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Lines Matching defs:Exception

4 package Test::Exception;
26 Test::Exception - Test exception based code
31 use Test::Exception;
35 use Test::Exception tests => 5;
76 You can specify the test plan when you C<use Test::Exception> in the same way as C<use Test::More>.
79 NOTE: Test::Exception only checks for exceptions. It will ignore other methods of stopping
80 program execution - including exit(). If you have an exit() in evalled code Test::Exception
160 Like all other Test::Exception functions you can avoid prototypes by passing a subroutine explicitly:
324 Sometimes we want to use Test::Exception tests in a test suite, but don't want to force the user to have Test::Exception installed. One way to do this is to skip the tests if Test::Exception is absent. You can do this with code something like this:
331 eval "use Test::Exception";
332 plan skip_all => "Test::Exception needed" if $@;
336 # ... tests that need Test::Exception ...
338 Note that we load Test::Exception in a C<BEGIN> block ensuring that the subroutine prototypes are in place before the rest of the test script is compiled.
343 There are some edge cases in Perl's exception handling where Test::Exception will miss exceptions
346 a future Test::Exception release.
362 You can find users of Test::Exception, including the module author, on L<http://www.perlmonks.org/>. Feel free to ask questions on Test::Exception there.
366 The CPAN Forum is a web forum for discussing Perl's CPAN modules. The Test::Exception forum can be found at L<http://www.cpanforum.com/dist/Test-Exception>.
370 AnnoCPAN is a web site that allows community annotations of Perl module documentation. The Test::Exception annotations can be found at L<http://annocpan.org/~ADIE/Test-Exception/>.
429 =item L<http://del.icio.us/tag/Test::Exception>
431 Delicious links on Test::Exception.