBarsCount( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2306 void cbDockPane::RemoveBar( cbBarInfo* pBar )
2323 void cbDockPane::SyncRowFlags( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2345 void cbDockPane::FrameToPane( int* x, int* y )
2367 void cbDockPane::PaneToFrame( int* x, int* y )
2389 void cbDockPane::FrameToPane( wxRect* pRect )
2405 void cbDockPane::PaneToFrame( wxRect* pRect )
2423 int cbDockPane::GetRowAt( int paneY )
2450 int cbDockPane::GetRowAt( int upperY, int lowerY )
2508 int cbDockPane::GetRowY( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2524 bool cbDockPane::HasNotFixedRowsAbove( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2538 bool cbDockPane::HasNotFixedRowsBelow( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2552 bool cbDockPane::HasNotFixedBarsLeft( cbBarInfo* pBar )
2566 bool cbDockPane::HasNotFixedBarsRight( cbBarInfo* pBar )
2580 void cbDockPane::CalcLengthRatios( cbRowInfo* pInRow )
2607 void cbDockPane::RecalcRowLayout( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2614 void cbDockPane::ExpandBar( cbBarInfo* pBar )
2661 void cbDockPane::ContractBar( cbBarInfo* pBar )
2698 void cbDockPane::InitLinksForRow( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2717 void cbDockPane::InitLinksForRows()
2736 void cbDockPane::DoInsertBar( cbBarInfo* pBar, int rowNo )
2777 void cbDockPane::InsertBar( cbBarInfo* pBarInfo, const wxRect& atRect )
2791 void cbDockPane::InsertBar( cbBarInfo* pBar, cbRowInfo* pIntoRow )
2800 void cbDockPane::InsertBar( cbBarInfo* pBarInfo )
2818 void cbDockPane::RemoveRow( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2833 void cbDockPane::InsertRow( cbRowInfo* pRow, cbRowInfo* pBeforeRow )
2852 void cbDockPane::SetPaneWidth(int width)
2861 void cbDockPane::SetBoundsInParent( const wxRect& rect )
2946 bool cbDockPane::BarPresent( cbBarInfo* pBar )
2957 cbRowInfo* cbDockPane::GetRow( int row )
2964 int cbDockPane::GetRowIndex( cbRowInfo* pRow )
2973 wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Row must be present to call cbDockPane::GetRowIndex()"));
2978 int cbDockPane::GetPaneHeight()
3000 int cbDockPane::GetAlignment()
3005 bool cbDockPane::MatchesMask( int paneMask )
3019 wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Bad FL alignment type detected in cbDockPane::MatchesMask()"));
3025 void cbDockPane::RecalcLayout()
3039 int cbDockPane::GetDockingState()
3050 inline bool cbDockPane::HasPoint( const wxPoint& pos, int x, int y,
3059 int cbDockPane::HitTestPaneItems( const wxPoint& pos,
3128 void cbDockPane::GetBarResizeRange( cbBarInfo* pBar, int* from, int *till,
3186 int cbDockPane::GetMinimalRowHeight( cbRowInfo* pRow )
3206 void cbDockPane::SetRowHeight( cbRowInfo* pRow, int newHeight )
3224 void cbDockPane::GetRowResizeRange( cbRowInfo* pRow, int* from, int* till,
3300 void cbDockPane::ResizeRow( cbRowInfo* pRow, int ofs,
3308 void cbDockPane::ResizeBar( cbBarInfo* pBar, int ofs,
3360 void cbDockPane::DrawVertHandle( wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int height )
3384 void cbDockPane::DrawHorizHandle( wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int width )
3409 cbBarInfo* cbDockPane::GetBarInfoByWindow( wxWindow* pBarWnd )
3422 void cbDockPane::GetRowShapeData( cbRowInfo* pRow, wxList* pLst )
3445 void cbDockPane::SetRowShapeData( cbRowInfo* pRow, wxList* pLst )