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Lines Matching +refs:frame +refs:name +refs:history

228     Frame* frame = window->frame();
229 if (!frame)
231 Page* page = frame->page();
234 return frame == page->mainFrame();
259 Frame* frame = window->frame();
260 if (!frame)
263 if (!frame->loader()->shouldClose())
369 bool DOMWindow::canShowModalDialog(const Frame* frame)
371 if (!frame)
373 Page* page = frame->page();
379 bool DOMWindow::canShowModalDialogNow(const Frame* frame)
381 if (!frame)
383 Page* page = frame->page();
391 , FrameDestructionObserver(document->frame())
395 ASSERT(frame());
465 return frame() ? frame()->page() : 0;
610 History* DOMWindow::history() const
941 // Clear the current frame's focused node if a new frame is about to be focused.
1262 String DOMWindow::name() const
1267 return m_frame->tree()->name();
1290 ASSERT(m_frame->document()); // Client calls shouldn't be made when the frame is in inconsistent state.
1305 ASSERT(m_frame->document()); // Client calls shouldn't be made when the frame is in inconsistent state.
1714 // For load events, send a separate load event to the enclosing frame only.
1721 InspectorInstrumentation::loadEventFired(frame());
1733 InspectorInstrumentationCookie cookie = InspectorInstrumentation::willDispatchEventOnWindow(frame(), *event, this);
1806 Frame* firstFrame = firstWindow->frame();
1817 // We want a new history item if we are processing a user gesture.
1819 // FIXME: What if activeDocument()->frame() is 0?
1820 completedURL, activeDocument->frame()->loader()->outgoingReferrer(),
1844 String message = "Blocked a frame with origin \"" + activeOrigin->toString() + "\" from accessing a frame with origin \"" + targetOrigin->toString() + "\". ";
1850 message = "Blocked a frame at \"" + SecurityOrigin::create(activeURL)->toString() + "\" from accessing a frame at \"" + SecurityOrigin::create(targetURL)->toString() + "\". ";
1854 return "Sandbox access violation: " + message + " The frame being accessed is sandboxed and lacks the \"allow-same-origin\" flag.";
1855 return "Sandbox access violation: " + message + " The frame requesting access is sandboxed and lacks the \"allow-same-origin\" flag.";
1860 return message + " The frame requesting access has a protocol of \"" + activeURL.protocol() + "\", the frame being accessed has a protocol of \"" + targetURL.protocol() + "\". Protocols must match.\n";
1864 return message + "The frame requesting access set \"document.domain\" to \"" + activeOrigin->domain() + "\", the frame being accessed set it to \"" + targetOrigin->domain() + "\". Both must set \"document.domain\" to the same value to allow access.";
1866 return message + "The frame requesting access set \"document.domain\" to \"" + activeOrigin->domain() + "\", but the frame being accessed did not. Both must set \"document.domain\" to the same value to allow access.";
1868 return message + "The frame being accessed set \"document.domain\" to \"" + targetOrigin->domain() + "\", but the frame requesting access did not. Both must set \"document.domain\" to the same value to allow access.";
1888 // FIXME: The name canAccess seems to be a roundabout way to ask "can execute script".
1889 // Can we name the SecurityOrigin function better to make this more clear?
1901 Frame* activeFrame = activeWindow->frame();
1910 // For whatever reason, Firefox uses the first frame to determine the outgoingReferrer. We replicate that behavior here.
1917 // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from
1918 // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame.
1940 // Navigating the new frame could result in it being detached from its page by a navigation policy delegate.
1955 Frame* firstFrame = firstWindow->frame();
1960 // Because FrameTree::find() returns true for empty strings, we must check for empty frame names.
1961 // Otherwise, illegitimate window.open() calls with no name will pass right through the popup blocker.
1966 // Get the target frame for the special cases of _top and _parent.
2011 Frame* activeFrame = activeWindow->frame();
2014 Frame* firstFrame = firstWindow->frame();