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Lines Matching refs:events

109  * @abstract    Filename of the scheduled power events file.
119 * types to pass as Repeating events.
136 * types to pass as Repeating events.
152 * @discussion i.e. this notify(3) notification fires every time the list of scheduled power events changes.
1034 * @functiongroup Repeating power events
1065 * @discussion Private API to only be used by Energy Saver preferences panel. Note that repeating sleep & wakeup events are valid together,
1066 * and shutdown & power on events are valid together, but you cannot mix sleep & power on, or shutdown & wakeup events.
1067 * Every time you call IOPMSchedueRepeatingPowerEvent, we will cancel all previously scheduled repeating events of that type, and any
1068 * scheduled repeating events of "incompatible" types, as I just described.
1069 * @param events A CFDictionary containing two CFDictionaries at keys "RepeatingPowerOn" and "RepeatingPowerOff".
1071 time, days, and type of power events.
1074 IOReturn IOPMScheduleRepeatingPowerEvent(CFDictionaryRef events);
1079 and power off events.
1087 * @abstract Cancels all repeating power events
1117 * Returns timing details about system level power events.
1229 * The returned UUID is only useful for logging events that occurred during
1324 * SW-generated HID events history
1326 * OS PM records software generated HID events by process, for
1327 * later associating HID events that are preventing display sleep
1413 * Returns a list of major power events (sleep, wake) in chronological order.
1417 * Input: A CFArrayRef into which the series of power events is copied into
1419 * Output: A filled CFArrayRef with details of all major power events. Caller
1454 * Output: A CFDictionaryRef of detailed power events that occurred during
1466 * value: UUID identifier for this cluster of power events (CFString)
1484 * value: An array containing details of individual power events within
1494 * within the Power events array is structured as:
1957 * receive notifications for Sleep, FullWake, and DarkWake system events.
2182 * User activity events include:
2183 * <ul><li>HID events