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Lines Matching defs:ispell

39 ;; Note: consider setting the variable ispell-parser to `tex' to
40 ;; avoid TeX command checking; use `(setq ispell-parser 'tex)'.
47 (require 'ispell)
56 :group 'ispell
164 of possible corrections as returned by `ispell-parse-output'.
174 This is passed to the `ispell-change-dictionary' when flyspell is started.
175 If the variable `ispell-local-dictionary' or `ispell-dictionary' is non-nil
463 \\[ispell-word]: correct words (using Ispell).
472 `flyspell-mode' uses `ispell-mode'. Thus all Ispell options are
474 invoking `ispell-change-dictionary'.
476 Consider using the `ispell-parser' to check your text. For instance
478 \(add-hook 'tex-mode-hook (function (lambda () (setq ispell-parser 'tex))))
525 ;; flyspell-changes), the calls to `ispell-accept-buffer-local-defs' end
530 ;; but SET-BUFFER was called to point to an invisible buffer, this ispell
534 (ispell-accept-buffer-local-defs))
535 (unless (and (eq flyspell-dash-dictionary ispell-dictionary)
536 (eq flyspell-dash-local-dictionary ispell-local-dictionary))
538 (setq flyspell-dash-dictionary ispell-dictionary)
539 (setq flyspell-dash-local-dictionary ispell-local-dictionary)
541 (member (or ispell-local-dictionary ispell-dictionary)
549 (defun flyspell-kill-ispell-hook ()
558 (add-hook 'ispell-kill-ispell-hook 'flyspell-kill-ispell-hook)
565 (ispell-maybe-find-aspell-dictionaries)
566 (setq ispell-highlight-face 'flyspell-incorrect)
568 (or ispell-local-dictionary ispell-dictionary
570 (ispell-change-dictionary flyspell-default-dictionary)))
571 ;; we have to force ispell to accept the local definition or
939 ;; we do not disable the ispell cache.
1002 (interactive (list ispell-following-word))
1008 start end poss word ispell-filter)
1020 ((and (or (not (eq ispell-parser 'tex))
1041 ((and (eq ispell-parser 'tex)
1054 (ispell-send-string "%\n")
1056 (ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
1057 ;; we mark the ispell process so it can be killed
1059 (set-process-query-on-exit-flag ispell-process nil)
1060 ;; Wait until ispell has processed word. Since this code is often
1061 ;; executed from post-command-hook but the ispell process may not
1065 (accept-process-output ispell-process)
1066 (not (string= "" (car ispell-filter))))))
1067 ;; (ispell-send-string "!\n")
1070 (setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter))
1071 ;; ispell process should return something after word is sent.
1073 (or ispell-filter
1074 (setq ispell-filter '(*)))
1075 (if (consp ispell-filter)
1076 (setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter))))
1139 (if ispell-quit (setq ispell-quit nil))
1191 (defvar flyspell-ispell-casechars-cache nil)
1193 (make-variable-buffer-local 'flyspell-ispell-casechars-cache)
1201 this function changes the last char of the `ispell-casechars' string."
1202 (let ((ispell-casechars (ispell-get-casechars)))
1204 ((eq ispell-parser 'tex)
1205 (setq flyspell-ispell-casechars-cache ispell-casechars)
1207 (concat (substring ispell-casechars
1209 (- (length ispell-casechars) 1))
1213 (setq flyspell-ispell-casechars-cache ispell-casechars)
1214 (setq flyspell-casechars-cache ispell-casechars)
1221 (defvar flyspell-ispell-not-casechars-cache nil)
1223 (make-variable-buffer-local 'flyspell-ispell-not-casechars-cache)
1230 (let ((ispell-not-casechars (ispell-get-not-casechars)))
1232 ((eq ispell-parser 'tex)
1233 (setq flyspell-ispell-not-casechars-cache ispell-not-casechars)
1235 (concat (substring ispell-not-casechars
1237 (- (length ispell-not-casechars) 1))
1241 (setq flyspell-ispell-not-casechars-cache ispell-not-casechars)
1242 (setq flyspell-not-casechars-cache ispell-not-casechars)
1259 (ispell-otherchars (ispell-get-otherchars))
1260 (ispell-many-otherchars-p (ispell-get-many-otherchars-p))
1263 (if (not (string= "" ispell-otherchars))
1264 (concat ispell-otherchars "?"))
1269 (if (or ispell-many-otherchars-p
1281 (while (and (or (and (not (string= "" ispell-otherchars))
1282 (looking-at ispell-otherchars))
1286 ispell-many-otherchars-p)
1338 ;;* flyspell-external-ispell-process ... */
1340 (defvar flyspell-external-ispell-process '()
1344 ;;* flyspell-external-ispell-buffer ... */
1346 (defvar flyspell-external-ispell-buffer '())
1356 The list of incorrect words should be in `flyspell-external-ispell-buffer'.
1360 (ispell-otherchars (ispell-get-otherchars))
1363 (with-current-buffer flyspell-external-ispell-buffer
1401 (split-string found ispell-otherchars))
1407 ;; ispell treats beginning of some TeX
1411 ;; non-existent word. Skip if ispell
1416 (and (not ispell-really-aspell)
1438 (kill-buffer flyspell-external-ispell-buffer)
1439 (setq flyspell-external-ispell-buffer nil)))
1449 (ispell-casechars (ispell-get-casechars)))
1453 ;; Localwords parsing copied from ispell.el.
1454 (while (search-forward ispell-words-keyword nil t)
1465 (equal 0 (string-match ispell-casechars string)))
1468 ;; The usual mechanism of communicating the local words to ispell
1469 ;; does not affect the special ispell process used by
1501 (setq flyspell-external-ispell-buffer buffer)
1511 (ispell-check-version)
1512 (let ((c (apply 'ispell-call-process-region beg
1514 ispell-program-name
1518 (if ispell-really-aspell "list" "-l")
1521 (if ispell-local-dictionary
1522 (setq ispell-dictionary ispell-local-dictionary))
1523 (setq args (ispell-get-ispell-args))
1524 (if ispell-dictionary ; use specified dictionary
1526 (append (list "-d" ispell-dictionary) args)))
1527 (if ispell-personal-dictionary ; use specified pers dict
1532 ispell-personal-dictionary)))))
1533 (setq args (append args ispell-extra-args))
1547 ;;* Because `ispell -a' is too slow, it is not possible to use */
1548 ;;* it on large region. Then, when ispell is invoked on a large */
1549 ;;* text region, a new `ispell -l' process is spawned. The */
1703 as returned by `ispell-parse-output'.
1735 as returned by `ispell-parse-output'."
1790 (ispell-word))
1873 poss ispell-filter)
1876 (ispell-send-string "%\n") ;put in verbose mode
1877 (ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
1878 ;; wait until ispell has processed word.
1880 (accept-process-output ispell-process)
1881 (not (string= "" (car ispell-filter)))))
1883 (setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter))
1884 ;; ispell process should return something after word is sent.
1886 (or ispell-filter
1887 (setq ispell-filter '(*)))
1888 (if (consp ispell-filter)
1889 (setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter))))
1895 ;; ispell error
1937 (ispell-pdict-save t)))))))
1999 (let ((ispell-following-word t)) ;; point is at start
2035 poss ispell-filter)
2037 (ispell-send-string "%\n") ;put in verbose mode
2038 (ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
2039 ;; wait until ispell has processed word
2041 (accept-process-output ispell-process)
2042 (not (string= "" (car ispell-filter)))))
2044 (setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter))
2045 ;; ispell process should return something after word is sent.
2047 (or ispell-filter
2048 (setq ispell-filter '(*)))
2049 (if (consp ispell-filter)
2050 (setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter))))
2056 ;; ispell error
2065 (ispell-pdict-save t)))))
2079 (ispell-send-string (concat "*" word "\n"))
2083 (ispell-send-string "#\n")
2085 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p '(t)))
2087 (ispell-send-string (concat "@" word "\n"))
2089 (if (null ispell-pdict-modified-p)
2090 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p
2091 (list ispell-pdict-modified-p)))
2094 (ispell-add-per-file-word-list word)))
2173 (list (format "%s [%s]" word (or ispell-local-dictionary
2174 ispell-dictionary))
2247 (popup-menu (cons (format "%s [%s]" word (or ispell-local-dictionary
2248 ispell-dictionary))
2262 possible corrections as returned by `ispell-parse-output'.
2292 possible corrections as returned by `ispell-parse-output'.