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Lines Matching +refs:ListBox +refs:_getoption

7 #     - ListBox::create
8 # - ListBox::configure
9 # - ListBox::cget
10 # - ListBox::insert
11 # - ListBox::itemconfigure
12 # - ListBox::itemcget
13 # - ListBox::bindText
14 # - ListBox::bindImage
15 # - ListBox::delete
16 # - ListBox::move
17 # - ListBox::reorder
18 # - ListBox::selection
19 # - ListBox::exists
20 # - ListBox::index
21 # - ListBox::item - deprecated
22 # - ListBox::items
23 # - ListBox::see
24 # - ListBox::edit
25 # - ListBox::xview
26 # - ListBox::yview
27 # - ListBox::_update_edit_size
28 # - ListBox::_destroy
29 # - ListBox::_see
30 # - ListBox::_update_scrollregion
31 # - ListBox::_draw_item
32 # - ListBox::_redraw_items
33 # - ListBox::_redraw_selection
34 # - ListBox::_redraw_listbox
35 # - ListBox::_redraw_idle
36 # - ListBox::_resize
37 # - ListBox::_init_drag_cmd
38 # - ListBox::_drop_cmd
39 # - ListBox::_over_cmd
40 # - ListBox::_auto_scroll
41 # - ListBox::_scroll
42 # - ListBox::_themechanged
45 namespace eval ListBox {
46 Widget::define ListBox listbox DragSite DropSite DynamicHelp
49 Widget::declare ListBox::Item {
63 DynamicHelp::include ListBox::Item balloon
65 Widget::tkinclude ListBox canvas .c \
76 DragSite::include ListBox "LISTBOX_ITEM" 1
77 DropSite::include ListBox {
81 Widget::declare ListBox {
98 {-dropcmd String "ListBox::_drag_and_drop" 0}
103 Widget::addmap ListBox "" .c {-deltay -yscrollincrement}
105 bind ListBox <FocusIn> [list after idle {BWidget::refocus %W %W.c}]
106 bind ListBox <Destroy> [list ListBox::_destroy %W]
107 bind ListBox <Configure> [list ListBox::_resize %W]
109 bind ListBox <Key-Up> [list ListBox::_keyboard_navigation %W -1]
110 bind ListBox <Key-Down> [list ListBox::_keyboard_navigation %W 1]
121 # Command ListBox::create
123 proc ListBox::create { path args } {
124 Widget::init ListBox $path $args
129 frame $path -class ListBox -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -relief flat \
155 DragSite::setdrag $path $path.c ListBox::_init_drag_cmd \
157 DropSite::setdrop $path $path.c ListBox::_over_cmd ListBox::_drop_cmd 1
159 Widget::create ListBox $path
183 bind $path.c <Key-Up> {ListBox::_keyboard_navigation [winfo parent %W] -1}
184 bind $path.c <Key-Down> {ListBox::_keyboard_navigation [winfo parent %W] 1}
196 # Command ListBox::_configureSelectmode
199 proc ListBox::_configureSelectmode { path selectmode {previous none} } {
219 $path _bindText <Button-1> [list ListBox::_mouse_select $path set]
220 $path _bindImage <Button-1> [list ListBox::_mouse_select $path set]
221 if {1 < [llength [ListBox::selection $path get]]} {
222 ListBox::selection $path clear
226 set cmd ListBox::_multiple_select
236 if {0 < [llength [ListBox::selection $path get]]} {
237 ListBox::selection $path clear
245 # Command ListBox::configure
247 proc ListBox::configure { path args } {
292 DragSite::setdrag $path $path.c ListBox::_init_drag_cmd $dragend $force
293 DropSite::setdrop $path $path.c ListBox::_over_cmd ListBox::_drop_cmd
300 # Command ListBox::cget
302 proc ListBox::cget { path option } {
308 # Command ListBox::insert
310 proc ListBox::insert { path index item args } {
320 Widget::init ListBox::Item $path.$item $args
341 # Command ListBox::multipleinsert
343 proc ListBox::multipleinsert { path index args } {
364 Widget::init ListBox::Item $path.$item $iargs
367 Widget::copyinit ListBox::Item $firstpath $path.$item $iargs
382 # Command ListBox::itemconfigure
384 proc ListBox::itemconfigure { path item args } {
443 set fnt [_getoption $path $item -font]
444 set fg [_getoption $path $item -foreground]
468 # Command ListBox::itemcget
470 proc ListBox::itemcget { path item option } {
476 # Command ListBox::_bindText
478 proc ListBox::_bindText { path event script {tag click} } {
482 append script " \[ListBox::_get_current [list $path]\]"
488 # Command ListBox::bindText
490 proc ListBox::bindText { path event script } {
495 # Command ListBox::_bindImage
497 proc ListBox::_bindImage { path event script {tag img} } {
501 append script " \[ListBox::_get_current [list $path]\]"
507 # Command ListBox::bindImage
509 proc ListBox::bindImage { path event script } {
514 # Command ListBox::delete
516 proc ListBox::delete { path args } {
548 # Command ListBox::move
550 proc ListBox::move { path item index } {
565 # Command ListBox::reorder
567 proc ListBox::reorder { path neworder } {
577 # Command ListBox::selection
579 proc ListBox::selection { path cmd args } {
629 # Command ListBox::exists
631 proc ListBox::exists { path item } {
640 # Command ListBox::index
642 proc ListBox::index { path item } {
651 # ListBox::find
656 proc ListBox::find {path findInfo {confine ""}} {
709 # Command ListBox::item - deprecated
711 proc ListBox::item { path first {last ""} } {
724 # Command ListBox::items
726 proc ListBox::items { path {first ""} {last ""}} {
743 # Command ListBox::see
745 proc ListBox::see { path item } {
757 ListBox::_see $path $idn right
758 ListBox::_see $path $idi left
764 # Command ListBox::edit
766 proc ListBox::edit { path item text {verifycmd ""} {clickres 0} {select 1}} {
777 ListBox::_see $path $idn right
778 ListBox::_see $path $idn left
803 -foreground [_getoption $path $item -foreground] \
807 -font [_getoption $path $item -font] \
808 -textvariable ListBox::_edit(text)]
812 trace variable ListBox::_edit(text) w [list ListBox::_update_edit_size $path $ent $idw $wmax]
825 bind $ent <Escape> {set ListBox::_edit(wait) 0}
826 bind $ent <Return> {set ListBox::_edit(wait) 1}
828 bind $frame <Button> [list set ListBox::_edit(wait) $clickres]
833 tkwait variable ListBox::_edit(wait)
839 trace vdelete ListBox::_edit(text) w [list ListBox::_update_edit_size $path $ent $idw $wmax]
856 # Command ListBox::xview
858 proc ListBox::xview { path args } {
864 # Command ListBox::yview
866 proc ListBox::yview { path args } {
871 proc ListBox::getcanvas { path } {
876 proc ListBox::curselection { path } {
882 # Command ListBox::_update_edit_size
884 proc ListBox::_update_edit_size { path entry idw wmax args } {
895 # Command ListBox::_getoption
897 # of the ListBox.
899 proc ListBox::_getoption { path item option } {
909 # Command ListBox::_destroy
911 proc ListBox::_destroy { path } {
931 # Command ListBox::_see
933 proc ListBox::_see { path idn side } {
969 # Command ListBox::_update_scrollregion
971 proc ListBox::_update_scrollregion { path } {
1002 proc ListBox::_update_select_fill { path } {
1019 # Command ListBox::_draw_item
1021 proc ListBox::_draw_item {path item x0 x1 y bg selfill multi ww} {
1025 -fill [_getoption $path $item -foreground] \
1026 -font [_getoption $path $item -font] \
1051 # Command ListBox::_redraw_items
1053 proc ListBox::_redraw_items { path } {
1093 set font [_getoption $path $item -font]
1120 # Command ListBox::_redraw_selection
1122 proc ListBox::_redraw_selection { path } {
1134 -fill [_getoption $path $item -foreground]
1164 # Command ListBox::_redraw_listbox
1166 proc ListBox::_redraw_listbox { path } {
1186 # Command ListBox::_redraw_idle
1188 proc ListBox::_redraw_idle { path level } {
1196 [after idle [list ListBox::_redraw_listbox $path]]
1207 # Command ListBox::_resize
1209 proc ListBox::_resize { path } {
1229 ListBox::_redraw_listbox $path
1244 # Command ListBox::_init_drag_cmd
1246 proc ListBox::_init_drag_cmd { path X Y top } {
1270 # Command ListBox::_drop_cmd
1272 proc ListBox::_drop_cmd { path source X Y op type dnddata } {
1293 # Command ListBox::_over_cmd
1295 proc ListBox::_over_cmd { path source event X Y op type dnddata } {
1470 # Command ListBox::_auto_scroll
1472 proc ListBox::_auto_scroll { path x y } {
1508 set data(dnd,afterid) [after 200 [list ListBox::_scroll $path $scroll]]
1515 # Command ListBox::_multiple_select
1517 proc ListBox::_multiple_select { path mode x y idx } {
1572 # Command ListBox::_scroll
1574 proc ListBox::_scroll { path scroll} {
1583 [after 50 [list ListBox::_scroll $path $scroll]]
1590 # ListBox::_set_help --
1595 # path ListBox to query
1601 proc ListBox::_set_help { path node } {
1631 # ListBox::_mouse_select --
1642 proc ListBox::_mouse_select { path cmd args } {
1652 proc ListBox::_get_current { path } {
1658 # ListBox::_drag_and_drop --
1670 proc ListBox::_drag_and_drop { path from endItem operation type startItem } {
1723 proc ListBox::_keyboard_navigation { path dir } {
1742 # Command ListBox::_themechanged
1744 proc ListBox::_themechanged { path } {