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Lines Matching defs:ah

36 static CFStringRef AttributeHandleFormat(CFTypeRef ah, CFDictionaryRef dict) {
37 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
41 static CFStringRef AttributeHandleDebugFormat(CFTypeRef ah) {
42 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
46 static void AttributeHandleFinalize(CFTypeRef ah)
48 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
58 syslog(LOG_ERR, "over release of SecTransformAttributeRef at %p\n", ah);
106 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = _CFRuntimeCreateInstance(NULL, transform_attribute::cftype, sizeof(struct transform_attribute*), NULL);
107 if (!ah) {
110 *(struct transform_attribute **)(1 + (CFRuntimeBase*)ah) = ta;
111 return ah;
119 static void destroy_ah_search_key(void *ah) {
120 CFRelease(ah);
175 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = static_cast<SecTransformAttributeRef>(const_cast<void*>(CFSetGetValue(mAttributes, search_for)));
176 if (ah == NULL && create_ok)
185 ah = makeAH(ta);
186 if (!ah)
198 CFSetAddValue(mAttributes, ah);
236 return ah;
241 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = getAH(attrib, create_ok);
242 if (ah)
244 return ah2ta(ah);
420 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = handles[i];
421 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
426 CFRelease(ah);
511 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = getAH(key, true);
512 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
532 return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidOperation, "Can't set kSecTransformMetaAttributeHasOutboundConnections for %@ (or any other attribute)", ah);
535 return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidOperation, "Can't set kSecTransformMetaAttributeHasInboundConnection for %@ (or any other attribute)", ah);
538 return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidOperation, "kSecTransformMetaAttributeCanCycle not yet supported (%@)", ah);
545 return SetAttributeNoCallback(ah, value);
548 return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidOperation, "Can't set kSecTransformMetaAttributeRef for %@ (or any other attribute)", ah);
551 return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformErrorInvalidOperation, "Can't set kSecTransformMetaAttributeName for %@ (or any other attribute)", ah);
561 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = getAH(key, true);
562 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
581 return ah;
821 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = getAH(key, true);
822 if (!ah)
826 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
828 if (ah == AbortAH && value && (mIsActive || !ta->deferred))
855 Debug("%@ deferred value=%p\n", ah, value);
888 Debug("Propagating from %@ to %@\n", ah, ta->connections);
891 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = static_cast<SecTransformAttributeRef>(const_cast<void *>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ta->connections, i)));
892 Transform *tt = ah2ta(ah)->transform;
897 tt->SetAttribute(ah, value);
902 tt->SetAttribute(ah, value);
908 dispatch_async(ah2ta(ah)->q, ^(void) {
913 dispatch_async(ah2ta(ah)->transform->mActivationQueue, setAttribute);
933 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = getAH(key, false);
934 if (ah != NULL && ah2ta(ah)->allow_external_sets)
936 return this->SetAttribute(static_cast<CFTypeRef>(ah), value);
940 return CreateSecTransformErrorRef(kSecTransformTransformIsExecuting, "%@ can not be set while %@ is executing", ah, this->GetName());
955 SecTransformAttributeRef ah;
958 ah = key;
962 ah = getAH(static_cast<CFStringRef>(key));
963 if (!ah)
980 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
983 Do(ah, value);
1005 Debug("Send from %@ to %@ is still waiting\n", GetName(), ah);
1047 CFErrorRef Transform::Pushback(SecTransformAttributeRef ah, CFTypeRef value)
1050 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
1074 CFArrayAppendValue(mPushedback, ah);
1090 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(pb, i);
1091 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
1095 Do(ah, v);
1179 void Transform::Do(SecTransformAttributeRef ah, CFTypeRef value)
1181 transform_attribute *ta = ah2ta(ah);
1190 Debug("Ignoring value %p sent to %@ (on queue %s) during finalization", value, ah, dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_get_current_queue()));
1194 SetAttributeNoCallback(ah, value);
1200 if (mAbortError && (!(ah == this->AbortAH || ah == getTA(CFSTR("INPUT"), true)) && (value == NULL || CFGetTypeID(value) != CFErrorGetTypeID())))
1203 Debug("Ignoring value (%@) sent to %@ during abort\n", value, ah);
1205 Debug("Ignoring NULL sent to %@ during abort\n", ah);
1212 Debug("AttributeChanged: %@ (%s) = %@\n", ah, mIsActive ? "is executing" : "self notify set", value ? value : (CFTypeRef)CFSTR("(NULL)"));
1213 AttributeChanged(ah, value);
1231 void Transform::AttributeChanged(SecTransformAttributeRef ah, CFTypeRef value)
1233 AttributeChanged(ah2ta(ah)->name, value);
1652 SecTransformAttributeRef ah = getAH(keys[i]);
1654 if (NULL == ah)
1671 SetAttribute(ah, meta_values[j]);
1676 CFErrorRef result = SendMetaAttribute(ah, (SecTransformMetaAttributeType)t, meta_values[j]);
1684 CFErrorRef result = SendMetaAttribute(ah, kSecTransformMetaAttributeExternalize, kCFBooleanTrue);