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Lines Matching +refs:Tree +refs:_update_edit_size

7 #     - Tree::create
8 # - Tree::configure
9 # - Tree::cget
10 # - Tree::insert
11 # - Tree::itemconfigure
12 # - Tree::itemcget
13 # - Tree::bindArea
14 # - Tree::bindText
15 # - Tree::bindImage
16 # - Tree::delete
17 # - Tree::move
18 # - Tree::reorder
19 # - Tree::selection
20 # - Tree::exists
21 # - Tree::parent
22 # - Tree::index
23 # - Tree::nodes
24 # - Tree::see
25 # - Tree::opentree
26 # - Tree::closetree
27 # - Tree::edit
28 # - Tree::xview
29 # - Tree::yview
30 # - Tree::_update_edit_size
31 # - Tree::_destroy
32 # - Tree::_see
33 # - Tree::_recexpand
34 # - Tree::_subdelete
35 # - Tree::_update_scrollregion
36 # - Tree::_cross_event
37 # - Tree::_draw_node
38 # - Tree::_draw_subnodes
39 # - Tree::_update_nodes
40 # - Tree::_draw_tree
41 # - Tree::_redraw_tree
42 # - Tree::_redraw_selection
43 # - Tree::_redraw_idle
44 # - Tree::_drag_cmd
45 # - Tree::_drop_cmd
46 # - Tree::_over_cmd
47 # - Tree::_auto_scroll
48 # - Tree::_scroll
49 # - Tree::_themechanged
52 namespace eval Tree {
53 Widget::define Tree tree DragSite DropSite DynamicHelp
56 Widget::declare Tree::Node {
72 DynamicHelp::include Tree::Node balloon
74 Widget::tkinclude Tree canvas .c \
85 Widget::declare Tree {
112 DragSite::include Tree "TREE_NODE" 1
113 DropSite::include Tree {
117 Widget::addmap Tree "" .c {-deltay -yscrollincrement}
121 option add *Tree.c.background SystemWindow widgetDefault
125 bind Tree <FocusIn> [list after idle {BWidget::refocus %W %W.c}]
126 bind Tree <Destroy> [list Tree::_destroy %W]
127 bind Tree <Configure> [list Tree::_update_scrollregion %W]
131 if { $::Tree::sentinal(%W) } {
132 set ::Tree::sentinal(%W) 0
138 set ::Tree::sentinal(%W) 0
152 # Command Tree::create
154 proc Tree::create { path args } {
158 Widget::init Tree $path $args
159 set ::Tree::sentinal($path.c) 0
180 frame $path -class Tree -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -relief flat \
188 $path.c bind cross <ButtonPress-1> [list Tree::_cross_event $path]
192 bind $path.c <KeyPress-Up> [list Tree::_keynav up $path]
193 bind $path.c <KeyPress-Down> [list Tree::_keynav down $path]
194 bind $path.c <KeyPress-Right> [list Tree::_keynav right $path]
195 bind $path.c <KeyPress-Left> [list Tree::_keynav left $path]
196 bind $path.c <KeyPress-space> [list +Tree::_keynav space $path]
208 DragSite::setdrag $path $path.c Tree::_init_drag_cmd \
210 DropSite::setdrop $path $path.c Tree::_over_cmd Tree::_drop_cmd 1
212 Widget::create Tree $path
225 set selectcmd Tree::_mouse_select
226 Tree::bindText $path <Button-1> [list $selectcmd $path set]
227 Tree::bindImage $path <Button-1> [list $selectcmd $path set]
228 Tree::bindText $path <Control-Button-1> [list $selectcmd $path toggle]
229 Tree::bindImage $path <Control-Button-1> [list $selectcmd $path toggle]
241 [list set ::Tree::sentinal($path.c) 1]
252 # Command Tree::configure
254 proc Tree::configure { path args } {
311 DragSite::setdrag $path $path.c Tree::_init_drag_cmd $dragend $force
312 DropSite::setdrop $path $path.c Tree::_over_cmd Tree::_drop_cmd
319 # Command Tree::cget
321 proc Tree::cget { path option } {
327 # Command Tree::insert
329 proc Tree::insert { path index parent node args } {
344 Widget::init Tree::Node $path.$node $args
372 # Command Tree::itemconfigure
374 proc Tree::itemconfigure { path node args } {
427 # Command Tree::itemcget
429 proc Tree::itemcget { path node option } {
434 ![info exists ::Tree::${path}($node)] } {
442 # Command Tree::bindArea
444 proc Tree::bindArea { path event script } {
449 # Command Tree::bindText
451 proc Tree::bindText { path event script } {
453 append script " \[Tree::_get_node_name [list $path] current 2 1\]"
465 # Command Tree::bindImage
467 proc Tree::bindImage { path event script } {
469 append script " \[Tree::_get_node_name [list $path] current 2 1\]"
481 # Command Tree::delete
483 proc Tree::delete { path args } {
509 # Command Tree::move
511 proc Tree::move { path parent node index } {
550 # Command Tree::reorder
552 proc Tree::reorder { path node neworder } {
572 # Command Tree::selection
574 proc Tree::selection { path cmd args } {
664 set node [Tree::_get_node_name $path $nodeItem 2]
740 proc Tree::getcanvas { path } {
745 proc Tree::__call_selectcmd { path } {
759 # Command Tree::exists
761 proc Tree::exists { path node } {
771 # Command Tree::visible
773 proc Tree::visible { path node } {
781 # Command Tree::parent
783 proc Tree::parent { path node } {
796 # Command Tree::index
798 proc Tree::index { path node } {
812 # Tree::find
817 proc Tree::find {path findInfo {confine ""}} {
841 set node [Tree::_get_node_name $path $id 2]
866 # Command Tree::line
869 proc Tree::line {path node} {
884 # Command Tree::nodes
886 proc Tree::nodes { path node {first ""} {last ""} } {
907 # Tree::visiblenodes --
917 proc Tree::visiblenodes { path } {
941 # Command Tree::see
943 proc Tree::see { path node } {
954 Tree::_see $path $idn
960 # Command Tree::opentree
963 proc Tree::opentree { path node {recursive 1} } {
978 # Command Tree::closetree
980 proc Tree::closetree { path node {recursive 1} } {
994 proc Tree::toggle { path node } {
1004 # Command Tree::edit
1006 proc Tree::edit { path node text {verifycmd ""} {clickres 0} {select 1}} {
1018 Tree::_see $path $idn
1048 -textvariable Tree::_edit(text)]
1052 trace variable Tree::_edit(text) w \
1053 [list Tree::_update_edit_size $path $ent $idw $wmax]
1058 _update_edit_size $path $ent $idw $wmax
1067 bind $ent <Escape> {set Tree::_edit(wait) 0}
1068 bind $ent <Return> {set Tree::_edit(wait) 1}
1070 bind $frame <Button> [list set Tree::_edit(wait) $clickres]
1075 tkwait variable Tree::_edit(wait)
1082 trace vdelete Tree::_edit(text) w \
1083 [list Tree::_update_edit_size $path $ent $idw $wmax]
1100 # Command Tree::xview
1102 proc Tree::xview { path args } {
1108 # Command Tree::yview
1110 proc Tree::yview { path args } {
1116 # Command Tree::_update_edit_size
1118 proc Tree::_update_edit_size { path entry idw wmax args } {
1129 # Command Tree::_see
1131 proc Tree::_see { path idn } {
1160 # Command Tree::_recexpand
1163 proc Tree::_recexpand { path node expand recursive cmd } {
1183 # Command Tree::_subdelete
1185 proc Tree::_subdelete { path lnodes } {
1219 # Command Tree::_update_scrollregion
1221 proc Tree::_update_scrollregion { path } {
1255 # Command Tree::_cross_event
1257 proc Tree::_cross_event { path } {
1261 set node [Tree::_get_node_name $path current 1]
1263 Tree::itemconfigure $path $node -open 0
1268 Tree::itemconfigure $path $node -open 1
1276 proc Tree::_draw_cross { path node open x y } {
1314 # Command Tree::_draw_node
1316 proc Tree::_draw_node { path node x0 y0 deltax deltay padx showlines } {
1333 -tags [Tree::_get_node_tags $path $node [list node n:$node]]
1351 -tags [Tree::_get_node_tags $path $node [list win i:$node]]
1355 -tags [Tree::_get_node_tags $path $node [list img i:$node]]
1360 -tags [Tree::_get_node_tags $path $node [list box b:$node]] \
1371 # Command Tree::_draw_subnodes
1373 proc Tree::_draw_subnodes { path nodes x0 y0 deltax deltay padx showlines } {
1397 # Command Tree::_update_nodes
1399 proc Tree::_update_nodes { path } {
1469 # Command Tree::_draw_tree
1471 proc Tree::_draw_tree { path } {
1489 # Command Tree::_redraw_tree
1491 proc Tree::_redraw_tree { path } {
1511 # Command Tree::_redraw_selection
1513 proc Tree::_redraw_selection { path } {
1529 set node [Tree::_get_node_name $path $id 1]
1554 # Command Tree::_redraw_idle
1556 proc Tree::_redraw_idle { path level } {
1561 set data(upd,afterid) [after idle [list Tree::_redraw_tree $path]]
1571 # Command Tree::_init_drag_cmd
1573 proc Tree::_init_drag_cmd { path X Y top } {
1580 set node [Tree::_get_node_name $path current 2]
1597 # Command Tree::_drop_cmd
1599 proc Tree::_drop_cmd { path source X Y op type dnddata } {
1619 # Command Tree::_over_cmd
1621 proc Tree::_over_cmd { path source event X Y op type dnddata } {
1696 set node [Tree::_get_node_name $path $id 2]
1819 # Command Tree::_auto_scroll
1821 proc Tree::_auto_scroll { path x y } {
1857 set data(dnd,afterid) [after 200 [list Tree::_scroll $path $scroll]]
1864 # Command Tree::_scroll
1866 proc Tree::_scroll { path scroll } {
1874 set data(dnd,afterid) [after 50 [list Tree::_scroll $path $scroll]]
1881 # Tree::_keynav --
1897 proc Tree::_keynav {which win} {
1912 set node [Tree::_get_node_name $win $nodeItem 2]
2049 # Tree::_get_current_node --
2063 proc Tree::_get_current_node {win} {
2074 # Tree::_set_current_node --
2086 proc Tree::_set_current_node {win node} {
2093 # Tree::_get_node_name --
2109 proc Tree::_get_node_name {path {item current} {tagindex end-1} {truename 0}} {
2117 # Tree::_get_node_padx --
2123 # path Tree to query
2128 proc Tree::_get_node_padx {path node} {
2134 # Tree::_get_node_deltax --
2140 # path Tree to query
2145 proc Tree::_get_node_deltax {path node} {
2152 # Tree::_get_node_tags --
2158 # path Tree to query
2164 proc Tree::_get_node_tags {path node {tags ""}} {
2180 # Tree::_set_help --
2185 # path Tree to query
2191 proc Tree::_set_help { path node } {
2214 proc Tree::_mouse_select { path cmd args } {
2223 proc Tree::_node_name { path node } {
2229 proc Tree::_node_name_rev { path node } {
2237 # Command Tree::_destroy
2239 proc Tree::_destroy { path } {
2255 proc Tree::_getnodes {path {node "root"}} {
2265 # Command Tree::_themechanged
2267 proc Tree::_themechanged { path } {