Lines Matching refs:GLOBAL

194 #ifndef	GLOBAL
195 #define GLOBAL extern
201 GLOBAL int trace; /* trace packets exchanged */
202 GLOBAL int hash; /* print # for each buffer transferred */
203 GLOBAL int mark; /* number of bytes between hashes */
204 GLOBAL int sendport; /* use PORT/LPRT cmd for each data connection */
205 GLOBAL int connected; /* 1 = connected to server, -1 = logged in */
206 GLOBAL int interactive; /* interactively prompt on m* cmds */
207 GLOBAL int confirmrest; /* confirm rest of current m* cmd */
208 GLOBAL int ftp_debug; /* debugging level */
209 GLOBAL int bell; /* ring bell on cmd completion */
210 GLOBAL int doglob; /* glob local file names */
211 GLOBAL int autologin; /* establish user account on connection */
212 GLOBAL int proxy; /* proxy server connection active */
213 GLOBAL int proxflag; /* proxy connection exists */
214 GLOBAL int gatemode; /* use gate-ftp */
215 GLOBAL const char *gateserver; /* server to use for gate-ftp */
216 GLOBAL int sunique; /* store files on server with unique name */
217 GLOBAL int runique; /* store local files with unique name */
218 GLOBAL int mcase; /* map upper to lower case for mget names */
219 GLOBAL int ntflag; /* use ntin ntout tables for name translation */
220 GLOBAL int mapflag; /* use mapin mapout templates on file names */
221 GLOBAL int preserve; /* preserve modification time on files */
222 GLOBAL int code; /* return/reply code for ftp command */
223 GLOBAL int crflag; /* if 1, strip car. rets. on ascii gets */
224 GLOBAL int passivemode; /* passive mode enabled */
225 GLOBAL int activefallback; /* fall back to active mode if passive fails */
226 GLOBAL char *altarg; /* argv[1] with no shell-like preprocessing */
227 GLOBAL char ntin[17]; /* input translation table */
228 GLOBAL char ntout[17]; /* output translation table */
229 GLOBAL char mapin[MAXPATHLEN]; /* input map template */
230 GLOBAL char mapout[MAXPATHLEN]; /* output map template */
231 GLOBAL char typename[32]; /* name of file transfer type */
232 GLOBAL int type; /* requested file transfer type */
233 GLOBAL int curtype; /* current file transfer type */
234 GLOBAL char structname[32]; /* name of file transfer structure */
235 GLOBAL int stru; /* file transfer structure */
236 GLOBAL char formname[32]; /* name of file transfer format */
237 GLOBAL int form; /* file transfer format */
238 GLOBAL char modename[32]; /* name of file transfer mode */
239 GLOBAL int mode; /* file transfer mode */
240 GLOBAL char bytename[32]; /* local byte size in ascii */
241 GLOBAL int bytesize; /* local byte size in binary */
242 GLOBAL int anonftp; /* automatic anonymous login */
243 GLOBAL int dirchange; /* remote directory changed by cd command */
244 GLOBAL int flushcache; /* set HTTP cache flush headers with request */
245 GLOBAL int rate_get; /* maximum get xfer rate */
246 GLOBAL int rate_get_incr; /* increment for get xfer rate */
247 GLOBAL int rate_put; /* maximum put xfer rate */
248 GLOBAL int rate_put_incr; /* increment for put xfer rate */
249 GLOBAL int retry_connect; /* seconds between retrying connection */
250 GLOBAL const char *tmpdir; /* temporary directory */
251 GLOBAL int epsv4; /* use EPSV/EPRT on IPv4 connections */
252 GLOBAL int epsv4bad; /* EPSV doesn't work on the current server */
253 GLOBAL int epsv6; /* use EPSV/EPRT on IPv6 connections */
254 GLOBAL int epsv6bad; /* EPSV doesn't work on the current server */
255 GLOBAL int editing; /* command line editing enabled */
256 GLOBAL int features[FEAT_max]; /* remote FEATures supported */
259 GLOBAL EditLine *el; /* editline(3) status structure */
260 GLOBAL History *hist; /* editline(3) history structure */
261 GLOBAL char *cursor_pos; /* cursor position we're looking for */
262 GLOBAL size_t cursor_argc; /* location of cursor in margv */
263 GLOBAL size_t cursor_argo; /* offset of cursor in margv[cursor_argc] */
266 GLOBAL char *hostname; /* name of host connected to */
267 GLOBAL int unix_server; /* server is unix, can use binary for ascii */
268 GLOBAL int unix_proxy; /* proxy is unix, can use binary for ascii */
269 GLOBAL char localcwd[MAXPATHLEN]; /* local dir */
270 GLOBAL char remotecwd[MAXPATHLEN]; /* remote dir */
271 GLOBAL char *username; /* name of user logged in as. (dynamic) */
273 GLOBAL sa_family_t family; /* address family to use for connections */
274 GLOBAL const char *ftpport; /* port number to use for FTP connections */
275 GLOBAL const char *httpport; /* port number to use for HTTP connections */
276 GLOBAL const char *gateport; /* port number to use for gateftp connections */
277 GLOBAL struct addrinfo *bindai; /* local address to bind as */
279 GLOBAL char *outfile; /* filename to output URLs to */
280 GLOBAL int restartautofetch; /* restart auto-fetch */
282 GLOBAL char line[FTPBUFLEN]; /* input line buffer */
283 GLOBAL char *stringbase; /* current scan point in line buffer */
284 GLOBAL char argbuf[FTPBUFLEN]; /* argument storage buffer */
285 GLOBAL char *argbase; /* current storage point in arg buffer */
286 GLOBAL StringList *marg_sl; /* stringlist containing margv */
287 GLOBAL int margc; /* count of arguments on input line */
289 GLOBAL int cpend; /* flag: if != 0, then pending server reply */
290 GLOBAL int mflag; /* flag: if != 0, then active multi command */
292 GLOBAL int options; /* used during socket creation */
294 GLOBAL int sndbuf_size; /* socket send buffer size */
295 GLOBAL int rcvbuf_size; /* socket receive buffer size */
297 GLOBAL int macnum; /* number of defined macros */
298 GLOBAL struct macel macros[16];
299 GLOBAL char macbuf[4096];
301 GLOBAL char *localhome; /* local home directory */
302 GLOBAL char *localname; /* local user name */
303 GLOBAL char netrc[MAXPATHLEN]; /* path to .netrc file */
304 GLOBAL char reply_string[BUFSIZ]; /* first line of previous reply */
305 GLOBAL void (*reply_callback)(const char *);
312 GLOBAL volatile sig_atomic_t sigint_raised;
314 GLOBAL FILE *cin;
315 GLOBAL FILE *cout;
316 GLOBAL int data;