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Lines Matching defs:sources

946 	// sources of the file, giving a 'seed' for the next run.
947 // We save the last sources because:
950 // However, if we have downloading sources, they have preference because
952 // Anyway, source exchange will get us the rest of the sources
953 // This feature is currently used only on rare files (< 20 sources)
972 // Not enough downloading sources to fill the list, going to sources list
1069 // v3 sources seeds
1104 // the sources, next time will be saved.
1375 // check if we want new sources from server --> MOVED for 16.40 version
1381 // Update only downloading sources.
1391 // Update all sources (including downloading sources)
1408 // If we are almost maxed on sources,
1541 // check if we want new sources from server
1627 void CPartFile::AddSources(CMemFile& sources,uint32 serverip, uint16 serverport, unsigned origin, bool bWithObfuscationAndHash)
1629 uint8 count = sources.ReadUInt8();
1636 AddDebugLogLineN(logPartFile, wxT("Trying to add sources for a stopped file"));
1637 sources.Seek(count*(4+2), wxFromCurrent);
1642 uint32 userid = sources.ReadUInt32();
1643 uint16 port = sources.ReadUInt16();
1647 byCryptOptions = sources.ReadUInt8();
1649 achUserHash = sources.ReadHash();
1661 // "Filter LAN IPs" and "IPfilter" the received sources IP addresses
1689 AddDebugLogLineN(logPartFile, wxT("Consuming a packet because of max sources reached"));
1692 sources.Seek((count-(i+1))*(4+2), wxFromCurrent);
1768 //Not many sources, so just use what you see..
1775 // If we see more sources then the guessed low and normal, use what we see.
1776 // If we see less sources then the guessed low, adjust network accounts for 80%,
1795 // Many sources
1842 // chunk. Spread the requests between all sources.
1871 // the sources
1926 // more depending on available sources
2011 // received every new sources.
2205 // remove all links A4AF in sources to this file
2377 // Once an hour, remove any sources for files which are no longer active downloads
2598 // only send sources which have needed parts for this client
2671 void CPartFile::AddClientSources(CMemFile* sources, unsigned nSourceFrom, uint8 uClientSXVersion, bool bSourceExchange2, const CUpDownClient* /*pClient*/)
2682 nCount = sources->ReadUInt16();
2686 // chance in dealing with wrong source data, userhashs and finally duplicate sources.
2687 uint32 uDataSize = sources->GetLength() - sources->GetPosition();
2724 nCount = sources->ReadUInt16();
2725 uint32 uDataSize = (uint32)(sources->GetLength() - sources->GetPosition());
2752 uint32 dwID = sources->ReadUInt32();
2753 uint16 nPort = sources->ReadUInt16();
2754 uint32 dwServerIP = sources->ReadUInt32();
2755 uint16 nServerPort = sources->ReadUInt16();
2759 userHash = sources->ReadHash();
2764 byCryptOptions = sources->ReadUInt8();
2775 // check the HighID(IP) - "Filter LAN IPs" and "IPfilter" the received sources IP addresses
2833 // making this function return a higher when more sources have the extended
2834 // protocol will force you to ask a larger variety of people for sources
3954 // This is just like this, while we don't import the private max sources per file