Lines Matching refs:transition

1814         immutable transition = found == 0 ? _transitions[0] : _transitions[found - 1];
1816 return transition.ttInfo.isDST;
1839 immutable transition = found == 0 ? _transitions[0] : _transitions[found - 1];
1841 return stdTime + convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(transition.ttInfo.utcOffset + leapSecs);
1885 immutable transition = found == 0 ? pastTrans : _transitions[pastFound + found - 1];
1887 return adjTime - convert!("seconds", "hnsecs")(transition.ttInfo.utcOffset + leapSecs);
2010 // The number of "transition times" for which data is stored in the file.
2022 foreach (ref transition; transitionTimeTs)
2023 transition = readVal!int(tzFile);
2026 // to be made at the corresponding DST transition.
2052 // Indicate whether each corresponding DST transition were specified
2058 // Indicate whether each corresponding DST transition associated with
2100 // The number of "transition times" for which data is stored in the file.
2112 foreach (ref transition; transitionTimeTs)
2113 transition = readVal!long(tzFile);
2116 // to be made at the corresponding DST transition.
2142 // Indicate whether each corresponding DST transition were specified
2148 // Indicate whether each corresponding DST transition associated with
2223 foreach (i, ref transition; transitions)
2231 transition = Transition(transitionTimeT, ttInfo);
2238 foreach (transition; retro(transitions))
2240 auto ttInfo = transition.ttInfo;
2392 Holds information on when a time transition occures (usually a
2393 transition to or from DST) as well as a pointer to the $(D TTInfo) which
2394 holds information on the utc offset past the transition.
2425 Holds information on the utc offset after a transition as well as
2426 whether DST is in effect after that transition.
2495 // Whether the transition is in std time (as opposed to wall clock time).
2498 // Whether the transition is in UTC (as opposed to local time).
2593 foreach (i, transition; transitions[0 .. $-1])
2594 _enforceValidTZFile(transition.timeT < transitions[i + 1].timeT);