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Lines Matching defs:pt

5985 (defconst custom-face-attributes (quote ((:family (string :tag "Font Family" :help-echo "Font family or fontset alias name.")) (:width (choice :tag "Width" :help-echo "Font width." :value normal (const :tag "compressed" condensed) (const :tag "condensed" condensed) (const :tag "demiexpanded" semi-expanded) (const :tag "expanded" expanded) (const :tag "extracondensed" extra-condensed) (const :tag "extraexpanded" extra-expanded) (const :tag "medium" normal) (const :tag "narrow" condensed) (const :tag "normal" normal) (const :tag "regular" normal) (const :tag "semicondensed" semi-condensed) (const :tag "semiexpanded" semi-expanded) (const :tag "ultracondensed" ultra-condensed) (const :tag "ultraexpanded" ultra-expanded) (const :tag "wide" extra-expanded))) (:height (choice :tag "Height" :help-echo "Face's font height." :value 1.0 (integer :tag "Height in 1/10 pt") (number :tag "Scale" 1.0))) (:weight (choice :tag "Weight" :help-echo "Font weight." :value normal (const :tag "black" ultra-bold) (const :tag "bold" bold) (const :tag "book" semi-light) (const :tag "demibold" semi-bold) (const :tag "extralight" extra-light) (const :tag "extrabold" extra-bold) (const :tag "heavy" extra-bold) (const :tag "light" light) (const :tag "medium" normal) (const :tag "normal" normal) (const :tag "regular" normal) (const :tag "semibold" semi-bold) (const :tag "semilight" semi-light) (const :tag "ultralight" ultra-light) (const :tag "ultrabold" ultra-bold))) (:slant (choice :tag "Slant" :help-echo "Font slant." :value normal (const :tag "italic" italic) (const :tag "oblique" oblique) (const :tag "normal" normal))) (:underline (choice :tag "Underline" :help-echo "Control text underlining." (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t) (color :tag "Colored"))) (:overline (choice :tag "Overline" :help-echo "Control text overlining." (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t) (color :tag "Colored"))) (:strike-through (choice :tag "Strike-through" :help-echo "Control text strike-through." (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t) (color :tag "Colored"))) (:box (choice :tag "Box around text" :help-echo "Control box around text." (const :tag "Off" nil) (list :tag "Box" :value (:line-width 2 :color "grey75" :style released-button) (const :format "" :value :line-width) (integer :tag "Width") (const :format "" :value :color) (choice :tag "Color" (const :tag "*" nil) color) (const :format "" :value :style) (choice :tag "Style" (const :tag "Raised" released-button) (const :tag "Sunken" pressed-button) (const :tag "None" nil)))) (lambda (real-value) (and real-value (let ((lwidth (or (and (consp real-value) (plist-get real-value :line-width)) (and (integerp real-value) real-value) 1)) (color (or (and (consp real-value) (plist-get real-value :color)) (and (stringp real-value) real-value) nil)) (style (and (consp real-value) (plist-get real-value :style)))) (list :line-width lwidth :color color :style style)))) (lambda (cus-value) (and cus-value (let ((lwidth (plist-get cus-value :line-width)) (color (plist-get cus-value :color)) (style (plist-get cus-value :style))) (cond ((and (null color) (null style)) lwidth) ((and (null lwidth) (null style)) color) (t (nconc (and lwidth (\` (:line-width (\, lwidth)))) (and color (\` (:color (\, color)))) (and style (\` (:style (\, style))))))))))) (:inverse-video (choice :tag "Inverse-video" :help-echo "Control whether text should be in inverse-video." (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t))) (:foreground (color :tag "Foreground" :help-echo "Set foreground color (name or #RRGGBB hex spec).")) (:background (color :tag "Background" :help-echo "Set background color (name or #RRGGBB hex spec).")) (:stipple (choice :tag "Stipple" :help-echo "Background bit-mask" (const :tag "None" nil) (file :tag "File" :help-echo "Name of bitmap file." :must-match t))) (:inherit (repeat :tag "Inherit" :help-echo "List of faces to inherit attributes from." (face :Tag "Face" default)) (lambda (real-value) (cond ((or (null real-value) (eq real-value (quote unspecified))) nil) ((symbolp real-value) (list real-value)) (t real-value))) (lambda (cus-value) (if (and (consp cus-value) (null (cdr cus-value))) (car cus-value) cus-value))))) "\
13133 The functions `handwrite-10pt', `handwrite-11pt', `handwrite-12pt'
13134 and `handwrite-13pt' set up for various sizes of output.
13176 ;;;;;; scan-buf-move-to-region help-at-pt-display-when-idle help-at-pt-set-timer
13177 ;;;;;; help-at-pt-cancel-timer display-local-help help-at-pt-kbd-string
13178 ;;;;;; help-at-pt-string) "help-at-pt" "help-at-pt.el" (17842 58279))
13179 ;;; Generated autoloads from help-at-pt.el
13181 (autoload (quote help-at-pt-string) "help-at-pt" "\
13191 (autoload (quote help-at-pt-kbd-string) "help-at-pt" "\
13199 (autoload (quote display-local-help) "help-at-pt" "\
13212 (autoload (quote help-at-pt-cancel-timer) "help-at-pt" "\
13213 Cancel any timer set by `help-at-pt-set-timer'.
13214 This disables `help-at-pt-display-when-idle'.
13218 (autoload (quote help-at-pt-set-timer) "help-at-pt" "\
13219 Enable `help-at-pt-display-when-idle'.
13224 (defvar help-at-pt-display-when-idle (quote never) "\
13237 `help-at-pt-set-timer'. The help gets printed after Emacs has
13238 been idle for `help-at-pt-timer-delay' seconds. You can call
13239 `help-at-pt-cancel-timer' to cancel the timer set by, and the
13240 effect of, `help-at-pt-set-timer'.
13242 When this variable is set through Custom, `help-at-pt-set-timer'
13244 case `help-at-pt-cancel-timer' is called. Specifying an empty
13251 (custom-autoload (quote help-at-pt-display-when-idle) "help-at-pt" nil)
13253 (autoload (quote scan-buf-move-to-region) "help-at-pt" "\
13272 (autoload (quote scan-buf-next-region) "help-at-pt" "\
13294 (autoload (quote scan-buf-previous-region) "help-at-pt" "\