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5 # and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
436 # their literal form only when used as markup delimiters, or within a comment,
964 # do nothing if current schema is the same as new
1189 # Will encode arrays using doc-literal style
1222 warn qq!Cannot encode @{[$name ? "'$name'" : 'unnamed']} element as 'hash'. Will be encoded as 'map' instead\n! if $^W;
1240 warn qq!Cannot encode @{[$name ? "'$name'" : 'unnamed']} element as 'hash'. Will be encoded as 'map' instead\n! if $^W;
1409 # try to define namespace that could be stored as
1411 # ? attribute in method's element as xmlns= or xmlns:${prefix}=
1413 # b) attribute in Envelope element as xmlns= or xmlns:${prefix}=
1426 ? ( $method_is_data && $^W && warn("URI is not provided as an attribute for method ($method)\n"),
1543 # as the last element inside the Body
1742 sub headerof { # SOAP::Header is the same as SOAP::Data, so just rebless it
1930 # text as input
2045 # # as reported by David Dyck <dcd@tc.fluke.com>
2055 # $name is not used here since type should be encoded as type, not as name
2295 my @mandatory = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{shift()} : die "list of parameters expected as the first parameter for byName";
2307 return @{pop->method}{ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{shift()} : die "list of parameters expected as the first parameter for byName"};
2573 # send object back as a header
2579 # SOAP::Dispatcher will plug-in here as well
2825 my $default_style = $_->binding->style;
2831 my $invocationStyle = $_->operation->style || $default_style || "rpc";
3593 This is the constructor of the class. Many of the accessor methods defined here may be initialized at creation by providing their name as a key, followed by the desired value. The example provides the value for the proxy element of the client.
3619 The proxy is the server or endpoint to which the client is going to connect. It shouldn't be confused with the uri method discussed later, which refers to a different element of the conversation. This method allows the setting of the endpoint, along with any extra information that the transport object may need when communicating the request. Indeed, this method is actually an alias to the proxy method of L<SOAP::Transport>. It is the same as typing:
3623 When extra information is needed, it is also passed in the call to this method. Connecting to a server that uses browser cookies for authentication can be done by creating an instance of the HTTP::Cookies class (from the LWP package) and passing it as the value following a key of cookie_jar. The value for sockettime-outs may also be set this way. The full range of options vary by transport method. One common theme is that the endpoint string is always the first argument, with all additional arguments following it.
3655 C<SOAP::Lite> offers some support for creating method stubs from service descriptions. At present, only WSDL support is in place. This method loads the specified WSDL schema and uses it as the basis for generating stubs.
3661 Controls whether the returned information from a remote method call is the raw XML from the server. The default is to process the data from the server and present it to the caller as an object of the L<SOAP::SOM> class. If the application prefers to use a different parser or do something else entirely with the results, this method may be used to inhibit the parsing of the returned information.
3733 If no parameter is given, returns the current version of SOAP that is being used by the client object to encode requests. If a parameter is given, the method attempts to set that as the version of SOAP being used. The value should be either 1.1 or 1.2.
3743 The namespace label used for the main SOAP namespace elements (such as Envelope, Body, and the attributes) defaults to SOAP-ENV. As has been discussed in earlier chapters, the label itself isn't important. But applications that wish to explicitly choose a different one (such as env to denote a SOAP 1.2 message) may do so with this method.
3753 As with the envprefix method, this gets or sets the label used for the namespace of the encoding rules. The default value is SOAP-ENC, as is generally used in SOAP 1.1 messages, though the label itself has no actual meaning.
3757 While it may seem to be an unnecessary operation to set a value that isn't relevant to the message, such as the namespace labels for the envelope and encoding URNs, the ability to set these labels explicitly can prove to be a great aid in distinguishing and debugging messages on the server side of operations.
3769 Where the earlier method dealt with the label used for the attributes related to the SOAP encoding scheme, this method actually sets the URN to be specified as the encoding scheme for the message. The default is to specify the encoding for SOAP 1.1, so this is handy for applications that need to encode according to SOAP 1.2 rules.
3791 The URI associated with this accessor on a client object is the service-specifier for the request, often encoded for HTTP-based requests as the SOAPAction header. While the names may seem confusing, this method doesn't specify the endpoint itself. In most circumstances, the C<uri> refers to the namespace used for the request.
3803 Controls how the serializer handles values that have multiple references to them. Recall from previous SOAP chapters that a value may be tagged with an identifier, then referred to in several places. When this is the case for a value, the serializer defaults to putting the data element towards the top of the message, right after the opening tag of the method-specification. It is serialized as a standalone entity with an ID that is then referenced at the relevant places later on. If this method is used to set a true value, the behavior is different. When the multirefinplace attribute is true, the data is serialized at the first place that references it, rather than as a separate element higher up in the body. This is more compact but may be harder to read or trace in a debugging environment.
3817 The following method isn't an accessor style of method but neither does it fit with the group that immediately follows it:
3825 As has been illustrated in previous chapters, the C<SOAP::Lite> client objects can manage remote calls with auto-dispatching using some of Perl's more elaborate features. call is used when the application wants a greater degree of control over the details of the call itself. The method may be built up from a L<SOAP::Data> object, so as to allow full control over the namespace associated with the tag, as well as other attributes like encoding. This is also important for calling methods that contain characters not allowable in Perl function names, such as A.B.C.
3837 Triggered when the transport object sets up the SOAPAction header for an HTTP-based call. The default is to set the header to the string, uri#method, in which URI is the value set by the uri method described earlier, and method is the name of the method being called. When called, the routine referenced (or the closure, if specified as in the example) is given two arguments, uri and method, in that order.
3849 Occasionally, the serializer may be given data it can't turn into SOAP-savvy XML; for example, if a program bug results in a code reference or something similar being passed in as a parameter to method call. When that happens, this callback is activated, with one argument. That argument is the data item that could not be understood. It will be the only argument. If the routine returns, the return value is pasted into the message as the serialization. Generally, an error is in order, and this callback allows for control over signaling that error.
3879 C<SOAP::Lite> clients can specify attachments to be sent along with a request by using the C<SOAP::Lite::parts()> method, which takes as an argument an ARRAY of C<MIME::Entity>'s.
3960 my $soap1 = new SOAP::Lite; # will get the same proxy()/uri() as above
3963 my $soap2 = SOAP::Lite->new; # same thing as above
4028 $paramout1 = $paramsout[0]; # gives you 'res2', same as ($r->paramsout)[0]
4029 $paramout2 = $paramsout[1]; # gives you 'res3', same as ($r->paramsout)[1]
4031 Generally, if server returns C<return (1,2,3)> you will get C<1> as the result and C<2> and C<3> as out parameters.
4037 Furthermore, if you have in your output parameters a parameter with the same signature (name+type) as in the input parameters this parameter will be mapped into your input automatically. For example:
4130 # same as MODULE, but gives access to ONLY particular method,
4276 SOAP::Lite allows users to disable the use of explicit namespaces through the C<use_prefix()> method. For example, the following code:
4378 =item SOAP::Lite serializes "18373" as an integer, but I want it to be a string!
4382 Suppose you wanted to case every element of an array as a string. Then the following code will change the precedence of SOAP::Seriailizer's is-a-string test to be the first test run. Because the is-a-string test always returns C<true> every element will be determined to be a string.
4449 ./configure --disable-rule=EXPAT
4480 fragments, encoded as strings. Providing low-level details, parser will call
4484 which are encoded as base64Binary, don't have this problem and difference in
4487 the same string encoded as base64Binary.
4496 If you want to encode specific string as base64, just do
4531 No support for multidimensional, partially transmitted and sparse arrays (however arrays of arrays are supported, as well as any other data structures, and you can add your own implementation with SOAP::Data).
4603 it under the same terms as Perl itself.