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Lines Matching defs:struct

6 # Copyright (c) 2008 Andreas Kupries, integration with Tcllib's struct::graph
18 package require struct::disjointset ; # Used by kruskal
19 package require struct::prioqueue ; # Used by kruskal, prim
20 package require struct::queue ; # Used by isBipartite?, connectedComponent(Of)
21 package require struct::stack ; # Used by tarjan
22 package require struct::graph ; # isBridge, isCutVertex
23 package require struct::tree ; # Used by BFS
28 namespace eval ::struct::graph::op {}
46 proc ::struct::graph::op::toAdjacencyMatrix {g} {
50 # Tcl and struct::graph (critcl) may generate different, yet
138 proc ::struct::graph::op::toAdjacencyList {G args} {
230 proc ::struct::graph::op::BellmanFord { G startnode } {
300 proc ::struct::graph::op::Johnsons { G args } {
393 proc ::struct::graph::op::FloydWarshall { G } {
455 proc ::struct::graph::op::MetricTravellingSalesman { G } {
513 proc ::struct::graph::op::TourWeight {w tour} {
547 proc ::struct::graph::op::Christofides { G } {
564 set oddTGraph [struct::graph]
589 if { ![struct::set contains $M $e] } {
624 proc ::struct::graph::op::GreedyMaxMatching {G} {
652 proc ::struct::graph::op::sortEdges {G} {
675 proc ::struct::graph::op::sortGraph {G sortMode} {
714 proc ::struct::graph::op::findHamiltonCycle {G originalEdges originalGraph} {
784 proc ::struct::graph::op::createTGraph {G Edges doubledArcs} {
792 set TGraph [struct::graph]
825 proc ::struct::graph::op::createCompleteGraph {G originalEdges} {
868 proc ::struct::graph::op::MaxCut {G U V} {
895 proc ::struct::graph::op::cut {G Uvar Vvar param} {
939 proc ::struct::graph::op::lremove {listVariable value} {
946 proc ::struct::graph::op::countEdges {G U V} {
987 proc ::struct::graph::op::UnweightedKCenter {G k} {
1000 set Gi [struct::graph]
1002 set GiSQ [struct::graph]
1052 proc ::struct::graph::op::WeightedKCenter {G nodeWeights W} {
1065 set Gi [struct::graph]
1066 set GiSQ [struct::graph]
1114 if {[struct::set contains $neighbours $node]} {
1164 proc ::struct::graph::op::GreedyMaxIndependentSet {G} {
1170 if { [struct::set contains $nodes $v] } {
1174 struct::set exclude nodes $neighbour
1193 proc ::struct::graph::op::GreedyWeightedMaxIndependentSet {G nodeWeights} {
1202 if { [struct::set contains $nodes $v] } {
1208 struct::set exclude nodes $neighbour
1221 proc ::struct::graph::op::createSquaredGraph {G} {
1223 set H [struct::graph]
1254 proc ::struct::graph::op::extendTwoSquaredGraph {previousGsq currentGi u v} {
1289 proc ::struct::graph::op::VerticesCover {G} {
1321 if { [struct::set contains $arcs $e] } {
1327 struct::set exclude arcs $n
1359 proc ::struct::graph::op::FordFulkerson {G s t} {
1466 proc ::struct::graph::op::createResidualGraph {G f} {
1469 set residualG [struct::graph]
1545 proc ::struct::graph::op::createAugmentingNetwork {G f path} {
1547 set Gf [struct::graph]
1629 proc ::struct::graph::op::BusackerGowen {G desiredFlow s t} {
1647 set Gf [struct::graph]
1742 proc ::struct::graph::op::ShortestsPathsByBFS {G s outputFormat} {
1845 proc ::struct::graph::op::BFS {G s outputFormat} {
1863 set BFSGraph [struct::graph]
1869 set BFSTree [struct::tree]
1929 proc ::struct::graph::op::MinimumDiameterSpanningTree {G} {
1932 set best_Tree [struct::graph]
1975 set tempGraph [struct::graph]
2056 proc ::struct::graph::op::MinimumDegreeSpanningTree {G} {
2059 set MST [struct::graph]
2128 proc ::struct::graph::op::MaximumFlowByDinic {G s t blockingFlowAlg} {
2177 proc ::struct::graph::op::BlockingFlowByDinic {G s t} {
2271 proc ::struct::graph::op::BlockingFlowByMKM {G s t} {
2403 proc ::struct::graph::op::createLevelGraph {Gf s} {
2405 set LevelGraph [struct::graph]
2446 proc ::struct::graph::op::countThroughputsAtNodes {G s t} {
2482 proc ::struct::graph::op::sendBack {G node b value} {
2507 proc ::struct::graph::op::sendForward {G node b value} {
2539 proc ::struct::graph::op::findExcess {G node b} {
2563 proc ::struct::graph::op::TSPLocalSearching {G C} {
2572 set CGraph [struct::graph]
2573 set GCopy [struct::graph]
2664 if { !([struct::graph::op::distance $CPrim $iu $ju] > 0 ) || $param } {
2735 proc ::struct::graph::op::copyGraph {G} {
2737 set newGraph [struct::graph]
2752 proc ::struct::graph::op::countCycleWeight {G} {
2775 proc ::struct::graph::op::kruskal {g} {
2785 set consider [::struct::prioqueue -dictionary consider]
2786 set forest [::struct::disjointset forest]
2847 proc ::struct::graph::op::prim {g} {
2868 set consider [::struct::prioqueue -dictionary consider]
2954 proc ::struct::graph::op::isBipartite? {g {bipartitionvar {}}} {
2975 set pending [struct::queue pending]
3057 proc ::struct::graph::op::maxMatching {g X Y} {
3070 proc ::struct::graph::op::tarjan {g} {
3088 set pending [::struct::stack pending]
3108 proc ::struct::graph::op::TarjanSub {start counter} {
3112 struct::set subtract all $start
3160 proc ::struct::graph::op::connectedComponents {g} {
3182 struct::set subtract all $component
3191 proc ::struct::graph::op::connectedComponentOf {g n} {
3207 proc ::struct::graph::op::ComponentOf {g start} {
3208 set pending [::struct::queue pending]
3234 proc ::struct::graph::op::isBridge? {g arc} {
3259 set copy [struct::graph BridgeCopy = $g]
3272 proc ::struct::graph::op::isCutVertex? {g n} {
3302 struct::set subtract compBefore $n
3304 set copy [struct::graph CutVertexCopy = $g]
3314 proc ::struct::graph::op::isConnected? {g} {
3331 proc ::struct::graph::op::isEulerian? {g {eulervar {}} {tourstart {}}} {
3383 proc ::struct::graph::op::isSemiEulerian? {g {eulervar {}}} {
3428 proc ::struct::graph::op::Fleury {g start eulervar} {
3433 set copy [struct::graph FleuryCopy = $g]
3441 while {![struct::set empty $arcs]} {
3467 struct::set exclude arcs $arc
3482 proc ::struct::graph::op::dijkstra {g node args} {
3531 set pending [::struct::prioqueue -dictionary DijkstraQueue]
3610 proc ::struct::graph::op::distance {g origin destination args} {
3657 proc ::struct::graph::op::eccentricity {g node args} {
3699 proc ::struct::graph::op::radius {g args} {
3707 proc ::struct::graph::op::diameter {g args} {
3711 proc ::struct::graph::op::RD {g options} {
3757 proc ::struct::graph::op::Min {first second} {
3765 proc ::struct::graph::op::Max {first second} {
3775 proc ::struct::graph::op::VerifyWeightsAreOk {g} {
3783 namespace eval ::struct::graph::op {
3787 package provide struct::graph::op 0.11.3