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Lines Matching +refs:Info +refs:search +refs:next

172       % This next line is useful when designing the layout.
394 %\key{search forward}{C-s}
395 %\key{search backward}{C-r}
396 %\key{regular expression search}{C-M-s}
397 %\key{reverse regular expression search}{C-M-r}
402 %\key{select previous search string}{M-p}
403 %\key{select next later search string}{M-n}
404 %\key{exit incremental search}{RET}
406 %\key{abort current search}{C-g}
413 %Use \kbd{C-s} or \kbd{C-r} again to repeat the search in either direction.
446 %\key{scroll to next screen}{C-v}
478 %\key{kill through next occurrence of {\it char}}{M-z {\it char}}
520 %\key{{\bf replace} this one, go on to next}{SPC}
522 %\key{{\bf skip} to next without replacing}{DEL}
596 %\key{join line with previous (with arg, next)}{M-^}
643 %\key{regexp search backward through history}{M-r}
644 %\key{regexp search forward through history}{M-s}
699 %\key{find next occurrence of tag}{C-u M-.}
705 %\metax{regexp search on all files in tags table}{M-x tags-search}
707 %\key{continue last tags search or query-replace}{M-,}
709 we wszystkich plikach wymienionych w~TAGS}{M-x tags-search}
812 %\key{set coding system for next command}{C-x RET c}
856 %\section{Info}
857 \section{Info}
859 %\key{enter the Info documentation reader}{C-h i}
860 %\key{find specified function or variable in Info}{C-h S}
861 \key{wejd/x w tryb czytania dokumentacji Info}{C-h i}
862 \key{wyszukaj podan/a funkcj/e lub zmienn/a w Info}{C-h S}
866 Poruszanie si/e w obr/ebie w/ez/la Info:
878 %\key{{\bf next} node}{n}
900 %\key{run Info {\bf tutorial}}{h}
901 %\key{{\bf quit} Info}{q}
902 %\key{search nodes for regexp}{M-s}
903 \key{wywo/laj {\bf samouczek} Info}{h}
907 \key{{\bf zako/ncz} Info}{q}