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Lines Matching +refs:define +refs:modify +refs:macro

37 # - In general, valid operands for macro invocations and instructions are
50 # - A "macro" is a lambda expression, which may be either anonymous or
51 # named. But this has caveats. "macro" can take zero or more arguments,
54 # style: "macro foo (a, b) b(a) end foo(foo, foo)". Actually, don't do
58 # predicate of an "if" is assumed to be a #define that is available
59 # during code gen. So you can't use "if" for computation in a macro, but
86 macro dispatch(advance)
91 macro dispatchBranchWithOffset(pcOffset)
97 macro dispatchBranch(pcOffset)
102 macro dispatchAfterCall()
107 macro cCall2(function, arg1, arg2)
129 macro cCall4(function, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
156 macro callSlowPath(slowPath)
166 macro traceOperand(fromWhere, operand)
175 macro traceValue(fromWhere, operand)
182 macro callCallSlowPath(advance, slowPath, action)
190 macro callWatchdogTimerHandler(throwHandler)
198 macro checkSwitchToJITForLoop()
201 macro ()
214 macro loadConstantOrVariable(index, tag, payload)
229 macro loadConstantOrVariableTag(index, tag)
243 macro loadConstantOrVariable2Reg(index, tag, payload)
260 macro loadConstantOrVariablePayloadTagCustom(index, tagCheck, payload)
280 macro loadConstantOrVariablePayload(index, expectedTag, payload, slow)
283 macro (actualTag) bineq actualTag, expectedTag, slow end,
287 macro loadConstantOrVariablePayloadUnchecked(index, payload)
290 macro (actualTag) end,
294 macro writeBarrier(tag, payload)
298 macro valueProfile(tag, payload, profile)
309 macro functionArityCheck(doneLabel, slow_path)
551 macro strictEq(equalityOperation, slowPath)
577 strictEq(macro (left, right, result) cieq left, right, result end, _llint_slow_path_stricteq)
582 strictEq(macro (left, right, result) cineq left, right, result end, _llint_slow_path_nstricteq)
653 macro binaryOpCustomStore(integerOperationAndStore, doubleOperation, slowPath)
695 macro binaryOp(integerOperation, doubleOperation, slowPath)
697 macro (int32Tag, left, right, slow, index)
708 macro (left, right, slow) baddio left, right, slow end,
709 macro (left, right) addd left, right end,
716 macro (int32Tag, left, right, slow, index)
727 macro (left, right) muld left, right end,
734 macro (left, right, slow) bsubio left, right, slow end,
735 macro (left, right) subd left, right end,
742 macro (int32Tag, left, right, slow, index)
754 macro (left, right) divd left, right end,
758 macro bitOp(operation, slowPath, advance)
779 macro (left, right, slow) lshifti left, right end,
787 macro (left, right, slow) rshifti left, right end,
795 macro (left, right, slow)
806 macro (left, right, slow) andi left, right end,
814 macro (left, right, slow) xori left, right end,
822 macro (left, right, slow) ori left, right end,
933 macro loadPropertyAtVariableOffsetKnownNotInline(propertyOffset, objectAndStorage, tag, payload)
934 assert(macro (ok) bigteq propertyOffset, firstOutOfLineOffset, ok end)
941 macro loadPropertyAtVariableOffset(propertyOffset, objectAndStorage, tag, payload)
953 macro resolveGlobal(size, slow)
998 # We only do monomorphic get_by_id caching for now, and we do not modify the
1004 macro getById(getPropertyStorage)
1013 macro (propertyStorage, scratch)
1078 macro putById(getPropertyStorage)
1087 macro (propertyStorage, scratch)
1110 macro putByIdTransition(additionalChecks, getPropertyStorage)
1122 macro (propertyStorage, scratch)
1134 macro noAdditionalChecks(oldStructure, scratch)
1137 macro structureChainChecks(oldStructure, scratch)
1141 assert(macro (ok) btpnz scratch, ok end)
1143 assert(macro (ok) btpnz scratch, ok end)
1284 macro contiguousPutByVal(storeCallback)
1315 macro (operand, scratch, base, index)
1324 macro (operand, scratch, base, index)
1341 macro (operand, scratch, base, index)
1388 macro jumpTrueOrFalse(conditionOp, slow)
1403 macro equalNull(cellHandler, immediateHandler)
1425 macro (structure, value, target)
1432 macro (value, target) bieq value, NullTag, target end)
1438 macro (structure, value, target)
1444 macro (value, target) bineq value, NullTag, target end)
1462 macro compare(integerCompare, doubleCompare, slowPath)
1578 macro arrayProfileForCall()
1590 macro doCall(slowPath)
1753 macro getDeBruijnScope(deBruijinIndexOperand, scopeCheck)
1789 getDeBruijnScope(12[PC], macro (scope, scratch) end)
1804 getDeBruijnScope(8[PC], macro (scope, scratch) end)
1840 macro nativeCallTrampoline(executableOffsetToFunction)