Lines Matching +refs:eval +refs:in +refs:windows

20 " Make sure the '<' flag is not included in 'cpoptions', otherwise <CR> would
25 " function to be called when <CR> is hit in the option-window
59 " function to be called when <Space> is hit in the option-window
79 " find the window in which the option applies
97 echo "Don't know in which window"
103 " Update a "set" line in the option window
261 call append("$", "autochdir\tchange to directory of file in buffer")
268 call append("$", "magic\tchange the way backslashes are used in search patterns")
276 call append("$", "maxmempattern\tmaximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for pattern matching")
292 call append("$", "tagbsearch\tuse binary searching in tags files")
294 call append("$", "taglength\tnumber of significant characters in a tag name or zero")
299 call append("$", "tagrelative\tfile names in a tags file are relative to the tags file")
303 call append("$", "showfulltag\twhen completing tags in Insert mode show more info")
310 call append("$", "cscopetagorder\t0 or 1; the order in which \":cstag\" performs a search")
329 call append("$", "linebreak\twrap long lines at a character in 'breakat'")
349 call append("$", "lines\tnumber of lines in the display")
356 call append("$", "redrawtime\ttimeout for 'hlsearch' and :match highlighting in msec")
359 call append("$", "writedelay\tdelay in msec for each char written to the display")
382 call append("$", "concealcursor\tmodes in which text in the cursor line can be concealed")
437 call <SID>Header("multiple windows")
444 call append("$", "equalalways\tmake all windows the same size when adding/removing windows")
475 call append("$", "hidden\tdon't unload a buffer when no longer shown in a window")
487 call append("$", "scrollbind\tthis window scrolls together with other bound windows")
494 call append("$", "cursorbind\tthis window's cursor moves together with other bound windows")
520 call append("$", "ttybuiltin\tcheck built-in termcaps first")
526 call append("$", "esckeys\trecognize keys that start with <Esc> in Insert mode")
533 call append("$", "guicursor\tspecifies what the cursor looks like in different modes")
538 call append("$", "title\tshow info in the window title")
572 call append("$", "mousetime\tmaximum time in msec to recognize a double-click")
577 call append("$", "mouseshape\twhat the mouse pointer looks like in different modes")
584 call append("$", "guifont\tlist of font names to be used in the GUI")
605 call append("$", "guiheadroom\troom (in pixels) left above/below the window")
618 call append("$", "menuitems\tmaximum number of items in one menu")
627 call append("$", "balloondelay\tdelay in milliseconds before a balloon may pop up")
631 if has("eval")
632 call append("$", "balloonexpr\texpression to show in balloon eval")
669 call append("$", "terse\tadd 's' flag in 'shortmess' (don't show search message)")
673 call append("$", "showcmd\tshow (partial) command keys in the status line")
677 call append("$", "showmode\tdisplay the current mode in the status line")
691 call append("$", "verbosefile\tfile to write messages in")
741 call append("$", "wrapmargin\tmargin from the right in which to break a line")
744 call append("$", "backspace\tspecifies what <BS>, CTRL-W, etc. can do in Insert mode")
755 if has("eval")
808 call append("$", "tabstop\tnumber of spaces a <Tab> in the text stands for")
814 call append("$", "smarttab\ta <Tab> in an indent inserts 'shiftwidth' spaces")
821 call append("$", "expandtab\texpand <Tab> to spaces in Insert mode")
839 call append("$", "cinkeys\tkeys that trigger C-indenting in Insert mode")
848 call append("$", "indentkeys\tkeys that trigger indenting with 'indentexpr' in Insert mode")
890 call append("$", "commentstring\ttemplate for comments; used to put the marker in")
927 call append("$", "remap\trecognize mappings in mapped keys")
933 call append("$", "timeoutlen\ttime in msec for 'timeout'")
935 call append("$", "ttimeoutlen\ttime in msec for 'ttimeout'")
948 call append("$", "endofline\tlast line in the file has an end-of-line")
976 call append("$", "backupdir\tlist of directories to put backup files in")
1013 call append("$", "updatetime\ttime in msec after which the swap file will be updated")
1015 call append("$", "maxmem\tmaximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for one buffer")
1017 call append("$", "maxmemtot\tmaximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for all buffers")
1026 call append("$", "wildcharm\tlike 'wildchar' but can also be used in a mapping")
1068 call append("$", "shellquote\tcharacter(s) to enclose a shell command in")
1099 call append("$", "shellpipe\tstring used to put the output of \":make\" in the error file")
1125 call append("$", "shellslash\tuse forward slashes in file names; for Unix-like shells")
1132 call append("$", "isfname\tspecifies the characters in a file name")
1134 call append("$", "isident\tspecifies the characters in an identifier")
1136 call append("$", "iskeyword\tspecifies the characters in a keyword")
1142 call append("$", "quoteescape\tspecifies escape characters in a string")
1155 call append("$", "allowrevins\tallow CTRL-_ in Insert and Command-line mode to toggle 'revins'")
1205 call append("$", "encoding\tcharacter encoding used in Vim: \"latin1\", \"utf-8\"")
1241 call append("$", "exrc\tenable reading .vimrc/.exrc/.gvimrc in the current directory")
1243 call append("$", "secure\tsafer working with script files in the current directory")
1258 call append("$", "sessionoptions\tlist of words that specifies what to put in a session file")
1266 call append("$", "viminfo\tlist that specifies what to write in the viminfo file")
1270 call append("$", "bufhidden\twhat happens with a buffer when it's no longer in a window")
1277 call append("$", "buflisted\twhether the buffer shows up in the buffer list")
1283 call append("$", "mzquantum\tinterval in milliseconds between polls for MzScheme threads")
1310 " Install autocommands to enable mappings in option-window