Lines Matching refs:pline

115 		pline("You escape a%s.", traps[ttype]);
120 pline("A cloud of gas puts you to sleep!");
125 pline("You float over a bear trap.");
130 pline("A bear trap closes on your foot!");
135 pline("A piercer suddenly drops from the ceiling!");
137 pline("Its blow glances off your helmet.");
143 pline("An arrow shoots out at you!");
151 pline("A trap door in the ceiling opens and a rock falls on your head!");
153 pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a helmet!");
164 pline("A trap door opens up under you!");
166 pline("For some reason you don't fall in.");
173 pline("A little dart shoots out at you!");
194 pline("A pit opens up under you!");
195 pline("You don't fall in!");
198 pline("You fall into a pit!");
235 pline("%s is caught in a bear trap!",
238 pline("You hear the roaring of an angry bear!");
247 pline("%s falls in a pit!", Monnam(mtmp));
254 pline("%s suddenly falls asleep!",
261 pline("%s suddenly disappears!",
266 pline("%s is hit by an arrow!",
273 pline("%s is hit by a dart!",
283 pline("A trap door in the ceiling opens and a rock hits %s!", monnam(mtmp));
289 pline("Suddenly, %s disappears out of sight.", monnam(mtmp));
306 pline("%s touch the dead cockatrice.", arg);
307 pline("You turn to stone.");
319 pline("You float up, out of the pit!");
321 pline("You float up, only your leg is still stuck.");
324 pline("You start to float in the air!");
331 pline("You float gently to the ground.");
371 pline("To what position do you want to be teleported?");
381 pline("Sorry ...");
434 pline("You are not able to teleport at will.");
438 pline("You miss the strength for a teleport spell.");
484 pline("To what level do you want to teleport? [type a number] ");
500 pline("You arrive at the center of the earth ...");
501 pline("Unfortunately it is here that hell is located.");
503 pline("But the fire doesn't seem to harm you.");
505 pline("You burn to a crisp.");
513 pline("You are now high above the clouds ...");
515 pline("You float gently down to earth.");
518 pline("Unfortunately, you don't know how to fly.");
519 pline("You fall down a few thousand feet and break your neck.");
531 pline("You fall into a pool!");
532 pline("You can't swim!");
542 pline("You attempt a teleport spell."); /* utcsri!carroll */
547 pline("You drown ...");