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66 ;			waking up from sleep), a RESET_HANDLER_BUPOR (which is using for bring up
99 resetexc: cmplwi r13,RESET_HANDLER_BUPOR ; Special bring up POR sequence?
382 mtctr r11 ; set up branch to syscall handler
638 .short uftNormalSyscall-baseR ; 0001 1 0x7FF1 is Set Thread Info Fast Trap (pass up)
642 .short uftNormalSyscall-baseR ; 0001 5 0x7FF5 is the Null FastPath Trap (pass up)
1175 * set up:
1254 ; Remember, we are setting up CR6 with feature flags
1282 lis r4,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)|MASK(MSR_FP)|MASK(MSR_ME)) ; Set up the MSR we will use throughout. Note that ME come on here if MCK
1325 bf+ wasNapping,notNapping ; Skip if not waking up from nap...
1327 lwz r6,napStamp+4(r2) ; Pick up low order nap stamp
1331 lwz r6,napTotal+4(r2) ; Pick up low total
1333 lwz r8,napTotal(r2) ; Pick up the high total
1594 lis r0,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)|MASK(MSR_FP)|MASK(MSR_ME)) ; Set up the MSR we will use throughout. Note that ME come on here if MCK
1666 ; Remember, we are setting up CR6 with feature flags
1692 bf++ wasNapping,notNappingSF ; Skip if not waking up from nap...
1694 ld r6,napStamp(r2) ; Pick up nap stamp
1697 ld r6,napTotal(r2) ; Pick up total
1954 lwz r22,SAVflags(r13) ; Pick up the flags
2061 bnl++ cr0,PassUp ; R0 not 0b10xxx...x, can not be any kind of magical system call, just pass it up...
2349 b EatRupt ; Start it up...
2363 lwz r27,savesrr1+4(r13) ; Pick up srr1
2380 ; We need to fix up the BATs here because the probe
2381 ; routine messed them all up... As long as we are at it,
2382 ; fix up to return directly to caller of probe.
2388 lwz r30,0(r11) ; Pick up DBAT 0 high
2389 lwz r28,4(r11) ; Pick up DBAT 0 low
2390 lwz r27,8(r11) ; Pick up DBAT 1 high
2391 lwz r18,16(r11) ; Pick up DBAT 2 high
2392 lwz r11,24(r11) ; Pick up DBAT 3 high
2408 b EatRupt ; Yum, yum, eat it all up...
2515 beq++ mckNoFix ; No fix up is needed
2563 ld r7,0(r4) ; Pick up the saved ESID
2565 beq mckSLBrec ; Whoops, I did bad, recover and pass up...
2595 b ueMck ; Pass the software error up...
2702 bne mckhIFUE ; Go count and pass up...
2793 ; Right here is where we end up after a failure on a ml_probe_read_64.
2794 ; We will check if that is the case, and if so, fix everything up and
2808 blt-- ueMck ; This is a normal machine check, just pass up...
2830 li r0,1 ; Set the recovered flag before passing up
2834 b PassUpTrap ; Go up and log error...
2836 ueMck: li r0,0 ; Set the unrecovered flag before passing up
2838 b PassUpTrap ; Go up and log error and probably panic
2847 ; tossed as part of the pass up code. Additionally, because we will not be nullifying
2884 b PassUpTrap ; Go pass it on up...
2906 lwz r4,SAVflags(r13) ; Pick up the flags
2919 ; SRs are already set up.
2926 b PassUp ; Go pass it up...
2930 b PassUp ; Go pass it up...
2936 b PassUp ; Go pass it up...
2948 b PassUpTrap ; Go pass it up...
2955 b PassUp ; Go pass it up...
2994 notaninjct: lwz r10,SAVflags(r13) ; Pick up the flags
3000 rlwinm r10,r10,0,SAVredriveb+1,SAVredriveb-1 ; Clear the redrive before we pass it up
3007 xor r4,r13,r5 ; Pass up the virtual address of context savearea
3015 mtsrr0 r20 ; Set up the handler address
3016 mtsrr1 r21 ; Set up our normal MSR value
3037 * that has the context we need to load up. Translation and interruptions
3062 lwz r30,quickfret+4(r29) ; Pick up the quick fret list, if any
3077 lwz r30,SAVflags(r31) ; Pick up the flags
3097 ; Note that we will NEVER pass an interrupt up without first dealing with this savearea.
3100 ; will nullify any injected code and pass the interrupt up in the original savearea. A normal
3101 ; inject completion will merge the original context into the new savearea and pass that up.
3103 ; Note that the following code which sets up the injection will only be executed when
3123 injctit: lwzx r6,r5,r3 ; Pick up the instruction
3332 eat64a: ld r30,quickfret(r29) ; Pick up the quick fret list, if any
3349 ernoqfre64: lwz r30,SAVflags(r31) ; Pick up the flags
3369 ; Note that we will NEVER pass an interrupt up without first dealing with this savearea.
3372 ; will nullify any injected code and pass the interrupt up in the original savearea. A normal
3373 ; inject completion will merge the original context into the new savearea and pass that up.
3375 ; Note that the following code which sets up the injection will only be executed when
3398 injctit2: lwzx r6,r5,r3 ; Pick up the instruction
3582 lis r30,hi16(MASK(MSR_VEC)|MASK(MSR_FP)|MASK(MSR_ME)) ; Set up the MSR we will use throughout. Note that ME come on here if MCK
3613 lwz r4,SAVflags(r31) ; Pick up the flags